Last of Us, supposedly one of the best PS3/PS4 games and Naughty Dogs masterpiece is just a cheap rip off of a 2009 movie?
Explain yourselfs sonyfags
Last of Us, supposedly one of the best PS3/PS4 games and Naughty Dogs masterpiece is just a cheap rip off of a 2009 movie?
Explain yourselfs sonyfags
Guess it turned out well for them, the game is actually better than that boring pos movie.
I didn't really enjoy that game so much.
Because I played better games with better game mechanics.
Its just I'm sick of zombies.
Like how could a zombie game be the best ps3 game ever
No, it's an overrated walking simulator.
And that movie is a cheap rip off of a book. Which is garbage written by an illiterate.
No seriously. Read it. If you can.
All the Mechanic are the exact same as hitman absolution
So is life, you should end yours now.
>heh, you know that critically acclaimed author?
>yeah, heh... I think he's trash
>I know I'm just a high school student, heh... but... I'm a little ahead of the curve, heh...
It's the Road and Children of Men but 100x worse.
>t. Never played the game
Not that guy, but the book is pretty bad and the author doesn't use complete sentences. It's pretentious as fuck. But yeah, OK. Oprah Book Club. Good for him.
+1 Sup Forums karma points for the Sup Forums approved opinion
He literally can't write. And nice leap based on nothing--I'm almost certainly older than you, you condescending little shit.
I repeat, he can't write. At all. But because it's "cool" and "different" he gets sucked off by anyone wanting to ride the coat tails of his undeserved fame.
>OP explicitly refers to the movie and not the novel
Is No Country for Old Men any better? I really liked the movie and feel an urge to read the book but can't be bothered the waste the time if it's bad.
>I'm almost certainly older than you, you condescending little shit
Of course you are champ
why can't we have something good, like a game based off a movie adaptation of Blood Meridian.
Instead, we got a game based off a movie adaptation of the fucking Road.
The movie is a beat for beat direct adaptation of the book. Feels like you're reading the script.
>heh, trust me, guys... he's shit...
>everyone is wrong but me... especially successful academics...
>I know those guys that praise him are smart, but... heh... I'm just a little bit smarter, heh...
Only two very small differences in the book which I won't say because they are ending spoilers
Stop it.
Does the 2009 movie has gameplay? Fucking Sup Forumstard
kill yourself my man
We made a fuckload of money, we're still making a fuckload of money. Go fuck yourself, imbecile.
I loved the book. Read it. It has its similiarities yet its different. As all with movies based on books
Nope. But congrats on reading a book.
vidya can't compare to the film medium that's why kojima is a hack
>The Road is a shitty, awful book written by a pretentious author and transposed into a meaningless, garbage film
>Last of Us is an 'interactive story experience' about a girl who plays the same character in every movie and game, and a useless old villain who tries to pretend he's not a villain
Apt comparison, they're both shit.
You will never in your life know how fucking awesome it is in my Mistral 55 yacht you fucking loser piece of shit. Go back to your service job and shut the fuck up about video games and keep buying.
Stupid little cunt. I love this board.
TLOU sucked, the multiplayer on the other hand was underrated and god tier bested only by gears multiplayer in the genre. A visceral experience for adults.
t. NEET with delusions of grandeur
This user knows what's up
What other books are shitty and awful.
>Sup Forums discussing books
Please don't. It's bad enough with video games, don't embarrass yourselves further.
I know, I'll reply to my own post with "This user knows what's up" and then it'll seem like people agree with me.
The Last of Us is garbage and the reason why videogames are a joke.
Nice never thought about that before
This user knows what's up
this user knows whats up
>rip off
>the movie is directly based on the book
>Which is garbage written by an illiterate
>won a pulitzer price
Maybe your opinion is just fucking shit.