Let's just have and actual discussion of this game without MUH UBISOFT or people shitting on it for no reason

Let's just have and actual discussion of this game without MUH UBISOFT or people shitting on it for no reason
After boycotting all Ubisoft titles since Farcry 4, and torrenting others so I can atleast try them so I don't form an opinion without playing, I actually kind of enjoyed this little beta. Worth 60 bucks? fuck no, maybe 25 on sale depending on what the final product is but I had fun.

Other urls found in this thread:


>maybe 25 on sale depending on what the final product is but I had fun.
Everyone I've talked to has said exactly this.

I expect the price to drop by summer time.

How bad is the p2p?

the host will instantly kick ur ass bad

I frankly fucking loved it, but I've been asking for a game like this for a long time. Dominion could be better, but I like the sentiment behind it. I'm not sure if a mode like CTF could work in a game like this, but I think it could be fun. Duels are where it's fucking at though. I legitimately don't see myself getting tired of them anytime soon.


So effectively this is how it works
if you're an equal armor rating with the enemy team then yeah you're probably going to do fine.
if they are higher level than you they have access to better sub abilities. Which are strong yes, but you can still outplay them.

Then you have Mr. "I dropped 100 ubibucks day one for my favorite class."
This guy is going to be the thing people will complain about when this game comes out. You get a bunch of stat bonuses for swapping out your gear yes, but when you level it up then that bonus is significantly higher. If someone has the defense damage reduction gears they will fuck your ass raw. If they have the full attack sword you'll find yourself wondering how they killed you in 2-3 heavy swings.

To get a better concept of what I am talking about imgur.com/a/UiTVf is a guy from Reddit who played the everloving shit out of the game and at this point he has several maxed out gear sets. THIS IS FINE

What is not fine is someone who will do this day one by spending a fuck ton of money to get this set up without even breaking a sweat.

That all being said from what I heard 1v1's ignore the gear upgrades, so you can still have your "gentleman's duel" Which is what the game truly excels in. When you outplay someone it feels good, if you get played you know what you did wrong. All this game needs to be a day1 for me is have custom fight club lobbies similar to Blade Symphony or Dark Souls 3 so that a group of people can watch people going at it.

I don't know if I'm going to buy the game day 1 because 60 bucks is steep, but if this game dropped below 40 I'd say it's a safe pick if you're looking for a decent 1v1 experience.

Berserker main here

how do I keep my meme-class relevant in a game where the opponent knows how to parry?

How high end loot works, at least in the beta, is that the higher your reputation level is the better gear you get from Scavenge meaning you cannot buy yourself access into good shit at day one. You still need to max level your hero a couple of times.

Sure you can buy champion status or whatever it was called to get XP boost to level up faster but it will still take time. Rare shit starts to drop at rep level 1 and heroic I believe at rep 3.

That wasn't what I asked about at all, but I still read the entire thing and enjoyed it thoroughly. But how bad is the peer-to-peer (p2p) network shit? That's my biggest concern atm

It's bad.

It's essentially a really dumbed down fighting game but it's still pretty fun.

I'll be very surprised if this game does well on PC due to the fact that we have played better melee combat games with better network infrastructure at more reasonable prices.

This is no Rainbow Six Siege on PC, we have alternatives and they're more affordable and there's going to be another contender soon with Mordhau

Not bad at all if you don't live in buttfuck nowhere
It's not even p2p, it server to client and then client to client

sorry I read P2W not p2p.

Oh look, it's the Mordhaufag from every For Honor thread ever

It's not peer to peer
Just some faggot said that in another thread and was wrong, the beta just relied on peer to peer during the beginning of it's release to relieve stress from the servers.

>That all being said from what I heard 1v1's ignore the gear upgrades
1v1 and 2v2 both ignore gear.

Gear only matters in 4v4.

Why are you lying through your teeth, brah?

