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Video Games #3662
Video Games
Filename Thread
What objectively good games can a person with little to no attention and average intelligence play?
Make a game about a foreigner becoming a samurai
So where does the Dead Space series go from here? Seems to be written into a corner
Fire Emblem Heroes
What gamer fuel do you guys use when gaming
Who is the thickest video game character of all time?
"How much HP do you have?"
What are some games where I can kill furries?
Go to
Is Sony paying off journalists?
Say something nice about Battleborn
So this is the power of the PC
Just started this up. Is there any way to complete the whole game without blackjacking anyone?
Sup ForumsGA 2016 Stream - LESS THAN 24 HOURS
What does Sup Forums think of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE?
Is there any game in which you play as the bad guy?
Which videogame companies should just die
Persona 5 confirmed uncensored in western release
The Chaos Emeralds were the biggest mistake the Sonic series ever made
Is Humble Bundle serious with this shit? I feel sick for putting this shit in my library. Curated my ass
So what did you preorder, lads
Xbox Dev kit gets destryed by a Redditfag
The people on my steam friend list are garbage. Should I start using GOG more?
God Hand
What's the first thing that comes to mind
Remember-no Russian
Guess the game thread
Daily dose
Fire Emblem
So Sup Forums, what's shaping up to be the most iconic game of the 10's? What was the one from the 00's?
Yakuza 0
Mods are literally dead again
Why is Fat Princess such an underrated game?
ITT: I know it's shit, but I still had fun
Critics complain that Hitman™ is too easy
Stop pretending you knew it was him all along
Are you excited for 2017 Sup Forums? We're already looking better then both 2015 and 2016 combined
Whats a good Ancient Roman/Greek/Persian/Egyptian Video game?
What a charming museum. I heard this game was scary? i don't see what's scary
Serious question for you Sup Forums
What you want for Halo 6?
The disc was already like that when you lent it to me
How do people feel about the GBA ports of the Country games?
The last game you played is now Rule 63'd
Do you ever make bets with your friends when playing video games?
ITT: Dream Switch games
Which is better Half life 1 or 2?
What are some games where I can betray and sacrifice my friends for power?
What video games would you buy for a 10 year old to wean them off playing Call of Duty and get more into something...
How accurate is this image?
YouTuber is already in-line for Nintendo Switch, 1 month out
Buy this game it's half off right now faggots
Leave February 2017 to me
Why do so many games use crate systems now? They ruin the game. I once loved Rocket League and 100% Orange Juice...
WarioWare is fucking great. It's one of the only game series that I still find fun...
Sell me on this
Fire Emblem Heroes
10 threads a day about how resident evil 7 is amazing
How do we fix the Open World genre?
Excuse me, who the heck is this?
Hi Sup Forums, bit of help or what not?
What did she mean by this ?
What makes a visual novel good, Sup Forums? Is it the art? Porn scenes? Or do people actually care about the story?
"Nioh is a complex and rich and brutal and huge action role-playing game...
Amazing soundtrack
Nioh currently at 87 on metacritic
Looking back, was there at least a decent Sonic game post SA2?
B-b-but RE 1-3 also only were 10 hours long!!!
What's her appeal?
Why did it bomb sonybros?
Number of people who play through steam is up by 27%
Well I'm enjoying it
HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!
ITT: 10/10 character redesigns
Nintendo is now making freemium thrash for mobiles
Hey, do you remember the name of that turn-based strategy...
Are you pre-ordering Red Dead Redemption 2, Sup Forums?
Do you care if the final boss of a game is a long cutscene?
Tfw started autistically maining Aurora along with Serath
PS4 or 1050ti?
Look at this Nep
What are the greatest birds in vidya?
Who is your main?
Redpill me on phantom pain
PC is not the master race
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Your opinion on the Sonic Advance series
I try to play Deus Ex: Mankind Divided as a stealthy pacifist but I give up. I cannot do it. It is too hard...
Do your part and say NO to persona on handhelds or spinoffs
How do you solve the issue of power creep?
No dedicated servers
Club Penguin
Have we witnessed perfection?
