>Sup Forums recommended this game for me.
what am I in for?
>Sup Forums recommended this game for me.
what am I in for?
Hiking simulator that looks really pretty. I got sucked into the hype after the E3 reveal. I finally got it during the December 4 week Christmas sales on the PSN store. I'm playing through it right now along with The Order 1886 and Uncharted series and Until Dawn. The only thing I can say is I hope you're not playing it on PS4 because the frame rate dropping is absolutely SHIT, even after the patches these faggots put out for it. I should've just saved my money and watched it on Youtube, lesson learned. On the other hand, I'm like half-way through and I can honestly say Until Dawn was definitely worth the money, in fact instead of paying 4.99 for it I wish I could've gave them the other $9.99 I spent on Firewatch to them.
>play this game
>love the introduction
>love the baggage he brings
>love the theme of isolation whilst in a relationship
>love choosing my paths
>love the tension between the 2 firewatchers
>will he cheat?
>will he have an affair
>start thinking the guy is seeing things
>is the guy the twist? Is he the one doing those radio calls
>the books mean something right?
>hes taking on other personalities?
>did he go crazy and transform into a bear and eat those things?
>the girls at the lake, maybe not teens?
>is he in on it?
>is she in on it?
>maybe the guy has different personalities inside himself
>maybe the memory of his wife is making him crazy
>maybe the guys alternate personality is the one who started the wh------
there is no twist.
>everything is one random guy. its just some guy living life as a hermit.
Oh, okay.....
Scooby Doo
It's kind of hard to talk about without spoiling the whole thing.
Some love it. Some hate it.
Is it really cheating if your wife is braindead?
I mean, effectively you're not with the person you fell in love with anymore. Her parents don't even want you in contact with her anymore.
Got it on ps4 sale
Fucking love Cissy Jones voice, proceed to buy all her other games
Wish I would've just watched it on jewtube
spoilers exist, retard
a walking simulator that will live and die off it's story. it's story lives and dies off it's ending. and its a fucking stupid ending. not in the mass effect 3 way, in the "well that was fucking stupid" way.
I like how Nicki Rapp keeps getting casted as a Lili.
its a generic sjw walking sim, nu-males like you love it
A wall of spoiler tags isn't really helpful in telling OP what to expect without giving away the ending. The twist is that the ending was kind of disappointing.
>posted this yesterday
>tried to make an entire thread earlier today with this as OP
>posting this again but with three times the spoiler tags
For what purpose?
Reddit the game.
It's pretty and the dialogue system is fantastic.
Still probably would have recommended waiting for a steep sale.
Boring shit
do you know why its called a spoiler? you fucking retard.
I really loved the building tension and paranoia, but I'm weirdly disappointed that it wasn't all some over-the-top conspiracy.
I saved that post to contribute to these threads, which i have seen a lot of and want to see if someone had a different experience than me
sips had the best play through
Exactly what I ended up hating about it tbqh. At least -something- with that build up.
Walking sim does not equal SJW. There was never any politics that I could recall jammed down your throat in the game. The only line you could vaguely consider SJW is when Delilah says something like "From my view at my watch tower, you look like a white guy" and Henry replies with something like "That's not very PC" but even that is a bit of a stretch.
Everyone's been shitting on it for the psat few days, rightfully so in my opinion, it has without a doubt the most disappointing twist in vidya history.
>Sup Forums recommended this game
i don't believe you
>Most disappointing twist
>delilah tells you to take pictures of the body
>do it
>get awful pics of the kid's skeleton in my credits thing
i accidently took lewds and had a very uncomfortable yet erotic credit scroll
I thought the whole point of it was illustrating how eager we are to come up with bullshit conspiracy theories and overescalate mundane realities into terrifying fictions. Especially due to the isolation, stuff like that will make your mind make up its own nightmares. It's just illustrating human nature. Nobody said a video game had to be OMG EPIC TWIST SPACE ALIENS
No. Same reason it's not cheating if your wife is literally dead.
a 3 hour game
I don't believe you
I thought this game was some mystery in the forest shit game, but it was just a walking simulator.
>Sup Forums recommended this game for me.
They were taking the piss you idiot
There's plenty of better games to waste a few hours of your life on than this pile of shit