"We asked Ubisoft for comment on this, and they confirmed that For Honor will use P2P networking. They say “the way we designed our peer-to-peer online architecture will allow us to provide a smooth and reliable online experience to all players when the game launches," which is perhaps an allusion to the issues that many games with dedicated servers have had on launch day as players overwhelm them (see Battlefield 4, SimCity 2013, etc). Clearly, Ubisoft expect For Honor to be popular."


the beta stopped being p2p late on saturday, the full release will have dedicated servers. They just wanted everyone to be able to download on thursday and friday

>December the year of our lord 2013+3

Is that Dragon Quest IV?


Each time you falsely accuse someone of being me (mordhaubro) I will post it

Daily reminder that there's never been a successful third person competitive game outside of driving games

Daily reminder this game has been simplified for console players

Daily reminder there's a mechanic that literally boosts your health whenever you're out numbered because lock on is so bad in melee games there's no way to actually 1vX without adding a gimmicky health boost

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means any weeb roleplayer can grab your IP and DDOS you for the next week

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means laggy game

Daily reminder you can pay for cosmetics that also give you stat boosts

Daily reminder that the parrying system in this game is a series of quick-time events

Daily reminder a full priced game is also pushing a (((season pass))) on its players

Daily reminder Ubisoft are a terrible company

Daily reminder Siege still doesn't have functioning lighting

Daily reminder shills post For Honour threads every day on Sup Forums

Daily reminder Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water.

>2017 anno domini
>playing any Samurai class but Kensei
Like you niggas ain't even honorable or some shit

Stop spamming attacks would be a good start

How to resolve this problem, buy a key from somewhere else and play duels (dominion fucking sucks)

>played better melee games

fucking where dude? and where with such interesting setting behind them?

It's not really that bad, I played all weekend and can say that hosts have no advantage, and if you lag 2 or 3 times the game auto kicks you anyway. The worst part is that a 1v1 duel you have going on in dominon will get interrupted for like 10 seconds.

This screams to me as a non issue, for one you can buy levels, only gear, and you need levels to get gear like this, an orochi using this sword might be able to kill you in three heavy swings, but one hit from a raider will probably end his life.

Secondly, disabling Gear Attributes is one toggle, I have a strong feeling that there will be dominion modes that disable gear attributes, or at the very least you can always just play 2v2 or 1v1, gear is disabled in those modes.

The biggest actual complaint here is that Ubi is a bad publisher, but I feel like For Honor's gotten a lot of leeway. The rest of this is just dumb shit that has no real basis.

You realize there's more than one person here waiting for Mordhau right? Until it comes out (if it ever does) the only acceptable multiplayer melee combat game will continue to be Warband.

t. 3000+ hours in M&B games and hundreds of hours in every other game in the genre

I love the game, but the idea of using P2P for that kind of game is fucking stupid, it could literally kill the game.

Is this the pvp game that Soulsfags always wanted?

can't* buy levels

Real complaints I have? Surprisingly little, balance between classes was impressively maintained, even with the nuances between the faction variants. We'll see how badly Shugoki, Valkiyre and Lawbringer shake things up, but I doubt it if they managed to have 9 distinct fighters all function well. There is a concern about DLC that I've heard, and it has little real issues to me considering everyone gets everything eventually, it's much like siege, I just worry about balance. I hope that if they release new heroes, the come in a set of three, to keep things even.

Warband and this satisfy melee combat itches, and that's about all I'd say the have in any real common ground.

Theoretically, it elongates life since there's no server cost. I don't like p2p either but Ubi's probably not giving For Honor the money for servers.

classic weeb tactics

Samurai fag who tried Zerkin, if someone parries a lot then you have to use your own deflects to get in, rotate between left and right on attacks and grab them and push them, Zerker has a unique stamina drain forward push. Never do shit like this knight does and attack into attacks, it's risky and will get you hit. Bait swings and dodge into them.

But it's fun to bait.

>Shields can block anything in any direction no matter what
There is literally no way to fight them

It's a good way to get hit if you try to pull them off after a swing happened. Baiting properly is good though.

