Most characters in Smash 4 are very dishonest and win by safe aerial pokes and free down throw combos like it's a flowchart. But surely some characters in Smash 4 take skill and earn their wins right Sup Forums?
Who is the most honest character in Smash 4?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Always lose to the neutral game
>Complain about flow charts when follow-ups are the reward for winning the neutral game
If you'd rather avoid all of that nonsense, you could be a campy faggot and run away with mild chip damage for six minutes. Might as well play Olimar at that point.
lil mac is a lil bitch
How do i get godlike understanding of the neutral game
This is the only honest character in the entirety of Smash 4
So is Mii Swordfighter
OMG Brow show some respect
Wii Fit Trainer
Hey, if this is who I think it is I finally was able to get my drawing from my flash drive.
hope you like it
Is bowser jr a meme character?
No, but Bayo is
>Pic related
He's literally the most honest player in the game.
Rosalina is so much fun to play as!!
Nerf bowser!!!! All he does is literally fish for grabs!!!! He doesnt even have to throw out and attack!!! Whats sakurai end game when he buffed bowser dlete!!!
the best
Contrast here I wish but pivot f-smash and the back of u-tilt are dishonest at times, not to mention KO punch and the up angled d-tilt KO punch which is true 0% to death on falcon
Git gud
These are the only characters that are honest and not so shit that they're still somewhat relevant in the meta
Glad you like it, I wanna do some other mac drawings too, but there are things I'm drawing for others first.
>jab to up b
>down b can gimp at 0
is there a name for this meme?
>jab to up b
That's not true, stop blaming the character
His abysmal air game and jumps cancels all that shit out. Mac is an honest underdog who is almost never played to his potential and just wants to be a champion.
Theres a danger hidden in the grab spam son with a long ranged grab comes great responsibility not to abuse its powers.
Yeah Mac really does have to be played with movement, patience and insanely good reactions.
actually at mid high percents it is true if they are caught in hit lag or a 50/50 between airdodge which can be punished by jab jab hold shield up b out of shield haha.
Is Lucina honest?
Of course she is!
Does Ike count as honest?
Yes but she's also shit
Play Marth
Why play marth when Lucina exist though?
lucina is CUUUTE
Here's a tip. lrn 2 tip
Robin is most honest character hands down
Honest is just scrub codeword for "bad"
Rosalina has never won a major
Dedede is honest in 1v1 but dishonest in FFA, he's probably one of the best FFA characters in the game.
>Whats sakurai end game when he buffed bowser
make a grappler i guess
Maybe if a non shit player picks her up, Dabuz and the other shitters have been doing progressively worse despite the fact she's the only top tier that hasn't been nerfed
>tfw everyone who used to play and further the meta of your character dropped him like a hot load of garbage
Still my one true main though.
Haven't really been into smash 4 since it came out but I'm trying to get back into it now.
Anyone got good advice for the neutral game? Any advice for playing against Diddy and Cloud players? Those are the two that most consistently fuck me up online.
who do you play?
You're retarded
Little Mac vs Pac Man is one of the most dishonest Match ups in all of Smash 4.
so is this just the Sup Forumskend (week) edition
someone update the player chart already
I play Samus and R.O.B. pretty much exclusively. I guess I'd feel they're honest.
Especially Samus, since she's really under-powered, you just have to work that much more to achieve shit.
exposing your braindead character doesn't make me retarded
Good Samuses shit on my Dedede consistently so props to you, I always have to bust out Wario/Dr. Mario.
>only fish for grabs
Thats a curb stomper for average players or those who dont know the matchup. The best Bowsers use everything he has to much greater results. Like Lord Mix or Cassius.
Grab spam bowsers can murder at a certain skill level but like fsmash spam macs it stops working at a certain point
Still haven't figured out my main. I was using Yoshi but that fucks up my Melee Yoshi so I don't want to stick with him.
Yeah, I probably need to settle on a main before I can truly get gud. Captain Falcon seems fun so I might stick with him. Which character(s) would you say has the best movement options? What Sm4sh characters have greatest mobility?
This one?
I meant this one but that one could maybe use tweaking too
And good Dedede's are hard to handle in turn, but yeah the Marios are so god damn tough to fight as her.
Get rid of that dishonest italian fucker and this is an okay list.
