2017 looks PACKED

2017 looks PACKED

What games are you gonna play Sup Forums?

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>2017 looks PACKED
Especially when every game will have a BLACKED scene

That's a valid point that you're clearly going to prove.

Games from early 2000's instead because they're actual games

Breath of the Wild and South Park for sure.

Maybe Nier, Mario and Mass Effect if they are good, but I'll definitely wait for the verdict first.

Is the Sniper Elite series worth it?
I tried to watch a let's play of 2 to get an idea but I got bored out of my mind.

nice meme faggot kys


Nothing until around May or so. By than I most likely will pick up a Switch and play Zelda and a few other games on it like Bomberman and just wait until Splatoon hits. Between now and then I'm just going to try to play as much of my backlog as possible.

>Adds ni no kuni
>But not persona
>Not even tales of berseria

I hope the faggot who did this killed himself

it sure can't get any worse than the trash we got in 2016

>But not persona
>Not even tales of berseria
They came out last year. kys.

Yakuza 0 (playing now)
Shenmue 3 (fuck yes)
Ni No Kuni 2 (hopefully it's not shit)

I'll wait until Splatoon 2 comes out before buying it. My WiiU still has a bunch of games I need to play.

RDR2, South Park and REVII

Not where it matters
>implying 95% of the fanbase played it yet

Tekken 7
Crash remaster
Will check reviews for Nier

RE7, Nier, Zelda, Bomberman, Yooka, Mario KArt, Injustice, Battalion, RDR2, Outlast, Mario, Splatoon, Sonic Mania, South Park and Camp Buddy are all on my list of Want games, but Im gonna wait for reviews to come in.

Why include absolute crap like 1,2, Switch!, Kickstarter/EarlyAccess shit, and two Konami games (Bomberman and MGS) on the list, as well as remasters like MarioKart8 (but interestingly enough it doesn't have the much more anticipated Crash Bandicoot remakes, hmmMMM) when there are sooo many other great 2017 games, some of which already released?

How can you possibly include multiple Ubishit games, Sniper games, TELLTALE games (really man? at this point?) but no mention of GravityRush2, Persona5, DragonQuest Heroes 2 (hey it's also on Switch and that list has a lot of obvious Switch padding so I'm surprised it's not there), AceCombat7, GranTurismoSport, DigimonWorld, Toukiden2 (not like it doesn't meet the standards of that list) or Tides of Numenera (again, if you are including crowdfunded crap, why not this one?)

What a shitshow of a filtered list man. Either include every game on the earth that is releasing this year, or if you are nitpicking at least do it better

>Having the fucking audacity to stick Metal Gear:Survive in that image.


>mfw there are ACTUAL Nintoddlers that fit this picture almost exactly
Wouldn't be surprised if you are playing the fire emblem cashgrab mobile app right now.

Metal Gear Survive Unfortunately.

Played RE7
Just bought Yakuza 0 so I'm excited to try that once I plat RE7

>1, 2 shit

kill yourself nintendrone

breath of the wild
halo wars 2
mass effect
yooka and laylee
sniper 3 ghost>sniper elite
red dead 2
my fingers are fucking CROSSED for mw2 remake. This will make the best year of gamin in a long time if they remake that game.

>1 2 Switch
>Super Bomberman
>Ghost Recon
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>Metal Gear Survive
>Shenmue 3 in 2017
>Battlefront 2
>Call of duty
>Gaylo Wars 2

Shit taste user

Will camp buddy get a switch port?

Fixed it for you


Inb4 8.8

>not one original IP
and they say gaming isn't dead


BOTW, Nier Automata, DaS3 GOTY, Super Mario Odyssey, Bomberman R, Horizon ZD, Nioh, Yakuza 6 & Kiwami translated, Yooka Laylee, Ni no Kuni 2, Shenmue 3, South Park 2, MvCI, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and of course, trying to reduce my backlog.


>Yooka Laylee
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Not original

>Not original IP
and they say you aren't brain dead

None of that shit interests me in the slightest.
Maybe Nioh and Red Dead 2, but that's a big maybe.

Zelda, Persona 5, Red Dead 2, Splatoon 2, Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 (assuming it does actually come out this year), Neir Automata.

This is honest to god my most hyped year for games in fucking ages. I feel excited to play more than 1 game which has not happened in a very long time.

"Too much grass" - IGN

NioH is a new IP

So is... Arms (heh at least Nintendo is trying, give the little boys some applause)
For a better version of Arms in every way possible, and just as cash-grabby, there's ForHonor which is also a new IP - but it's Ubishit, so while's it's better than Arms that's really not saying much.

You're either a liar or just don't like video games anymore. Sell your $5,000 email checking machine.

It was from Gamespot newfag


I never liked video games

Hate mobile trash so no don't really care. And I have my PC for everything coming out that I want to play that's not on the Switch.

I'll be enjoying the Switch exclusive games and playing the years multiplats on my PC, feels very good.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
le robot face

I never said it was going to be good. It is an original IP.

>DS clone
> heh
>late 90s/early 00s game clone
> generic game nr. 293
fuck off pleb, don't post here anymore

New IP moron.
Not new genre.
Learn2games. Who is the pleb now?

> PC for everything coming out that I want to play that's not on [NINTENDO]

You're not lying to yourself. at. all. Nier Automata is TOTALLY YOUR THING 100%,, But NioH? Bleh! No interest! Booooooriiiing.
#FE?? WOOW That was so rad! But Persona5? Naaaaah, too much animu.