>doing this drains their stamina
>they also can't attack while doing this
>when out of stamina they lose this ability

Not bad at all
I played the whole weekend and there was only like 5 people i ran into that teleported all over the place

Then again im pretty sure for the sake of the beta it would pair you up with anyone playing if it couldn't find anyone immidiatly

>maybe 25 bucks on sale
Its definitely worth more than 25 with the amount of hours I put into it. 25 bucks is nothing. Thats like an hour and a half of work for an experience that would last for at least 100 hours. Even if you're not into the competitive side of it, playing it casually would be worth at least 30-40 bucks. You're right though, 60 bucks is way too much.

Game is a solid 8/10 will buy from GMG for a discounted price.

Not to mention we know shit-all about the campaign. I don't expect much though.

>much like Siege

Who will be the memebeard of for honor?

All I know is the Knight campaign involves your Warden being hired by the Blackstone Legion after you cave in the skull of the leader's lackey, and this goes down the path of you tearing the organisation from the inside out.

Feinting works pretty well against shield users as well as random grabs in between combo strings. Most shield users are bad and will get overwhelemed either way.

Is this you? You should be parrying with a light for the free crushing counterstrike, it does insane damage.

It's really not that simple m8, the stamina drain is huge and you can't attack while doing it, it's a delaying tactic nothing more

That said the warlord has a nice counter after taking a hit on his raised shield but that counter doesn't deal much damage

The conqueror doesn't really have any use for the raise shield ability except as a mix up to throw enemies off your timings

>You can still grab and "special move" them
>They lose the hability to parry for this

I play conqueror and never ever I´ve used the hability to "raise shield" other than when outnumbered

In a 1v1 situation you´re just wasting your stamina and neglecting yourself any type of presure

who else /conqueror/ here?

wind up heavy attacks with damage up gear is so fucking satisfying, takes half the enemy health in one hit

>wearing zero armor on arms
>using a fucking flail

Don't touch me dominion dweeb

The problem is if you were to wait for a sale. You'll get slaughtered for weeks on end because so many people had time to get good since launch

its good for going into shield bash from a standstill

hence all the scratches n' shieet on his arms
also you can get sick ass looking arm armor with spikes everywhere. I swear the conqueror's design is something right out of warhammer fantasy's chaos faction


But half hp on squishies is already the norm w/o gear, so if ou itemize in dmg , in high gear you theoretically could 1 shot them with a fully charged heavy

It's pretty meh I'd buy it for 20-30 euro but 60 is just overkill

They could get gud, but the gear won't matter in 1v1.

>implying ubishits would git gud even after months of playtime

I´ll stick with the shield bash from after every heavy or the step in, much more efficient and "surpraising" than the one that is implied if you enter "raise shield mode"

Probably a new guy that fucks with the concept of blocking. I hope the /vg/ has many memes.

I was initially bent on hating conq because I think flails are the stupidest fucking weapon of all time but I can't deny, he might be the most fun class.

Does anyone know how the Lawbringer is? He looks boss as fuck, I was disappointed he didn't make an appearance in the beta.

In the Alpha 2 he was really underpowered. He's all about resetting, staggers, counter attacks etc. but all of his attacks were so slow that he couldn't take advantage of these setups.

People are guessing part of the reason he, Valkyrie and Shugoki weren't included in the beta was due to being redone completely.

He plays like every warden you ever fought, parry into guard break into heavy attack

he has the ability to shove people away after blocking, making him decent at shoving away pesky assassins

I do

It's 48 on GMG

I was told by a friend to imagine a long reach but slow version of the Nobushi. He's a hybrid with the polearm though, so he has lots of attack options.

I hope the Shugoki stands out from the other two defenders, I don't like the idea that he's labelled "easy" on the website while Warlord and Conq are "medium"

Your friend is wrong

I don't really see how this game is fun. All I dealt with was half the enemy team being invulnerable instantly parrying everything and when they're low they roar, regain all their HP, and then apparently have infinite stamina as they 1v4 entire teams. When does it actually get fun? I played 7 matches and this was every single one before I uninstalled and there was always at least one guy that was 20+ kills and zero deaths.


