Is there any tangible reason to care about your Skill Rating?

Is there any tangible reason to care about your Skill Rating?

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shitposting purposes

>X is good
>no it isn't. Y does the same thing but better. Trust me, I'm on the leaderboards, and am well known for solid theorycrafting

That's really about it. You're not automatically right just because you're higher ranked, but people tend to give their opinions more weight since they must be reaping at least some benefit.

I don't believe so: the system is based on luck and doesn't show individual skill. doesn't matter if your a master player if the rest of your team are retards that belong in bronze

Not in this game, indivisual skill doesnt show up. All you need is compentent teamwork.

It took me a few moment to realise but OW need positionnement and coordination.
Individual skill is dampened by character skill ceiling.

The rating is mainly you teamwork, more than individual skill.

If they belonged in bronze, they'd be in bronze. The only exception to this is games where you can't fall past a certain point on the ladder once you reach it, so people buddy up with friends and then get carried way above their actual skill rank and then drop like a stone to the cutoff once they strike out on their own.

Even when you do get stuck with a team that is far too heavy for you to carry, this isn't going to have a long-term impact on your ranking due to law of averages. It's true that because you're only attempting to be better than average in order to climb and even a win rate of 60% shows a significant skill difference over your current rating, so climbing to your actual rank can be a slog a lot of people don't want to go through, but if you've played 100 games during a season, you can bet you're pretty close to your true skill level.

Only reason to care is to get enough points for a gold weapon.

>in Masters
>win rate of 41%

>meaning anything

Certainly, like, when you have nothing else to your entire life and being.

Attacking people who brag about their skillz is basically bullying, they are already so far into self loathing territory that they grasp at the most tenuous of straws.

I was speaking more in generality. I wasn't aware that Overwatch's ranking system was actually busted.

It's their matchmaking system that's busted actually, especially for solo players.

The way the ranking system works is based on how well you do.

If you do good but still lose, you only lose a little bit of rank, if you do the same and win you get a good chunk back. You can actually make it to grand masters with a 40-45% winrate.

But it's way easier if you have a team to do it with. You won't believe how many times I've gotten someone on my team who wants to throw a match because he sees people with 3500-3600 rating, and he has 3700.

I'd say about 70% of my matches have people who purposely try and throw matches so people can't stay in masters.

Winning games on attack as Winston tanked my skill rating. I had a 57% win rate, but because games went so quickly my Winston stats looked middling to the system, which gave priority to the players taking long drawn out matches that stall for ages just because their elims and damage end up so much higher. Every win would be 10-20 SR, every loss upwards of -50. Lost all 400 of the SR I climbed playing Zen only, feel like a bitch playing mid level diamond games with a Masters tag.

>As a top 500 straight male

What did he mean by this? No seriously.

Not in overwatch but in other games like doTa or league where you can solo carry, your rank means everything.

It's literally impossible to solo carry on ov

>matched with a duo queue
>One of them is garbage, the other should be a rank higher but is obviously fucking around
>the garbage one takes Ana

Every fucking day of my life. Ana got boring when I realized I was basically just babysitting retards into ranks they didn't deserve, now that I have to play with Ana's who aren't me I hate how fucking incompetent they are.

t. Mid diamond shittee

I'm a good player who got into master a couple of the seasons, but honestly I felt lucky because I happened upon a good team 10 times in a row and got a huge SR boost. Usually I win a match, then lose a couple because we get widowmaker mains who do nothing but get shat on by genjis all round etc.

This season I've played a lot more with a group of friends. And the problem is that only half of them are any decent. A couple of them keep making mistakes and one of them is a tank main who has no concept of actually tanking. He's just focusing on kills and is never around when soldier just runs into us and shoots down the supports.

The only way rank matters is if you play in a 4-6 man premade and you're all of equal skill, otherwise it's just not being garbage yourself but more importantly luck out on your teammates.


>tldr: im a girl who gets carried by beta orbiters

nah I don't play fucking mercy. I honestly get mad at thinking about mercy mains that managed to get to master and up because all they do is literally get carried and hide around corners.

Sure thing buddy