What went wrong?

What went wrong?

literally nothing

No new content, almost a year after release

Your opinion

Balancing and not a big enough map pool and game modes.

say it with me




Ana ruined the game

Nothing, it is quite successful even.
>No new content, almost a year after release

nothing, they got exactly the audience they wanted.

Ana being OP
Sombra being useless

The game was at its best on launch, prove me wrong.

cancerous game desgin
cancerous game developper
literally cancer: the game



You think you do, but you don't.

Tracer being a lesbian

It just sold its 25 millionth copy, and it won multiple GOTY awards, so not much went wrong.

What went right?

>The game was at its best on launch, prove me wrong.
Got the game on release. It felt like a TF2 upgrade and had the novelty thing with it. But the game's been updating really fucking slow and I'm seriously getting tired of it. Almost all of my friends are all excited and been playing 300+ hours but I'm at 150 and i really can't get myself to keep playing

>using cancer as an adjective
Why not just add "toxic community" while you are at it, reddit faggot.

They should have never renamed Team Fortress 2 to that & allowed girls to join.

>What went right?


Needs more gun skins.


They consistently fuck the game over with awful balance patches and no content updates.

Waifus and easy to grasp gameplay.

People care more about their headcanon for the heroes than they do the gameplay

The game was designed so people wouldn't have a reason to dislike it instead of so that people would have a reason to like it. That's why it got so boring so fast.

Also everyone ended up sperging out and making themselves the reason to dislike it anyway.

awful movement
awful balance
awful level design
awful character skills

The game makes it so you have to fill a small slot and only that slot unless you're like a handful of characters that have way more abilities than similar class characters. As 1 player, you can only make a difference if you're playing poorly. It's very difficult for 1 player to outplay and carry more weight than the rest so the balance is broken if you're not at strength 6v6.

>awful movement

Are you a consolefag?

it has lesbians and gays characters

no i like titanfall 2

No, PC.

It is one of the worst feeling PC shooters I've ever felt. Most characters lack mobility and in general the game feels very slow and clumsy.

The balance. That's about it though


You're waifu is a whore.

Ofcourse I'm shilling. I'm sorry it got so popular so fast.


pressing Q to win

i stopped playing after the olympic event. there was that one tracer skin i really wanted (track skin) i never got it..every other skin via boxes and there was no chance to get it later..that pissed me off so much that i never played again

Is it just me or is Mercy's heal just slightly slower than nerfed Ana nade + Ana sniper heal?

I got to 3k easy with Ana, but now it seems I just can't keep anyone alive well, all the while I can solo heal as Mercy now and have no issues.

The Ana nade did need a nerf, but I think the 1 second nerf killed her healing. I'd gladly take 50% on the debuff opposed to 100% to get that 1 second back.


>not getting excited about Torbjorn as a power bottom
It's like you're some kind of faggot

>Most characters lack mobility
Ok first, this isn't a valid criticism since every every character had mobility you wouldn't be able to abilities or heroes counterbalanced by poor mobility, like fat big characters who intentionally move slowly (Roadhog, Reinhardt) and smaller characters whose powerful abilites are balanced by their poor mobility (Zenyatta). A game of purely highly mobile heroes would be retarded

Second, you're not even right, more than half the heroes do have at least some mobility options, ranging from minor movement tricks to full on flying around and teleporting

Widowmaker - grapple hook
Winston - giant leaps
D.Va - can literally fly around
Genji - double jump, wall climbing, dash
Hanzo - wall climbing
Tracer - can blink around and recall
Lucio - wall riding, speed boost aura
Mercy - can fly to allies and hover
Mei - can ice wall herself and allies to higher ground
Soldier - can run fast and rocket jump
Pharah - Can fly around, can use concussive blast for burst lateral movement, can also rocket jump
Zarya - can use her right click to jump high
Bastion - can rocket jump during his ult
Reaper - Can shadowstep
Sombra - can run fast AND teleport
Junkrat - can remote mine jump

>Pressing Q to win
t. gold SR

Both teams have ultimates, so that's a fucking retarded thing to say

It's like saying
>can shoot the other team with lmb to win

You know you can counter ultimates right?

You can counter ults with good positioning, shotcalling, focus fire. Even without those basic skills you can use abilities to counter ults.

Flash bang
Sleep dart
Zarya's bubbles
Reinhardt's shield
Mei ice wall
Genji deflect
Sombra hack
D.Va defence matrix

Then of course you have defensive ults to counter offensive ults with:
Reinhardt earth shatter
Sound barrier

It feels terrible to die to someone because they pressed Q right next to you. It's just the most frustrating game mechanic to have these broken abilities which often wipe the enemy team. And in many situations there is no counterplay whatsoever.

99% of gaymirs have shit taste