You can't name a better post-apocalypse game
Total War: Warhammer
Nintendo Switch
Duel Links
I'm gonna buy Conan Exiles after 10 minutes
Games you weren't allowed to play as a kid
Gonna go to Gamestop right now to trade in and pay off my preorder for the Nintendo switch, Should I pull the trigger?
How do I get into this game? Always lose interest upon reaching Balmore
Why are so few games set in Canada
Can we have a Samus thread?
Which GPU do you own Sup Forums?
Less grass on the lower image
Anyone getting tired of winning?
My wife nepgear doesn't wash her panties. but that's ok...
How will he ever recover?
Aonuma Says The Switch Won’t Be Taking The Place Of A Dedicated Handheld
Fire Emblem Heroes
Half-Life didn't innovate SHIT
Soo... Was he really that great?
Game has conversation options
Ask a guy who just got a Lunatic 1CC anything
This is REVII graphics. What the fuck? It supposed to look like this?
Smash Sup Forumseekend
Gravity Rush 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
You can't name a better zombie game
The ATLUS survey released today asked if you're going to buy the next game in the series from a list of games and #FE...
What game is this?
How do we stop the streaming menace?
If you owned an arcade, what kind of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs
Steam trading thred
If your mmo is not at least THIS cool, you aren't doing it right
Predict its sales in a year
What's your push-to-talk key, Sup Forums?
What happened to this game? Was it released already? I can't find it on steam
Why does Mario look so autistic?
Final Fantasy XIV
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Yfw starting a harder difficulty and enemies move faster than before
Thoughts on Dishonored 2?
Here's your controller, bro
Mario Maker
Name 2 (two) Playstation 4 exclusives that have great gameplay
Bottom is concept art and top is ingame footage. Where the FUCK did it go so wrong?
I don't know why the mods deleted my thread because it was obviously game related
Kicked from the server: slot reservation
RTS thread: Talk about old gems and upcoming games!
For Honor - Discussion
Fire Emblem Heroes
Bad graphics
Highly durable tank
Capcom to become "VR-focused company"
GameStop employees have always been pushy...
Videogames are an adiction
Which had the better original trilogy of games?
Hi, I'm Daisy!
Games that actually your character age as you progress
Game is universally praised by reviewers
Dark Souls. Roll for new characters, boyos
Convince me to pull the trigger on buying this
Is called Dante
Tales of Berseria
What the fuck was his problem
Special My Room event with Altera
Shantae released 2 months ago
Steam Avatar thread
Did you find a flaw yet?
ITT: best game in its series
ITT: Games only you played
Is there ANYTHING better than THICC and SHORT AND STACKED at the same time?
Is there a game with more operator coop than this?
Nonary Games when?
So tell me Sup Forums, is this the greatest game thats been released in the last 20 years?
PS4 patch increases performance for older PS4 games on PS4 pro
The Ultimate DOOM > DOOM (2016) > DOOM II > DOOM 64 > Master Levels for DOOM II > DOOM 3 > Brutal DOOM > DOOM 3:...
What went wrong?
Expanse writer says the ending of Mass Effect 3 was 'f***ing terrible'
What's with this sudden obsession with "toxicity" that's appeared with the release of overwatch...
How do we stop Brazil from killing PC gaming?
Kingdom Hearts: DDD
Mods are dead again
Halo Wars 2 leaked cutscenes
WILDLANDS - CLOSED BETA - How is the game?
All right, I'm going to the Steam Store. Do you guys want anything?
It smells like shit
Brb smoke break
We write a letter to Kojima
Name 1 toon that counters him
Hmmm... really makes you think
What went wrong? Was it the Wii U holding it back or is the Switch just that under-powered?
Play beta for hour
Daily reminder that RPGs are not real games, takes no skill at all, and you should stop playing trash
Dead Space
RE4 HD Project
Why didn't anyone finish Legend of Krystal?
Humble Monthly
Guys now that Gamestop is being publicly ridiculed for being shit, will it finally go out of business?
Can someone come up with a good explanation why many games adapted from movie or vice versa are mostly terrible...
Fire Emblem Heroes
Do you have time for vidya or do you just shitpost
Post a better gamer fuel
Enemies have daughters
Why is this allowed? Why is blatant favoritism allowed...