>Much respect.

Dominion's not really the go-to gamemode
Or shouldn't be

Did you even bother with the training or tutorials? It sounds like you jumped in and were somehow surprised you were getting wrecked.

Huh, well I hope he at least has uninterruptibles since the Warlord does, I assume Shugoki does too.

The Lawbringers best moves came from parrying. He either got an unblockable heavy attack or he could charge them with his weapon like he does with his running heavy attack.

He has unblockable heavy finishers for all directions
Or at least did

>Reddit already trying to ruin the game with muh honor

I like honor dueling cause it feels less cheap to die to one dude than to get a spear up the ass, but I do enjoy me some SALTY rounds too. And if they give me a reach around shitty duel you bet i'll give them the good penis. Also people who bitch about getting thrown off ledges/spikes need to GIT


>mfw enjoying this game more then SFV
After those Season 2 changes im not even sorry anymore

two weeks brother

These are the same people who want skills and revenge removed from dominion as well.

If you want to 1v1 with no skills or revenge, then play 1v1...

My rule of thumb is settle on letting the opponent finish until they break that rule and attack me or my ally while were still fighting somebody else. The gloves are off after that, no bitching, just ass reaming.

Same, first game in a long time I've actually enjoyed.

Labeling the different classes with different difficulties is fucking retarded, all it does is contribute to assassins fellating themselves and getting asshurt when they get beat by classes labelled "easy".



>Titanfall 2
>Tone listed as Hard

The fanbase still chuckles about it.

I'm always surprised when people are hit with the wind up. It has a long ass telegraph that anyone could get away from unless staggered.

Those are my deals too.

Wish I'd get more hatemail though.

I concur, though For Honor's shown that the "easy" classes from Vanguard have quite a bit a depth, and the "hard" classes of the assassains can be spammed with lame tricks. I think labeling difficulty is dumb but hey. Still I have hope for the Shugoki, I like playing samurais and heavy dudes and have wanted him for a while, has he ever been playable?

Shugoki was playable in the Alpha 2. His main tools are super armor that prevents him being staggered with an attack every five or so seconds, and a back breaking grapple that deals more damage the lower his health is.

Ignore the gay commentary, here's some Shugoki gameplay from the private alpha test that Youtubers went to.



>that backbreak
>that baseball swing knockback

holy shit I love this man I need this immediately

>Valkyrie winning every single fight

What a surprise

>This video is private


I don't think it's worth it. It's built like a fighting game, but it's very slow, and encourages defensive play and cheesy tactics like environmental kills. Nothing against ubisoft though, STEEP was fun and Wildlands also looks promising, just don't like the look of For Honor

Valkyrie seems quite versatile, very cool. Was she op actually or just people not dealing with her kit well?

Have you ever considered that you might just be bad at this game?


She was OP as fuck. Fast, high damage, tons of moves that could knockdown, stagger, blind etc. She was the most complained about character in Test 2.


Hm, yeah, most of the "fast" characters probably shouldn't have too many unblockables.

>have an enemy up against a wall as the Conqueror
>not raping their face with shield bashes

Deserved it.

Never had any problems this test. Got dropped a few times in earlier phases. Dumb fucks keep crying about wanting dedicated servers not realizing that it will add latency and unless the server is centrally located it does you no fucking good.

Yes, I'm well aware that I'm bad at a fighting game that I played for about 2 hours over the course of the alpha and the beta. However, it is still painfully clear to me that it is based of a very basic rock/paper/scissors (attack/block/guardbreak) system, as well as being very slow, while encouraging you to keep your back to the wall, wait for your opponent to approach, and then cheese then with environmental kills.
Yes, I lost the neutral on that one occasion, where he broke my guard, but if you compare health bars, its fairly clear who had been raping who. Doesn't mean that he deserves a 1 hit kill for getting pushed back against the wall and being outplayed.