I nominate myself for rosalina, gravy or falafel can take my cloud I guess :x
Little Mac and Falcon have amazing movement options on the ground since their dash animation cancels into another dash animation allowing them to use extended dash trotting very well.
It's difficult to do but with practice you can do things like dash attack, perfect pivot u-tilts, AB pivot smashes and roll cancel grabs, cross through jab/d-tilt.
With Falcon he can also make use of his dash grab, dash attack and cross through jab/grab but since he lacks good tilts it's not recommended you extend tilts with him since Falcons tilts aren't as good
I'll need to take your Lucina spot too, I'm afraid.
Fight me for it....
On friday
I'd probably lose anyways :c
contrast here
want me to make a FFA or do 1v1s?
He would be if literally anyone remembers he exists. I can't even tell you the last time I saw someone playing him, it's even rarer than WFT.
Cool, thanks for the tips.
I already did :^)
This picture remind you of anyone?
Not in Lucina dittos tho, even if, I still wanna on Friday instead
Pretty sure we did dittos but I'm down for more on Friday anyway
>talking about Lucina dittos
>posts ike
Guess I won. :^)
Says the guy posting Robin
Whatever man this thread sucks, cya friday
No, she's easy mode Marth.
In a way, doesn't that make her honest though?
She doesn't have that arbitrarily increased damage based on range, she hits you with a sword and it does a fairly constant amount. None of this sweetspot garbage.
Lucina's pretty honest, but still not as honest as a good Gannondorf playing the neutral game.
>No early tipper kills
>""""easy mode""""
>tfw kirby will never have any decent airspeed thus making him a mid tier every game
>tfw kirby will always get fucked in midair
>tfw so close to being good
>ctrl f "Mega"
>0 results
As in "This character is easier to learn how to play than Marth" not "This character is better than Marth". Lucina is for shitters who haven't learned Marth.
I was a better DK than Jarret.
Main Jiggs for a few weeks and you'll start getting it down
So, you're just gonna post this exact same thread every day huh? This board really is autism central.
you're right it's low skill ceiling low reward marth
Try Pac-Man vs. Rosalina
Where's this from
I've seen it before
I should be on that list for Pac.
>Your rocket hammer will never have super armor so it can serve any sort of purpose at all
>Your inhale wont stop being a shameless copy of kirby without the fun part, other than dedecide, which wont absorb energy projectiles, and eating physical projectiles puts you in a swallow animation far too long which puts you on the defensive again, instead of rewarding you for a successful use and letting you deal with the endlag when you miss it, or even give it some more range
>Your aerials wont have less than 13 frames of startup and another 13 of landing lag, except your nair which requires jiggs amounts of clipping to succeed and stops being useful at 60%
>Your gordo wont stop being reflected by the slightest breeze
>Your ftilt wont regain the brawl range
>cloud stilll outranges you
>Your airspeed will always be gargabe despite being a penguin balloon highly reliant of his aerials to bait and provoke any opening so you'll have to rely on turtling and wait for a slip
>people still DI out of your jabs
>your dtilt is good tho
>your fsmash could pull some sick ledge kills were not for the huge magnetic range
>Sticking gordos to the ledges is way too slow to be useful and some characters still get to the ledge through them
Usuck fite me
Do what everyone on for glory does.
Act like a huge faggot by doing nothing but abusing dash attacks or running up and shield grabbing.
Or just flowchart.
For the entire match.
I seriously feel you D3 bro
>dash attacks
>good in sm4sh
What the fuck is this "honest" meme from, and why did they ruin the Hugh meme with it?
I play Marth and Mac. With some Ganon on the side.
a bunch of dash attacks are good in this game, what?
Lucina is scrub Marth.
Bruh, Samus's whole combo game revolves around the dash attack nowadays, and it works like a charm.
>Projectile spam until you can kill with down throw to uair.
He's fun, yeah.
How is it arbitrary? Hitting your opponent with a specific part of your hitbox, and a consistent part of your hitbox, isn't arbitrary.
>Dash attack into flame choke
>Dash attack into f-air
>Dash attack into Mario's up-smash or up-tilt spam
>Link's dash attack is a fucking kill move
>Diddy Kong does nothing but dash attack into up-air
>Shiek can do needles into dash attack
>Kirby's dash attack sets them up perfectly for spikes
>Duck hunt can dash attack the can and make it go wonky
>Little macs do nothing but dash attack into f-smash
I could go on.
People don't just dash attack. They abuse them at times.