Not exaggerting
Rate Oblivion, Skyrim, New Vegas and Fallout 4
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet?
Did anybody on Sup Forums pre order this thing
Thinking about getting a PS4, need some help
Tiny, linear levels
Yes, THIS happen
When you envision the life you would have had if you didn't get into videogames
Sup Forums how do you get out of the hating video games rut?
How do we stop this trend?
Tfw you're too sick to play games
You literally kill god with the power of friendship
Give me two actual reasons why this won't take the RPG market by storm and be revered as the best thing since Boulder's...
Why are you playing video games isntead of studying user? Come here
Have a choice in saving your lost love and your main motivation to go trough all this shit
Start game
Risk of Rain
I don't want to go to work today Sup Forums
Lore-wise, what video game universe has the highest power levels?
Hey, Sup Forums, I love videogames!
Grand Adventure is the best One Piece game. Prove me wrong
What's the most powerful sounding assault rifle in vidya? The Halo 4 AR comes to mind...
When will I be able to play this without having to buy an outdated console?
Nintendo Mario Box
Diluvion thread?
Why is this console so overrated? It has a shitty library and it sold like crack
What a thrill
Kat showed me her red underpants Sup Forums. She said only I could see them because I was her one and only love...
This game has absolutely no business being a Resident Evil title
Will someone please explain the plot of this game to me...
Have you ever felt underwhelmed by the ending of a videogame?
"I listen exclusively to video game music...
Hello, Sup Forums. I will receive 10/10 across the board and win GOTY on the virtue of being a Zelda game
ITT; come up with even more bizarre ideas for Mario Odyssey
How long did you play before losing interest?
Why does Sup Forums hates turn based combat?
I need 400€ for the Switch
How's your progress in those new Dragon Quest 7/8 ports coming along?
Why do people blame Krystal for the death of Star Fox?
What was the point of this? What the fuck is wrong with this game?
Oh no Sup Forums, Zelda's kingdom is in ruins and now she's crying! Say something nice to make her feel better
How do you deal with real life trying to interrupt your gaming time?
Fire Emblem Heroes
The absolute madman. He has everyone on the game industry hating him from what he said recently...
Should video game reviewers be good at video games even though most consumers are shit themself?
What's his endgame ?
Fuck space elves
You've left the controller still for like 20 seconds
Was it really that bad?
Did you know that Gamecube was supposed to be called "Dolphin"
Claim your vidya husbando before someone else does
How do I get the fuck out of the salt mines?
Why are video game journalists so shit?
Atlus wants to know if we want Persona on Switch
Why is this game so beloved?
WebM thread
Do any of you have these? Worth a buy?
Mods deleted my ape escape thread
Wtf I love The Witness now
What does this mean? I don't get it
Why does every single character in a japanese video game have the exact same mannerisms that no real person ever does?
Are these the most boring ARPGs ever made?
Do you reveal your powerlevel in public?
How can western games even compete?
Why is Nintendo Switch so expensive in other regions of the world?
Have you ever played videogames with a girl gamer who was better than you?>
Say something nice about Battleborn
ITT: mechanics that are often used and you like/dislike
Sh 2&3 are still the best in their genre after 16 years
I wish Dark Souls was never invented
Denuvo BTFO again
Why wasn't SF5 a success story?
You have preordered Peach Beach Splash, right bro's?
I’ve been told once or twice that the bisexual or gay characters I wrote for Borderlands 2 were arbitrary and forced...
Thoughts bout this mobile game
How do you play vidya with a broken arm? I'm right handed and using the mouse is a pain in the ass with the cast
What did he mean by this?
Stealth game
Why is it that UK, France, and even Poland and Ukraine have made great internationally acclaimed video games...
Was this THE best AVP game?
Is the switch going to bring back good local multiplayer games?
Steam Refunds
Even Kojima loves the Switch
A Game
Game looks the same, if not worse, than GTAV
Can we all agree that this game had some fun moments and memorable characters...
People still consider an italian mickey mouse wannabe...
Did anyone here actually learn Japanese in order to play Japanese video games?
Legend of Zelda thread
What game is even using 16 Threads?
