So how much do you wanna bet that the Zelda fanbase is gonna hate Breath of the Wild and start retroactively praising Skyward Sword?
So how much do you wanna bet that the Zelda fanbase is gonna hate Breath of the Wild and start retroactively praising...
wouldn't be surprised
The Zelda Cycle is not real. People just have different opinions. They always have.
Pretty much guaranteed
It has already begun.
don't give the sonyggers ideas, the BotW threads are bad enough already
>The Zelda Cycle is not real. People just have different opinions. They always have.
Too deep and complex for the simpletons of Sup Forums.
The Zelda series is too big and diverse to try and distill the fans into one kind of faction.
People love Zelda for different reasons. Every Zelda is someone's favourite Zelda.
This will happen shit has started since wind waker
>praising skyward sword
For what? Hand-holding?
Every Zelda game.
>Yfw chances are Botw and HZD fans probably would enjoy both games due to similar gameplay and these console wars bait threads are made by PC cucks that are mad they won't be getting either game
But I don't care I'll have horizon for when I'm at home and Zelda for when I'm on the go.
>The Zelda Cycle is not real.
Skyward Sword was pretty coold, despite all the hand-holding. Much better than Twilight Princess, that is.
I already love skyward sword, but I think BotW will be miles better.
Why does this game look it's covered in piss colored fog. Skyward sword at least had colors
>shit only happened with wind waker
Fixed it for you.
I like Skyward Sword and always have. That being said, it's still an underachieving Zelda game.
What does Skyward Sword have that could possibly be praised for?
Linearity I guess.
I can tell you that I won't.
Skyward Sword has some good moments, the Story wasnt that bad, the character desing was good, i loved the Artstyle too, and some Dungeons and bosses were Great
Koloktos was god tier but then you have shit like Mike Wazowski and The Imprisoned
i really cant see myself hating this game
plateau stuff alone makes it worthwhile already, and the other stuff in it cant be much worse than that
Except it's mostly the faggots who love Twilight Princess that hate Skyward Sword. Far better than that average game.
This needs to be updated.
Never really understood the SS hate. I loved it when I played it and still think the gameplay is the best of the series once you realize that you have to he subtle and can't swing the remote around like an idiot.
The section where you take that time machine boat out on the desert was awesome, looked excellent and was a really cool idea. The dungeons were also very good and I thought the tear trials were well done as well, I didn't mind doing them again unlike in TP where I hated it.
That said, I also really liked TP and everyone shits on it so maybe I just enjoy vidya more than the average Sup Forums poster.
Sup Forums will, but thats inevitable
It's already guaranteed though.
Normies already like skyward sword
I will never, but I gave it a chance and I will give botw a chance too
Literally the 2 worst bosses, every thing else ranges from okay to great
It reminded me too much of a ps era naughty dogs game
That was disgusting because Zelda before ss always felt very original
Pretty much this.
People were just let down by TP because of all the hype it garnered and couldn't possibly live up to. SS was also a genuinely bad game, so of course people will compare it to the previous one.
Yeah, Lanayru mining facility and the Sandship could have been the greatest dungeons in the game, but their half assed bosses make them a bad ending, still great dungeons tho.
The time Shift stones are great concepts i hope they return in BotW.
Skyward Sword sucks, but the more hated a game is on Sup Forums, the more vocal are their defenders.
In other words, no more people is going to like SS than the ones that already like it, you're just going to pay more attention to them.
Tentalus was such a simplistic boss that it was almost insulting to be handed that at so late in the game.
People on Sup Forums and other such sites, most definitely.
Regular normies will just eat that shit up and claim it's the best game evurr as always.
Ancient Cistern, Sand Sea, Sandship, Koloktos, Skykeep, Lanaryu Mining Facility, Moldarach, Ghirahim, Demise final fight, inventary management, item customization/progression
Objectively speaking, Skyward Sword is a brilliant game. Just a piss-poor Zelda game.
>Aonuma: There’s a “Zelda cycle.”
.Iwata: Yes. Bill Trinen-san13 at Nintendo of America – who always plays a big role in preparing the overseas versions of The Legend of Zelda games – always talks about the “Zelda cycle”.
>Aonuma: Basically, as time progresses, negative opinions about The Legend of Zelda turn into positive ones. At first, I wasn’t sure about that, but seeing the response to The Wind Waker HD, I think it may be right.
>Bill Trinen
>Nintendo of America
>always talks about "the Zelda Cycle"
Excellent dungeons, best implementation of motion controls in a video game.
The final Demise fight was garbage. It was all settled on atmosphere that was not properly built up. If he'd been unchained from The Imprisoned half way through the game had character built to be the end all and be all of evil like he literally is in the lore, then that would have been better. The problem is that he's released and then goes "Okay, prophecy says this is the part where you kill me, so follow me into the sacred realm."
