So why DID Nintendo choose this design to represent their new console? Seems like a strange choice.
So why DID Nintendo choose this design to represent their new console? Seems like a strange choice
Ya know, I actually don't want to fuck that dog.
What are you? Gay?
>People actually find these proportions attractive
>What's wrong Kimishima-kun? Could it be you're craving my McDockies
it's that the Nintendo Bitch?
Sto0pid dawg
Why is he so cute?
Goddam degenerates not being fine with simply rubbing their shitty fetish in our faces but being openly antagonistic of all Switch-tan designs. Their cancer knows no bounds.
thicc is the worst meme to come of this site
literally idiots calling fatties attractive
Post more thick switchdog
We need to go thiccer
Anywhere I can download the model ? I want to screw with it
>pornstar ass
>camel toe
That one, however...
>furfags couldn't just leave it as a quadruped dog mascot and had to fetishise it
They ruin everything
what the fuck is this shit?
blame the original artist and the people who bandwagoned and fucked up its proportions with "de thick with two "c's" its midget landwhale tier now
Vita is fat!
thyere hoping the internet makes them a new meme
This. You fat fetishists are not welcome here. Take your greasy lardass obsession elsewhere.
t. virgin
>console tan autists can't accept that everyone wants an animal mascot
>just like a lot of big companies from their childhood
I would like a cat.
>You live on an internet where art college dropouts successfully forced their shortcomings like impossible proportions, malformed food-esque genitalia, and whatever the fuck you call vimhomeless' shtick as fapworthy
>they will be more successful than most artists who have worked their entire lives honing their craft and devoting themselves to the canvas because of horny teenagers who will send their entire life savings for the porn artists to draw whale-blubberized versions of pop culture characters
>things will only get worse from here as what qualifies as vanilla will go lower and lower with time
Delet mankind.
I wanna shove my face in that ass!
this is one of the most autistic things i've ever seen in my life