People unironically give a shit about new Resident Evil games and the direction Capcom takes a series that hasn't been...
Joe Blow joins us
You will never play Command & Conquer 5
You guys are going to romance PeeBee, right?
What is the greatest game in the world?
What went right?
2017 looks PACKED
Fire Emblem Heroes
People are preordering For Honor in droves
Whats the verdict?
Let's face it DS2 shits on the first one
Pixel art thread? Keep it vidya
Humble BANDAI NAMCO Bundle
PS4 Update causing bricking issues
There's a free weekend faggots
You're in the RE7 thread when this guy bursts through the wall and welcomes your girl to the family. What do you do?
Pc users buys games
Why the fuck is this allowed?
White haired, battle scarred and cat eyed mutant with near superhuman abilities
I did it Sup Forums!
I'm not convinced it's actually Chris at the end of the game. "Redfield" has lighter hair, is visibly a lot younger...
How'd your suicide mission turn out?
What's the game with the best graphics out now?
How old were you when you stopped enjoying video games?
Achievement complete: Collect 720000 coins
Final Fantasy XIV
Conan Exiles
Conan: Exiles
What Makes the Bloodborne (and other From Software games I guess) so Great?
In retrospect was skyrim actually a good game?
ITT: Use an 8x8 grid and the fill tool to represent a vidya character
Let me see your face Sup Forums
Go to /vg/
Npc reaches 1 hp
Duba duda dubba?
Club Penguin Raid
When are we getting a good exclusive pc lads, im tired of playing cs:go and league
What is Sup Forums opinion about master raven?
Ready for the souls killer?
I completed 1 and 3 (both were pretty dank) but havent played 2 yet (already bought it)
Win 2 rounds on competitive
How do you feel about people CHEATING by using mouse and keyboard in overwatch?
PoE is the rpg for the people who don't like rpg
Nvidia & AMD: This is a Windows 10 problem, but not our problem, we can't fix this, ask Microsoft
Deus Ex: Revision
The full game is out and the always online has been patched out a few months ago...
FFXV on PC will have mod-support
Has Dishonored 2 PC been fixed yet? Lest I read it was totally unplayable
Anyone else tired of the "fat disgusting guy with a hook" meme?
You have 60 bucks
Fire Emblem Heroes
Testing 120FPS webm
Why does everyone think AoE II is superior when AoE III objectively is?
This (according to SFM) is Samus. Say something nice about her!
What a fun game
Anyone here completely lost his interest in this game, after disaster that was last season?
Everyone agree that mobile games are cancer to drain your wallet
Nintendo Switch Amazon Österreich
Emulation Thread
Puts off his Nioh review because he can't finish the game in time
New 3ds btfo
Do you ever cheat in video games, user?
Valve under investigation by European Commission for Steam geo-blocking
You crackers ready for another Steam client overhaul?
ITT: Characters who literally did nothing wrong
>JS: The stronghold never really got the content it needed to make it feel worthwhile or important...
Are you ready for "Luka Luka Night Fever"?
So after not playing this game for more than 10 years, last night I bought it on GOG...
Give me one good reason why you don't thank your healer for doing a good job and keeping the party alive
Fallout Obsidian
3x3 Thread
Ghost Recon Wildlands beta
Mfw its only the start of February and sony is killing all the competition
Chocolate pudding at four in the morning
What the hell was the point of this connector on the 360 Controller
Fuck mods
What snacks do you enjoy whilst you're playing video games?
The last character you played as is your only protection from an ICA-contracted hit put on you being carried out by...
This screenshot is 10 years old
ITT: Tactical Shooters and Multiplayer Meetups
I saw a Nier Automata thread earlier and people were being oddly negative about it. What gives...
Switch STILL on the same graphical level as the wii u
Post 'em Steam avis
Dare I say... /ourgame/
Beta trailers makes a game look like it would have been a more interesting experience than the final product
Am I a true gamer if I like these games, Sup Forums?
PlatinumGames should have made this game
Enemies were kids once
Thoughts on this penis Sup Forums?
Did Sup Forums like prototype?
Valve is going to get sued again!
They knew exactly what they were doing with her footwear
Why is this shitty company defended and adored on Sup Forums now...
