Resident Evil 7 is SERIOUSLY lacking in fan service

Resident Evil 7 is SERIOUSLY lacking in fan service.

I feel less compelled to replay the game because there are no figurines, or sexy out fits to fap too.

I mean I know I'm not the only one who enjoys fapping to the series and spending tons of time unlocking outfits.


I would happily pay 10$ for a Zoe/Mia skimpy outfit DLC.

Maybe one of those "tapes" could be a sex tape.


Don't lie fellow Sup Forumsirgins you love this shit too.

You're pathetic.

No one else cares?

Last bump....

Thanks for killing Resident Evil guys...

Dumb sissy perverted boy.

Game's been cracked, so sfm models should be out soon, right?

Love this costume.

Shame on all the retards supporting the switch to first-person.

Mia and Zoe look meh, will be waiting for loli Evie.

>I feel less compelled to replay the game because there are no figurines, or sexy out fits to fap too.

Maybe it's time to get a girlfriend or something like that?

Does re7 have a ng+ with special weapons and such?

I'd be surprised that there aren't alt costumes unless they wanted it to be super-srs

There is a circular saw and an Albert pistol that holds 3 shots instead of 7. Also some shit like x-ray goggles(to see item pickups like when you use that drug only with goggles you just need to have them in your inventory) and running shoes to walk/run super fast.

just wait a little more, that fans will make porn like there is no tomorrow. SFM porn will appear when people get the models

You are a fucking loser and I hate you.

I would hate if my life was so miserable and pathetic that I would unironically complain about a video game not having enough material for me to masturbate to.

Seriously, just neck yourself already. I'm positive that you're the type of ugly permavirgin shut-in that no one, not even your family, cares about.

>being this mad
I think we all know who the virgin is here.

I think it's a big part where this RE lacks, I mean you can have all that and still have sexy girls in the game, REmake will still be regarded as the perfect RE since it has everything good about the franchise.

Is this art official? and why she isnt this cute in the game?

>I feel less compelled to replay the game because there are no figurines, or sexy out fits to fap too.

Seriously, how fucking old are you people?

Sorry to break it for you but vidya is for kids

I'm not the OP but I'm 25 with a cute girlfriend and I agree, is it really that weird that you like sexy girls in your videogames?

It doesn't make sense to me that at some age you just stop liking that stuff unless your wife beats you for looking at other girls.

Yes it is

Jealous woman detected.

>That arrow

If this is true i might actually by the game. Ive wanted a straight survival horror re game. Although i wish it was stricktly zombies with no BOWs

Moira has a terrible personality, but I'd fuck her senseless.

Now compare family guy to texhnolyze