Berserk game for ps4

I lurk here regularly and NEVER see anyone mention this.
I just happened to be on shitstop's website and saw this.
Hory sheeit

we don't play games here kid............ back 2 reddit

Been out in Japan for a bit, it sucks.

>paying full price for Musou ever

It was discussed a lot some months back

Berserk audience here is pretty nieche since most of Sup Forums 18-19 yo kids

Im waiting for the PC release, musou games are one of those few exceptions i cannot tolerate in consoles

There were a good number of threads about it that popped up back when it was announced. I'm personally incredibly excited for it, but there's a lot of hate for musou games here so it's not unusual to see threads about this game devolve into shitposting.

You can only discuss Hyrule Warriors on this board.

your thread sucks just like your faggot father sucks my cock.

does twink guts get raped in it?

>BERSERK musou
a fucking disgrace

Don't forget Senran.

gonna cop this on pc
looks fun. i've been playing musous forever and I watched the berserk movies

are more movies coming out? I'm not trying to spend like $20/book

Why did it have to be a Musou? If it had been a character action like Ninja Gaiden it could've been amazing. Guts doesn't even kill Musou-numbers of enemies during this arc aside from the one time he killed a hundred men, which was a huge deal.

It's a musou
It's a musou that doesn't seem to get berserk
It's a musou that doesn't seem to get berserk and is censored
It's a musou that doesn't seem to get berserk and is censored and lacks content
It's a musou that doesn't seem to get berserk and is censored and lacks content, so it added playable characters that don't make sense.

No more movies. Season 2 of the show, but it's not great. Watch the old show and read the manga online, it's free

>NEVER see anyone mention this.
The PC version isn't out yet so nobody gives a fuck.

this is just an oxymoron
what the fuck

thanks mate. didn't know about the show


It is?

>Are more movies coming out
I sure hope not and I hope they drop the abysmal anime. Fucking hell is 2d just too much work?

Yes and it's more expensive

They said it's about markets, jp one requires they pull back on violence, while usa one requires the pull back on the ero.

They stated as much in an interview.

>Berserk game
Oh hell yes motherfuc--
All hype died like a bag of bricks.

I would never let my creation get cucked like this.
Fucking miura.

But [nameless shit anime] can afford it?
I know Berserk is a small audience but fucking Christ there's a million other shit animes that do it just fine I think they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and do better, or at least consult the guys who made Guilty Gear Xrd about making 3d models appear 2d

Do expand in the complaints so I can judge it for myself.
How it does not "get"?
How much content there is?
Why a character doesn't make sense in a fucking musou game?

The thing is the studio making the anime is doing it out of pocket because they're fans of the manga

Are you talking to the absolute shit show we got in 2016?
Those fuckers are fans of the series? I don't believe this shit for a single second.

Being a fan doesnt make you competent and it certainly doesn't give you the time and budget to animate a proper show user

what the fuck?
Thanks for the bumps

>Musou with EIGHT (8) characters
It's a shitty musou at that.

>also only 8 characters
with such a small roster, you would have thought they'd make somewhat decent gameplay

>he doesn't know
First month on Sup Forums?

>8 characters

Both Fate and Hyrule Warriors have more characters than that on their first entries. What the fuck?