Are university graduates the best gamers because of their more advanced brains?
ITT: Draw Kirby!
You're going to buy my game on the switch right Sup Forums? Plip!
2017 is looking stacked
I don't get it. This is okay to post about vydia that you don't even play?!
When we will get a JoJo RPG?
......It's over bros.............where did it all go so wrong
What games should I skip school to, Sup Forums?
When is Valve going to implement a global hard cap of 1 spy and 2 snipers per team?
Ragnarok Online
Why is xcom 2 so bad?
Game's title spoils the plot
That time Nintendo hardware blew Sony hardware away
This is the worst enemy in the whole Souls series
Pillars of Eternity 2 - Deadfire
Nier Automata
*BOOM BOOM CLAP* Late night swat 4 thread mother fuckers
Defend this
W-which one?
Are you fucking kidding me
Who was in the wrong here?
So it's been a few months
Dog = Wii-U Owners
Why Nintendo always cheapin out on the screen?
ITT: Describe a game company with a single image
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
"weekend sub pete, not anchor"
1 is good
DOOM is, in fact, 3D. Carmack be damned. Just look at this. It's 3D
Horizon /hype/ thread. Everyone who posts here is looking forward to the game...
*checks steam library*
*teleports behind you*
Why have game communities become incredibly intolerant about handling criticism lately?
Dragon Quest
Steam Refunds
What the fuck was his problem?
Am I the only one that unironically finds her attractive? I don't know what it is. And don't tell me it's shit taste...
Do I have to kill Anna Navarre?
Handsome aryan male gets the qt delicious brown girl
Why do newer anime games go for style>substance? I feel they hit their peak in 6th gen
Le "I hate romances" Sup Forums meme
Nintendo Switch Super Bowl commercial
How come there are a thousand WoW ripoffs, but no MMO tries to copy Runescape...
Game has instruments as item drops
SFV Flops Despite Tourneyfag Pandering
Witcher 3 Fans BTFO
Resident Evil 6 is a truer return to classic Resident Evil than Resident Evil 7
So CWC was confirmed dead this morning. Who'll take over her place now?
What video game lets me use a shield as a weapon?
Fire Emblem Heroes
You love Princess Peach and you know it
Describe what you think the best DBZ video game and Super ending would be like
Game has a gender slider
This game is gonna bomb, right?
Why do people like Velvet? She's ridiculously edgy and flat, basically a clone of Lightning
Name one (1) videogame
Worth buying for 17 shekels?
He loses all he built and loved because of some fucktard scientist and cipher
What are some games?
Will vidya ever be this great again?
Tfw genius video game programmer
Feels trip ya hoes
What was Nintendo thinking when they wrote this?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Mods are dead
Are you "more or less likely to use a character if-" topic
Bro, why are all your games Chinese? Where's FIFA and Cawl ah duty?
You can't name a better dinosaur game
What video games do you think she likes to play?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
ITT : games that had crazy hype but no one talks about them anymore
Fire Emblem Heroes
Humble Monthly games tomorrow
What are some games where you never stop winning?
20 bucks a month just to play PS3 games
Enemies can grow up
Is it possible to have a Sonic thread that lasts longer than 20 posts and doesn't devolve into a shitflinging...
Risk of Rain
Which one gets completed first?
Fallout 4
What was so bad about it again?
Are there any video games that have the same concept as groundhog day...
Which do you main, the character you have the most fun with, or who you're the best with...
Y-you didn't forget me did you?
Wargame: Red Dragon
Have you ever suffered mental health issues while gaming? Has vidya helped you with any of those issues?
Sup Forums I'm looking for all the Vidya charts i can find i will post everything i have here
When the top dps in your raid is a Pandaren
Buy picrelated on steam
If it's a boat how come you can ride it on land?
Nintendo Switch VR Sex Simulator
Post a screenshot of the game you're playing and describe what you are doing
Is there a single redeeming thing about this piece of shit?
So this is the power of Denuvo huh?
It's been almost 4 years
This game deserves more hate
The final boss is literally the game itself
Why is elder scrolls lore so popular?
Remember when you guys said the where not going to do anything evil with geforce experience sign in?
