Is Overwatch still active?
Is Overwatch still active?
Yes, but it's still not entertaining.
Not if you're bad at it, I guess.
yes, very. It's officially the TF2 replacement.
He's right, you know. Since Overwatch there has been no reason at all to go back to TF2.
It just recently hit 25 million players, so yes. But people on Sup Forums who have never played it like to say it's dead for some reason
no, sadly its dead. no streams up and an average of 5 min wait times.
Just get For Honor its the next big thing.
It takes upwards of 2-4 minutes to find games now. At launch it was 10-30 seconds. The playerbase has dropped a hell of a lot.
Also if you buy the game now, you're fucked and will be matched with high levels even if you're a low level 5 just learning the game. New players must be coming in at a very slow rate at this point. Most people who were interested already have the game. Probably why blizzard keep doing free weekends and the recent $20 sale to hook more people in.
It's not dead though. It's nowhere close to dead and won't be for a long, long time.
nope its dying.
ye, but its not the same
the game already feels stale, and I only give it the time of day when an update comes out, and even then I only launch the damn game to check out the skins, not play the game. Playing the game for more than one game is a chore. It's pretty bad that the game already feels this stale this early on, I had hopes that the game would be more fun. I think the game balancing is still off and the unwanted attention to esports is doing more harm than good.
It's active. Is it filled with multiple people that enjoy videogames, and want to have a fun experience? No. It's a game for assholes, made by an asshole. Wins barely change your score, but losses will make it plummet.
that's a big nose
for you
It's a pretty milk toast game man
It basically could have been made 10 years prior
there's no easier way to prove that you don't play at a diamond or higher level then to say it's actually fun
have "fun" with the same 6 or MAYBE 7 heroes over and over
>25 million players
Meta and game balance is total ass right now.
Man girls really have it hard in vidya.
Imagin stranding 2 hours in front of a mirror to put on your makeup to be able to play games.
Damn girls you have my sympathie
>25 million
>thinks that big number
Let it go dude, TF2 died years ago, now it's just a shambling corpse.
This happens with literally all team based online competitive games at some point. The game itself isn't stale so much as you pretty much having to settle for certain characters in higher ranks if you want to win AND have fun at the same time. But then playing those same characters over and over gets boring, so people get burned out.
It's because game devs don't know how to make all of their fucking characters viable for higher level competitive play.
It's a big number.
>tits out
>makeup on
>wig on
>gaming headset
>gayming chair
ready to stream for pre-teen boys
meanwhile, Japanese girls streaming on Niconico often don't even to have a webcam and they're far more attractive as interesting people who are fun to talk to and play and genuinely enjoy good games and aren't doing it for streambux
>(((((((((((((25 million players))))))))))))
fake news desu
million players
Yeah and how many of them still playing it?
this, holy shit
the balance has always been shit but the meta is solved as of right now, the only room for swaps in the one team comp is s76 and zayra, hog dva rein ana and lucio are all mandatory
>25 million people have played the game
>Active numbers
Yeah no, Blizzard doesn't release that info.
But how do they make money if they don't have a webcam?
für jew
15% still playing at least once a month is an EXTREMELY generous guess, it's probably more like 8%.
But, that means it's really 3.6 million if 15% still play.
It's 25 million copies sold.
On all platforms.
Am I the only person on Sup Forums that genuinely loves overwatch?
i haven't played since before sombra, since i actually play FPS games, i get nothing out of OW. maybe one person gets to be tracer and actually play an FPS, the rest of us have to sit around as tanks and healers. and then Ana, the single fun one in the game, is gonna get nerfed again and again and again until the game removes any sign of toxic, problematic FPS gameplay, which would be totally out of place in their vision of an FPS. then blizzard can have their perfect utopia where no one has to be bad because everyone has their tanky melee autoaim "hero" and their autoplay Q and doesn't have to ever engage in actual FPS gameplay.
what a pile of utter garbage.
Your mistake was thinking it was a first person shooter. It's a first person moba.
no, i play it pretty much every day
the majority of people on Sup Forums just hate it cause it's popular i mean the game honestly has its issues and is super casual but most people here hate it because normies like it
for you
Just like wow had 11 million not long ago.
>muh 25 millions
> Some random diamond shouting at me for not hooking pharah/genji
> He's S76 and we have a McCree on the team
Game is decent, community is garbage
>valid point
>just add muh
>showed him
Literally just bought this because it's on sale from blizzard taiwan for like 20USD. Did I fuck up?
nah user you'll have fun, at least for a bit if nothing else
Not at all, if you have friends. Get a good group together and it'll never feel dead, even if it was.
I have 0 friends. Why do you think im Sup Forums
>daily threads about the game
>hurrr am i only one who like gam hurrrr
>knew this would happen from day 1
>never bothered after the "beta"
>mfw seeing all these "its stale, its old, blizzard fucked it all up, blizzard cant balance these characters" post
feelz good to be a savy consumer
It doesn't help how most maps have a similar layout, and there's only one objective during the actual game. For a game with so many different forms of mobility, the maps feel boring after playing on them a slew of times. That new koth map is a little different, so I'm guessing the development team has recognized this flaw.
>70,000+ players
Then you'll play it for a few hours and get bored, only coming back every now and again. Still $20 isn't bad.
>25 million
You guys realize this is the amount sold right
same. post warcraft 3 blizzard can't make games for shit. wow money ruined that company
>milk toast
it's not even copies sold, you retard
Generous word.
Wouldnt be too sure. Bought the game looking for a good time; haven't played since Sombra. Went from playing everyday for at least a couple of matches. It was too repetitive. What started it was that they softbanned me for quitting a Symmetra stack, like 5 times they put me in this same room; locked out of experience gains for 13 games- I can't understand why they would do this- Not being able to get the stupid shit from the boxes for any length of time really shatters the illusion that they're worthwhile, which I'm sad to say was the only reason that I was playing as long as I was. The actual game is frustrating in composition, and every single map feels way too tiny and cramped.
It's difficult to enjoy a game that really doesn't have much to it. I was hoping for more game modes, but they haven't exactly secured my confidence with what they've added. I was hoping for more maps, but the amount of time is way too long to be bumming around Hollywood for an extra month. I liked Junkenstein's... but they didn't keep it, and even then, by the time they got rid of it, the same dust had started to gather, and the same boredom was present. Blizzard just needs to work on their fucking game more. No reason why the whole community should have to sit through at least 4 events, and get almost nothing that's meant to be a mainstay.
Also the Sombra reveal. Total shit way to treat the community for an utterly shitty character.
Daily threads bitching about the game more like
I want every game I hate to die and go away. When I'm tired of playing games I hope the entire hobby dies and goes away. As a proud Sup Forumsirgin I despise the very reason I come here and demand video games be destroyed so that I never have to listen to another kid online screaming about headshots.
>ranked in a casual game
Yes, it is currently the only good and active FPS. Hopefully a better game comes out or an older better game is revived, but for now this is the situation.