

Why do you hate her, Sup Forums?

I think she's pretty useless, or at least I've never played with a really good Sombra player.

A good Sombra doesn't have to rack up kills. She just needs to disable and expose key enemies so your team knows who to prioritize. Essentially she has to annoy and troll the fuck out of the enemy team.

>Tfw you turn off a Reins shield and your team tears through the enemy team

Is there a better feeling than this?

Being useful feels pretty good.

>blizzard adds a character that requires people to actually work with their team and not be fucking stupid
>everyone says she's shit
It sucks because she's super fun when you have a good team.

Am I the only one that hates her design? The only way I can tolerate it is by using the cyberspace skin.

I wish she had better porn or maybe I should lower my really high porn standards

>pretty useless
LOL players join overwatch

>the only good Sombras I've played with were on the enemy team


She's good against Lucio when the Lucio's team won't kill her. Her ultimate completely nullifies his, and his team will likely be pushed in too far to retreat and end up getting wiped.

>Sombra player: Okay I hacked them go in
>Tracer player: Okay I killed them go in

Is reaper still viable

Reaper is always viable

>spam headshots for five seconds
>try to hack the enemy team
>get shot and die unless you zip out there
>most useful abilities (nano, genji sword, etc.) are still out
>nothing happens

I think it depends on your comp who is better. Sombra's ult is better if you already have someone that can wipe the team with Zarya. They have no chance with EMP.

She's fun to play

she charges ult mad fast too

but she's part of the 2/2/2 and 3 dps/ 2 tank 1/ healer meta

Really makes no sense why EMP can't deny 76 and Genji's ult

They're trying too hard to make it consistant with other interrupting abilities like Mccree's flashbang and Roadhog's hook

All she really needs is to not fucking announce her position when she decloaks.
I know they need to make the thing balanced but having her fucking scream when she's out of invisibility is by far the dumbest way to do it.

> Pick Sombra
> Translocate/cloak behnd enemy team
> Hack whoever (8 second cooldown now, don't be picky)
> Translocate if you get noticed, cloak if you're at risk of getting noticed
> Win

She should really be moved to support desu, her hacks are more useful than her gun.

The only point Sombra is viable on is the first point on King's Row.

I want to give Sombra my seed

she can be an absolute bitch to deal with if someone uses her well



sombra doesn't rack up kills, she makes the enemy team have to fight on two fronts or lose. She gets behind really easily, and if she isn't chased away, then either the tank turns off or their team gets cucked.


Concussive blasting enemy reinhardts into your team and watching him get fucked 6v1

*fires extremely loud SMG*

>Tfw you EMP the enemy team and your team just sits at the chokepoint doing nothing


People in this game are baffling. They'll rush the point alone and die instantly, but when everyone's alive and there's no enemies to stop them, they'll stand around until all the enemies come back.

She is useless. But i take that mexican culo everyday friendo

>Is there a better feeling than this?
Getting a headshot on Genji as McCree just as he activates his ult.

I love to Hack Genjis and watch the little plies of cancer squirm because they have no idea how to engage if they can't E in your face.

She's a spy in a game where all enemies are colored in very visible red outlines, a short-lived invisibility timer in a game with nothing but small maps, and her teleport beacon has a small time limit. Good luck trying to get away if your translocator shuts off at the last second since your invisibility turns off if she so much as gets a booboo (one that Mercy wouldn't kiss to feel better, at that).

Your teammates have to know how to take advantage of her and 9/10 times the dumbasses in the playerbase tell you to switch to [LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE]. Her kit is made for short timeframe sabotage and nothing else. She is a pure pest and she's under the offense category for her flanking and not her mediocre damage which gives everyone that impression and more.

TL;DR she doesn't flow with Overwatch's gameplay, mechanics and community of wrangled tards. Best buff she could get is having her enemy-vision outline turned off.

>picking a hero that just annoys people instead of someone who can put out damage

Backline harassment would probably be a viable thing if Tanks didn't fucking rule the game.

she's so hot

It would be better if the annoyances lasted longer than several seconds.
Killing an enemy disables them for several respawn seconds + travel time. Hacking only lasts for the several seconds.

>be Reaper
>constantly work with a French assassin with a skin tight suit and a nice ass and a spicy Latina that loves to tease you
>you're older than both of them by a considerable amount and you're an edgelord

I know Bastion is literally a robot but Reaper sounds like a robot, posting on Sup Forums complaining about Chad soldier 76




I want to shove my burrito in her taco

Like tf2's spy, she's only as good as the enemy team is stupid

Which means above plat, you're fucking useless and might as well be playing Tracer if you want to harrass backlines

You overestimates my teams skill and intelligence
Its more like they get fucked 1v5 while distracted by the Genji doing backflips over their heads and our Roadhog runs away to heal his boo boo.


You haven't seen a good Sombra. It's rare but she's not awful and utterly useless, there're just better options

No. Roadhog is better in every way

I only played Sombra a few times, but she's pretty good for sneaking around and taking out turrets, Bastions, and Widows.

my handjobfu

>when you have a good team

and how often does that happen in this game

I had a good team once. It was nice.