New patch in TWO days. Who else /hype/?
We need to spread awareness of cemU so people can play Breath of The Wild without supporting Nintendo...
What went wrong?
Don't take this the wrong way, but how many of you are unemployed?
Ace Combat
The pocket knife in RE7
About to start Resident Evil™ 4 for the first time
The final boss battle is actually in the sequel
What CPU should I be using for vidya by now Sup Forums...
You chose the Switch version instead of asking for a refund
Devil May Cry is fucking incredible
So if I have one profile that has everything unlocked, and I use it in an arcade match...
Tfw my dad took away my play station
I know it's musou, but is anyone hyped for the berserk game this month?
What's going on with sony and the handheld market? Are they ever going to make a successor to the vita?
Nintendo Is Considering Making A 3DS Successor
The Great Debate
It's finally happening guys. It's finally fucking happening
Extremely underrated
What if this thing flops?
Should I play this game, even if there will never be a sequel to it?
Game suggestions
Why japanese cartoon female always wear lewd clothes
Gaben just confirmed on his official subreddit that we could eventually get a new game with the Half-Life or Portal IP...
750,000 NPCs
Why HITMAN? Why not Kane & Lynch?
X-COM Thread
What makes him mega?
Tales of Berseria
Zelda is now an ubisoft open world AssCreed/FarCry game
So who was the ghost?
Satan here. I'm displeased with this board. How do we make Sup Forums stop being shit?
You will never be a 6 year old playing DKC ever again
Post video game characters that need to get BLACKED
Two CBS Shows Are Airing Gaming-Focused Episodes Next Month
Fire Emblem Heroes
Fire Emblem Heroes
Poorfag here
Loli grows up in the sequel
Are you playing the GAME OF THE MONTH?
Why did Yakuza 6 hire a well-established and respected Japanese actress for just a small role and not give her a bigger...
Why the fuck would you choose zoe
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Western designs are always bland and boring
It's a winter level
I can't believe you lost 4 times in a row user! and a deal's a deal, so kiss my feet!
How do we save it? I reckon that an ending in which Ansem turns out to be the good guy all along would be legendary...
So what did you do for it today?
You haven't forgotten about me have you Sup Forums?
We all had her, but he married her
Can athletes be nerds?
Witcher 3 Fans BTFO
Would you still love me If I look like
Medli a cute!
Is there another series as consistently good as Kirby?
So, I just finished the fist mission on 00 agent of pic related and I don't how why I had so much fun doing so
Steam profile rate thread
This is Garrus Vakarian. Say something nice about him
Cemu 1.7.1 is out for Patreon backers. Things seem to be running significantly better
You are given 3 options based on how you want to play the game framerate and resolution wise
Finally get gf
Why do people ship them again?
This is a man in his 50s
Enter final boss's room
Nintendo is releasing a console weaker than the wiiU
Was it really as bad as they say?
Just found out Scarlett is transgender. This caught me off guard, I've had a nerd crush on her for, like, ever. Wat do
Dark souls 3 thread
How would you do another Sonic Battle? the first one was a little flawed but it wasn't a bad game
Where is it?
Is there a more "eh" game than Resident Evil 7?
Resident Evil 7 is SERIOUSLY lacking in fan service
What is the best moment in this game?
Get my hands on PS4
Why are so many "indie devs" so obsessed with ugly "famicom" aestetics and terrible color palettes?
Why did the dreamcast failed so hard?
What are some games with super low frustration levels
Wait, people are actually excited for this? looks as generic as uncharted
Breasts get bigger in the sequel
Fell for the DS2 isn't that bad give it a try meme
What is Sup Forums getting this February? Lots of gems coming out
Why the fuck are GameCube games so much more expensive than their PS2/Xbox (occasionally even Dreamcast) counterparts?
You cannot claim to be a fan of this game if you hadn't achieved the Resource Manager achievement
Sell me your game idea
Can anybody suggest a fun single player game with good atmosphere...
Is he a good guy or a bad man?
Now that the dust has settled, what is the Sup Forumseredict?
Remember, once the Nintendo Switch officially hits the market Valve, Blizzard...
Apk link:
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...