It's a handheld/console hybrid & it's smaller than it looks in pics...

it's a handheld/console hybrid & it's smaller than it looks in pics, why would someone even expect it to be more powerful than a huge home console?

I'm calling it now, I think nintendo is on to a winner with this hardware and design but it's going to be a slow burn because people need to come around to the concept of and see it's worth, instead of seeing the word 'console' and putting it in the xbox/ps4 category

how can nintendo market it better in the meantime

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Please respond.

>32 GB storage

Go fuck yourself

> no ethernet port without a fucking dongle

Go fuck yourself


Supports up to 2TB Micro SD.

Go buy a normal, off the shelf external adapter. Can be purchased for a few dollars.

I think it'll get going around the holidays this year.

It's a smart move by Ninty to hold off on Mario until then.

However, they do have to provide some 3rd party efforts at E3. Otherwise the games are gonna stop coming and people will lose interest. I do believe Nintendo has made an intriguing machine but if they can't get developers on board it'll be shit.

I really hope this takes off in Japan so that the Japanese 3rd party debs on 3DS move to Switch. That in itself would increase 3rd party support tenfold compared to WiiU.

Yeah screen looks big in pics but actually smaller than this phone's

That's not a real phone, is it?

>how can nintendo market it better in the meantime
They've already mastered marketing.

That's a really nice looking phone.

>Has a bezel

Nintendo is going to starve the market (Just like everything else they come out with!) which will work against them.

Lack of 3rd party support, no multimedia functions, possibly cheap build, will hurt the system.

Much like the WiiU, after the initial few months the hype will die down. I'll give it 20 million sold worldwide during it's lifetime!

All Nintendo is doing is trying to cash in on the Mobile market...

Nintendo will make it so only their adapters will work on the console...

>how can nintendo market it better in the meantime
By calling it a handheld first and console second.

>the Switch takes the smartphone route and releases a more powerful version each year


They don't have to prove anything; I'm done with their shit. I just wish I realized that before wasting money on Mario Maker back when it came out.

>putting a spinning disk hard drive in a portable

my guess is it'll sell with word of mouth very well but may take some time to get momentum. zelda will sell for the zelda crowd but it will be a little while before it takes off.

it doesnt have a confusing title like wiiu and people will see someone playing it out in public and for the first time ever they can say "hey is that mario kart, what is that?" and the guy with the switch can say "yeah this is the nintendo switch wanna race?" and hand them a joy con.

i think the idea of a multiplayer portable hasnt sunk in yet but it will once these things are out in the world, my guess is that will have a lot of appeal. I work at an independently run game store and i hear a lot of people wanting local multiplayer again and the switch is going to be offering that experience and showcasing it on the go.

Unlike the WiiU, its a sleep piece of hardware that I think will sell very well.
Very few people outside of Sup Forums or youtube give any fucks about gimapixels and bogoflops.

Here is the thing, the ONLY people angry at this thing are poorfags trying to justify why they don't need it.
Everybody else will buy it as something complementary to PC/PS4/XB1


They will keep perf locked and instead use process shrinks to reduce battery life and cost, until it becomes as pervasive as DS.

I think seeing the unit is person and playing on it will change a lot of people's minds and it will spread like that.

The value of multiple control modes is being underestimated I think. Just playing it on the go to do quick sidequests and continuing the main story on your TV when you get home will be great. And kickstand more and local multiplayer

Maybe your impatience and lack of understanding is what has caused you to become out of favour

It really is easy to dismantle every comment against The Switch to bias and grudges. The thing is amazing stfu if you have nothing to do but complain

Fucking consumers like you getting lippy is why they don't listen to us
Or think we have any brain cells

Not with the current lineup it ain't. You might as well get a good data plan to use PS4 Remote Play on your phone.

>muh poorfags
found fantard

If it was combining the efforts of the 3DS and Wii U I'd be all for it but it's not so it's going to suffer the same as the Wii U where third party isn't interested in making games for such a small market and your lucky to get two exclusives a year which might be shit anyway.

Not really I was tempted to buy it day one until they showed it off and basically said it was the Wii U 2.0

2TB MicroSD don't exist.

1TB MicroSD don't even exist

512GB MicroSD cost more than the Switch

256GB MicroSD cost half the price of the Switch

In short, Nintendo decided to go with MicroSD expandable storage under the assumption that they're going to provide digital download is /pure/ retardation and any decently sized MicroSD card adds more cost to the switch to the point of reaching a professional photography camera purchase. The battery life at that updated price is abysmal, and the worry of portability at that price is going to primarily make it a home console or a rest console, and likely never played in travel unless you're the passenger in a car of friends/family.

MicroSD was retarded.

MicroSD was very, very fucking retarded.

Consider if the device can even be a multimedia device with media file playback, even in the situation that Nintendo decides to fuck off from digital download and completely miss the point of modern online services - You're gonna have to stick all your media on a 256-512GB MicroSD card worth between $100-300+, and like hell any of the internal 32GB will be usable by the consumer for placing digital media onto it.

Expandable storage via MicroSD while trying to offer great graphics with more modern games is functionally retarded. Digital download is now a luxury with the Switch, and all (You)r games will be physical so enjoy carrying them around with you.

Gameboy got Gameboy Color
Advance got SP
NDS got NDSi
3DS got New 3DS

So what will Switch get?

physical is coming back.

Digital book sales are downa nd physcial books are up

music vinyl sames are up

game cartridges and physical games are coming back too. They aren't heavy either so I don't mind carrying them.

>trying to offer great graphics with more modern games
No they are not doing that. Look at the lineup.

swtich reverse

Breath of the Wild is 13 giggaboos aka 40% of the internal storage.