Things that it did well:
>Cistern and Sandship
>Boss Rush
Half assed stuff they included, you could see them as a positive or a negative:
>Upgrade system
>Bird riding
Things that killed whatever they had going:
>Even worse overworld than WW
>Art style, game was trapped between cartoony and serious...Tentalus was a disaster
>three (3) Imprisoned battles
It certainly has things you want to come back in future games, like a more detailed and complex upgrade system and it also has some solid dungeon design. It's not all negative, but overall it's a boring Zelda title and the worse one so far.
How could you not like the Skyward Sword soundtrack...?
Totally agree mate
Not him, but it didn't have the same melodic tracks you'd come to expect. It was far more atmospheric, which for me sort of clashed with the cartoony style chosen.
Hajime Wakai wasn't really built for Zelda games.
Twilight Princess had better motion controls. Aiming wasn't fucked and while waggle added nothing to the swordplay it didn't actively detract from it by turning the game into a tedious version of simon says.
And that's giving Skyward Sword the benefit of the doubt by assuming the motion controls actually worked 100% of the time.
It was a let down from the get go. Didn't help that the main track was just a backwards arrangement of Zelda's Lullaby.
In my opinion it wasted the orchestra, it was not a bad soundtrack, but it was the most basic soundtrack you could get, certainly not there with the rest of the titles despite this one having the advantage of an orchestrated soundtrack.
I mean, Super Mario Galaxy and SMG2 already have classic tunes, while SS failed at delivering such thing, something unusual for a Zelda title.
Fair enough I suppose but I don't know... if anything, I can barely recall any tracks from Twilight Princess, but I remember the 25th Anniversary CD that came with SS, and loved all the SS songs that were on it.
I love the WW suite the most, and the TP suite was decent, but I really enjoyed the SS soundtrack, just starting with the epic Ballad of the Goddess, and even the Skyloft theme which fits it perfectly
Not to mention Fi's song.
I don't know, it's fair if it isn't your favorite soundtrack but to put the Soundtrack in the "Things that killed whatever they had going:" just seems like an extreme hyperbole to me...
That does not seem like a well-agreed-upon review from everything that I have read about other opinions
I literally cannot recall a single song from SS. And no, Ballad of the Goddess doesn't count because, as the user above you said, it's literally Zelda's Lullaby but backwards.
I'm sure Skyloft sounded nice, because I don't remember the music being bad per se, but it just wasn't up to par with what you'd come to expect from a Zelda game. That is, music that knew how to be both melodic and atmospheric at the same time.
Unless you're exclusively referring to the way medals/shields/potions are handled the inventory management is pretty garbage because having to use Gyro controls to select everything with no dedicated mappable item buttons was shit and made item use in combat and on the go the worst it has been in a while.
what similar gameplay lmao? hzd doens't have dungeons and you mainly use a bow
Fi's song
The Sky theme, while flying, was pretty epic too
Ghirahim's theme which is a great eerie villians theme
and Ballad of the Goddess sounds completely different and certainly does count
It's fine if you didn't connect with the soundtrack but I still don't think your relationship with it justifies it being a "bad quality" of the game
>The Sky theme, while flying, was pretty epic too
So this is Skyward Sword's fanbase?
It's not that the songs are bad, but they're pretty simple/forgettable/basic in contrast of the best tracks from other Zelda games and I might add other Nintendo games from the Wii era.
I mean, even Brawl's theme, which I think it's a bit rubbish is more memorable than any track from SS.
Great soundtrack though.
Im not but i think to that the SS Ost was Good, The Fi's Farewell, Ghirahim battle themes, Lanayru's songs and dungeon theme, Skyloft, and some bosses and othee dungeons songs that i dont remember the title but remember how it sounded.
Well, I won't argue it against the N64 titles or anything, but I still can't think of many Twilight Princess songs, although I probably had the least connection with that game, having played it during a busy schooling time in my life. Skyward Sword I had a ton of more time to get to know and love the music. And I'm not really a fan of the TP music chamber choir sound throughout the OST, or alternatively the country bumpkin guitar licks.
I'm not saying the tracks were bad by any measure. They just weren't as good as previous games. Compare Skyloft to Windfall Island, or Dragonroost Island, or Goron Village, or Clock Town. I don't think a single Skyward Sword track can even convey the same level of dark atmosphere as Clock Town Day 3 while still staying just as cheerfully melodic.
My point is that Zelda has garnered a reputation for masterful music, especially tailored to the setting. Yes, Skyward Sword has pretty good music, but any game can have pretty good music.
>fight Scervo in the past
>boss room is the Captain's cabin in the past
>expecting to fight Scervo in the past, where he'll be fully functional and way harder
>get glowy-eye purple octopus
I was mad.
>Ballad of the Goddess
Am I the only one that thinks it sounds off? I mean, I appreciate they wanted to pay homage to Zelda's lullaby but I think it sounds like ass, no matter how much harmony gimmick they shoved it in with.