>Sombra in enemy team
>Steals our flag and teleports back to their flag
>Did this twice

>Having an unprotected flag
You brought this upon you.

fuck off retard

above diamond*

I forgot she was even a character for a while. I've been playing a lot of OW for a few days now and I don't see anyone playing her.

>Top 500 Regional

because she's not real and can't be my gf

>Playing kings row
>Enemy symettra has set up a hot shower at choke
>team keeps getting melted by her
>Switch to Sombra and get behind there line, destroyed there teleporter and cleared the turrets.
>team still scared to cross the choke point after repeated hot showers.

There symmetra spent 82% of match on fire.

this is the problem with overwatch.

People die a few times, then they just become frightened little animals, running around freaking out.

I can't get above 3300 because of shit like this. I'm not a good enuff DPS carry to handle carrying people like that.

>people that get ass pained in arcade modes

You would think someone wouldn't take an all McCree match so seriously.

They are also scared to change characters in response to the enemy.

I get ass pained in Arcade 3 v 3.

>soldier stick together
>He sprints off, gets hooked and killed
>Repeats this 3 times..
>Soldier: Fucking useless team.

>main sombra on CTF for insta-caps
>enemy has a torbjorn

that's when i switched to

Been here, all along.

>playing rooster mode (which is garbage btw)
>wipe the entire enemy team
>Yes! We can grab the flag!
>run in there and throw up my shield (I'm rein)
>Capturing the flag and just about to-
>look around
>no one on my team is here, just sitting by our flag
>shield breaks and and I get killed immediately

I fucking hate this game

Why torture yourself with that? Make a group and play 3s if you have to. There is more fun ways to earn your weekly loot boxes.

Also, I have noticed how easy people get in this game. I rarely saw buttmad in tf2, but in overwatch I see it all the time. I quite enjoy making other mad at the end of the match.

>tfw can rapid teabag people anymore after killing them to make the enemy tilt for an ez win

Just because it's arcade doesn't mean I don't want to win
If I wanted to play with retards I'd stay in QP

>tank or dps charges alone into the enemy point
>spams "I need healing!" button
>"wtf, where were the heals?"

That's a bad decision lad, playing Overwatch is a 100% chance of encountering retards no matter where you go.

I am not saying you can't play to win, but at the end of the match you are ether four Egyptian fly girls with Germans attached their asses in the sky or twelve sweaty Americans shooting their loads at each other. It is so silly there is no reason to get extremely mad.

>If I wanted to play with retards
Poor kid, doesn't know what game he's playing.

>Not having a sentry watch the flag

You only have yourself to blame

Well maybe you should have protected the damn flag

People still unironically like this shit?
It's not just a bad, unbalanced game, it also has most cancerous community right now.
Even the R34 of this is bad.

Good thing ghosts can't get boners, I guess.

Do you seriously think Gabriel didn't tap them?

Because she is provably bad, and the devs won't address it.

What the fuck do I have to do to get PotG with her?
>On Numbani defense
>enemy team about to cap point
>run in and EMP them
>kill three of them after
>we get the point back
>PotG goes to Tracer who also got three kills but off of half-dead enemies

He's a mutilated abomination because of a procedure gone horribly wrong and exists as an angry fart cloud hell bent on wiping out ex-Overwatch agents, I don't think he cares about pussy

>DPS in 3v3

>Blizzard still won't let people earn weekly crates in quickplay
>the closest I can get to quickplay while still earning the crates is no limit 6v6
>every match is a "it's so funny that we're all playing the same guy match", which just leads to an endless tedious cycle of counterpicks counterpicking counterpicks
>every defending team has at least 3 dickhead Symmetras

>playing arcade
>people still bitching about cancer team comps in No Limits

Gy play quickplay you fucknuts.

>I rarely saw buttmad in tf2, but in overwatch I see it all the time
It's due to a psychological phenomenon when you feel totally helpless, no matter how hard you try, or how good you are.
Overwatch can fuck you just by putting you with a shitty team. On top of that, the game punishes you when you quit out of games that make you unhappy.
TF2 doesn't have this problem to such an extent. Winning games isn't nearly as big of a goal as just having fun, and you can leave anytime.
I love overwatch, but the game is terrible at minimizing player frustration.

I think the big key to winning as sombra is to disable key enemy health packs. Hack one one, never pick it up, and slowly cuck the enemy out of HP

I just hate 3v3 in general, it's either Roadhog, Soldier and Ana or Hanzo, Widowmaker and Zen and they all know how to play snipers

I main reaper in 3v3 and really all game types cause he's tough and cool

she's good in conjunction with genji/tracer as they can work together to kill support and genji and tracer really benefit from the healthpacks

I have no idea how you can win as reaper in 3v3, he gets outranged too easily

>wanting to play QP

I usually lose but I have bad luck with teammates, they usually stick togethor and don't follow me so I usually die because of them


The problem is that people have to fuck around in the arcade if they want the weekly crates. I really do just want to get the crates and go back to quickplay/comp, but I can't get wins if my team is just fucking around.
Why is Blizzard giving me an incentive to take these gimmick game modes seriously if I'm not supposed to? Why not have the crates tied to game modes where people actually give a shit?

You can't play Sombra without being on the mic.

She requires it.

If you aren't going to communicate on the mic, don't pick Sombra please. You will always be worthless beyond hacking healthpacks if you don't get on the mic as Sombra.