It worked on the 3DS since digital download games were rarely larger than 2GB and most were 500-1000MB, plus it was regular ass SD which is more affordable for larger sizes, not that you'd even need more than a 32gb card because of how small the games are.

Even last gen games that were expected to fit on a 9gb DVD will eat up a lot of space real fast on a MicroSD card, unless you go full throttle with your wallet and find a 512GB card which will likely be enough for the digital games in the switch's lifetime, if it even has digital games.

They're launching it with beta online service so who knows when or even if it will get digital download.

Either way, can't expect most games to be real fuckin' small anymore.

>muh physical
Nintendo doesn't even produce physical game manuals anymore man, and that shit is literally just paper.

lineup looks fine to me.
I'll be busy with Zelda for a while, then get MK8, then ARMS. Prob some bomberman too

this all sounds like bullshit to me.
You can re-download games anytime, I just need to keep the few that im currently playing installed

you'll fit like 2 games on the internal storage man.

It's a handheld with 3 hours battery
It's a console using tech from 2005
It's a handheld and console that requires your phone to do things than devices over 12 years ago could do

All with a shitty gimmick that Nintendo themselves aren't bothering to include into their games. They aren't on a winner here.

right, + a cheap 64gb sdcard, that will be like 6 games, which is more than I'll be playing at once.

>its shit

wow whodda thunk it?

Will the switch actually have a background level OS or is it blowing all its horsepower into the games?

Like, for the few games that had decent online play in the 3DS, if you pressed the home menu while playing online it would just disconnect you from multiplayer cause it actually stops the game altogether, so it would be nice if the Switch could at least do what the PS3 and Xbox360 could do with a background OS.

it has a proper OS


Yeah outside of those 2 Wii U ports, there are only PS3 ports

I would only be interested if 3 things happen:

They drop the online subscription
Battery life gets better
Peripherals/accessories get a price drop

I'm developing for it. But won't offer proof.
anyways, just think about it. This is more than 100x more powerful than a 3DS, and similar in perf to PS3

>overpriced console
>overpriced controllers
>a PowerPoint slideshow game is $50


yes PS3 content in a handheld, pretty cool to me

Just like the Vita 5 years ago.

I'm expecting Skyrim to look worse than the PS3 version on it. Not because it's as weak as a PS3, but the mobile architecture won't agree with Bethesda's shitty development


no not even close.
Vita's GPU is about 1/5 per of PS3/Switch

nah, its just a standard maxwell GPU with 2 SMs
nothing really "mobile" about it.
which is a good thing.

how can you guys just simply forget shit like nintendo is literally sueing every single one of their customers and free-shills just for making youtube videos?you guys really this fucking blinded by consumerism?its just a fucking smartphone with less functionality.

>implying anybody will use it as a handhold other than when they're in the bathroom
>implying people aren't just going to get it to Zelda and Monster Hunter on their TV
You're right though, Nintendo is pretty shitty with that youtube thing and honestly it doesn't seem worth the money for anything other than it's exclusive games, which it doesn't seem to have too many in the near future.

>why would someone even expect it to be more powerful than a huge home console?
I didn't expect it to be as powerful, I just didn't expect it to be so shit in nearly every single other aspect unrelated to graphical power or resolution.
If they want me to pay 330€ for one (which is 60€ more than a PS4/Xbone) then they shouldn't have made voice chat and game invites phone-only (and it's not even Party chat, it STILL depends on each game, not a console-wide thing). If they want me to spend 330€ it should come with more than ~28gb of usable storage, because now I'd have to spend the same money of an expensive Limited Collector's edition game on a 265gb microSD card (AKA half of Switch's cost) and I would STILL only get half the storage I do on the other cheaper consoles. And no, I don't want to be forced to always buy physical, especially when Nintendo constantly undersupplies their niche games and they can't be found anywhere, I digital everywhere else so I will do it here too.

I could go on other stuff. Like the battery taking 3 hours to recharge and lasting 3 hours on WiiU ports (can't imagine how much it'll last for actual Switch games). Why for have fast-charge for the first 60% or something?

Why not have an audio jack on the controllers? Everyone else has been doing that for the past decade. I can sit wherever I am and hear/speak with the headset plugged to the controller. With the switch I would NEED to sit 2 meters away from the TV/console so that I could plug the headset into the system. This is literally going back 10 years in time. For a product that costs 330€

It's a complete shitshow as a homeconsole. And it costs way too much for a portable.

I MAY buy one once it goes down to 100€. That way the extra 80€ cost of the 256gb microSD card (which wil be cheaper in 5 years) and however much the Pro controller costs by then will finally be worth the asking price (220€?)

>canadian media went to switch event on Saturday
>it's nice, but at that price no one is buying it as a second console like the Wii
How did normies already figure it out??

Omg can I have your source oh wise one?

>keep using "it's a handheld!!!!!" to try and justify flaws
>3 hours battery life under optimal conditions

They can't because tablets are more powerful in every way


I fucking wish all companies completely shut down these e-celeb faggots.

Officially, its a "customized Tegra processor".
In reality it can only be an X1.
Parker is way to big and expensive and full of automotive shit that is useless for a console.

>caring about youtubers

you are the true cancer of the last decade.

3 hour zelda is really good.
Tablets would do far worse.

Nobody wants carry around games with them especially in this generation. It's retarded to have SD. Especially for the fact cartridges are useless unlike the SNES where they did most the work

It uses vulkan

Its not about being on the same level as other consoles. Its about not intentionally underclocking you CPU and GPU because you don't know how to use a fan and battery to keep it from dying. The CPU runs at less than half of what the switch is capable of.

>4400mah battery
>3 hours to charge



This. As flawed the thing could be some people's demands and expectations are science fiction-tier

>Japanese devs: "the Switch is a great hardware to develop for with fun new functions at a decent price!"


That's a $750 phone though.