Nah, I also think the same.
And im still waiting to hear you list a memorable track from Twilight Princess which i mentioned a few times already ITT - i dont recall any songs from that game but recall plenty from SS.
And i dont know, songs like Fi's theme especially can ellicit just as imaginitive thougts as a lot of the tracks you listed, which is probably why it was used for so much promotional material
Zelda cycle was broken with the 3ds game, can't wait to hear what ss famboys will come up with when botw is loved
If BotW gets haters, we're done with vidya. They're literally doing things that people have been asking for since forever, like Open World and equipment crafting. I bet haters will come with "it's too sparse and empty, I'd prefer SS linearity".
Midna's Lament, Hidden Village, Blizzeta, Zant's theme, Puppet Zelda's battle theme.
What's your obsession with Twilight Princess? I listed tracks from three other games.
Not that guy, but Midna's Lament and Hidden Village are already classics.
The Zelda "Cycle" is really more of a decline. The 3D games have been getting worse since Majora's Mask. This is kind of indisputable, although there is some leeway between TP and WW, depending on personal tastes/tolerances.
Because its the most recent game to compare to... and I think SS's OST was a step up from it. So i think they are on the upswing
Both had great tracks IMO
Well, I clearly disagree. You just can't beat Koji Kondo.
Don't you guys fight, both SS and TP were low points for the music in the saga. They weren't terrible, just not as memorable.
BotW's music direction is already more memorable and recognisable than whatever SS and TP were attempting.
I honestly don't care.
I absolutely despise nintendo consoles and what they keep doing (making their games only on their platforms so people buy it instead of just dropping their console and start making games on pc/ps4 xbone)
But I am going to buy switch anyway because I am too excited for the zelda game and mario odyssey doesnt look that bad either and I hate myself for that.
Fuck nintendo.
I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Probably, it makes sense. It's not like anyone would be against one system having every game out there.
Unless you're really into console wars.
Sadly its not, the only reason as to why i will buy this piece of shit software is botw, mario and maybe xenoblade. Thats why I hate them, because these are most likely the only interesting things that will come out for switch in 2017
They could just let their shitty gimmicky consoles go and make games for other platforms.
Ah, so you're just retarded then.
Neck yourself
I would have liked to see it as a new IP. Even still, it was way too long with too much filler, and the way the same three areas kept getting re-used was kind of embarrassing. Fuck, and the recycled boss fight with the big black thing was painful. Oh, and the sky was just the worst overworld ever, completely empty.
I take it back. Every time I actually reflect on Skyward Sword, I am forced to remember just how fucking bad it was. The motion controls worked very well, and are arguably the best implementation of the Wii's gimmick, but that's just a cherry on a shit sundae.
>Didn't help that the main track was just a backwards arrangement of Zelda's Lullaby.
This. It was such a shitty song, but I'm sure whoever forced those notes into that vague melody was very proud of himself.
I liked Skyward Sword a lot , in fact i am But Twilight Princess has God Tier music.
And i can continue.
Buy it used user. Don't give them money for something you don't like.
Most recent to compare to is Hyrule Warriors
Best soundtrack of all.
I forget people like these meme-tier characters. Japan sucks at writing likable characters, and NoA sucks even harder at localizing them.
At this point, I'd rather they go back to having an abandonned Hyrule, apart from shopkeeps and whatnot. I don't really want Zelda games to have a "supporting cast".
No, it's bad. The "hurrr, do it backwards!" trope is always a mistake.
BotW already confirmed Beedle and his ugly Muppet design face.
normies are going to love botw because it's going to play like an elder scrolls game with actual gameplay.
Maybe im retarded but i honestly have no clue what you all are talking about
Ballad of the goddess doesnt sound anything like a backwards track and sounds completely new
Played the game long after it was released, so I missed the groose memefest. It worked for the game, which I believe it should be worthy of noticing; it was nice to see a character having development even if it was goofy. However, I can see it not working in another title and probably ruining future Zeldas if they try to force something similar.
TP was hated so much when it was first released.
WW was loved when it was released.
Except it IS a backwards track. And nobody is arguing that it does/doesn't sound new. We're arguing that it sounds bad.
>I want to play Nintendo games but i don't want to buy a Nintendo console WAHHH why can't they put their games on the console /I/ own?
>zelda cycle meme
Fuck off you fucking retard, not gonna happen unless BotW manages to suck even more than SS which is barely possible but knowing modern Nintendo I'm not so sure.
I know it is but it doesn't sound like it at all, it does not sound contrived is what I mean, and I think it sounds amazing; so does Nintendo apparently as they put it on the 25th Anniversary OST over dozens of other tracks
Probably because they already had the arrangement of it.
>I hate Nintendo because they have exclusives
There is absolutely no way BotW is worse than SS. It could possibly be worse than TP depending on the quality of dungeons but SS is trash.
>WW was loved when it was released.
What timeline are you from?