I wasn't saying they were a new IP retard, I was just stating that gaming is shit atm

Never touched a Nier game so I have no fucking clue if I want it or not. And I never was a fan of the Souls games so NioH is not my thing at all.

>Moving goalpost the post

None of those generic FPS are any good, none of those FG are any good except maybe Mahvel and I still don't like capeshit and capcom memes, MGS is shit, ARMS and all that shovelware can just fuck off, Sanic stop being good a long time ago, FF was never good outside of the first two, Horizon will be garbage and I'll never, ever play a generic hunting game with no CC no matter how much you pay me to do so, Nier is vastly overrated, I'd rather play DMC4 SE again, Ni no Kuni was Miyazaki's pokemon but worse, Shenmue was never, ever good.

I've already played Yakuza 0 and it's a good game, props to that.

That leaves me with Nioh, but I'm not into sengoku era/samurai games and red dead, not into cowboy shit either but the first game was decent.

I'm 30, I can't play anymore rehashes or generic shooter anymore, I need something more than the average game for dudebros normalfags.
And my email checking machine costed barely 500 bucks.

typcial neo Sup Forums retard. no taste or knowledge whatsoever. you deserve every single shit game we get, that much is true.

I was simply being just as hyperbolic as you were. So of course my post was nonsensical and unreasonable.

At this point it's impossible for PS4 to not have at least a handful game you want to play, you simply never cared to look. Especially when you are getting a Switch at launch, with its absolutely anemic 1st year library.

>Getting BTFO and still wants to reply the post

Played Yakuza 0 in 2015. Get on my level plebs

how did I get BTFO fag, please explain.

You posted this before and we told you to fix your fucking shit

How the ass do you have 1 2 Switch on there but no ARMS for example?


What about I may like Nioh and Persona but I'd rather play Zelda and Splatoon?

Jesus christ, man.

nothing because Sup Forums hates video games

I'm sure you are right. But for the most part I play PC games at home and the Switch will be my portable system.

>Wah wah no original IP
>Wah wah I meant g-g-genre
>Wah wah what do you mean I am moving the goalpost
>BTFO but wants to reply still

Yakuza 0 came out years ago if you're gonna play that card.

It's first year library is fine to me, since I don't have a Wii U

I already have more than 5 games I want in the first fucking year

Snipperclips, Mario kart 8, Zelda, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade2, ARMs, Mario Odyssey

Looking forward to Sonic Mania and Sonic 2017. That's all.


Red=I would but I don't want to waste money in a Switch.

Sonic Mania
RDR2 if it's on pc :^D

>SW battlefront
>Ghost Recon
What is it like to have shit taste user?

Xeno2 ain't coming this year m8. Not only is it the most obvious delay of all time (not even delay, as the game was never intended to release this year in the frist place, it's a simple lie to get people like you to buy a Switch ASAP) but also because Nintendo can't afford to NOT spread out their releases, why would they ever release Mario and Xeno2 in Q4, when Mario will carry that quarter by itself and Xeno2 can easily be pushed back to Q1 or Q2 of 2018.

At least it's more reseonable in your case since you don't own a WiiU. Still a stupid launch purchase because you'll go through 6 months of drought between Splat2 and Mario, but if hey good enoguh, I guess.
Still, with those standards (including indie games like Snipperclips) the PS4 would have dozens of games to offer you at this point, with the added bonus of most of them being heavily discounted already.

Know what? You're being incredibly level-headed and admiting your biases (in simply not caring to look the other way in the first place) so I'll stop funposting. The portability aspect is also a valid point, even if I'd never bring one to my commute personally, I get it that there is a minority out there who would.

>no mention of Ace Combat 7
Get good taste faggots. I'm certainly more excited for this than generic weebshit RPGs and Cod of Duty rehashes

No one on Sup Forums exclusively owns Nintendo systems. People try to single Nintendo fans out, but the lack of 3rd party support means that Nintendo fans also own a PS4 or PC.

None of those, modern AAA titles always disappoint me. I'll probably do the same as

>Mass Effect

What a shit image by what is clearly a fucking normalfag.

Portable tends to outsell home consoles. Just now with mobile taking over and need for a dedicated handheld gaming system isn't as big as it once was with GB-3DS (and even than 3DS did fairly well even with mobile taking over around the same time).

You'd be surprised user.

And yes everyone and their mother owns a PC. But only a minority own a PC able to play current games, thus excluding them from being "PC gamers". Sure they can play CSGO and LoL, but not most console multiplats.

Xenoblade is not happening in 2017 m8

>hey guys are you all looking forward to all these cool games that are coming?

>NEO Sup Forums RETARD

Fuck you Sup Forums

>You'd be surprised user.

There are always exceptions.

>But only a minority own a PC able to play current games
>Sure they can play CSGO and LoL, but not most console multiplats.

I'm strictly talking about Sup Forums here. Most of the PC gamers on Sup Forums probably have budget rigs anyway, but I still notice that they play games on low settings. It's not impossible for them to play console multiplats.

Just because portables sell a lot doesn't mean you actually play them outside in the way marketing depicts it, in the way they were designed. Most of the time (like 80%) you play them at home or at your friend's home, or a similar place. Playing them on the bus/train/while walking is quite rare outside japan and only a very very small minority do it, which is what I was refering to. Only phones are socially accepted, and since most people aren't sociopathic autists they care about what other people think of them on that Metro commute, so playing a Nintendo console is too embarassing, and even risky considering the other 80 people have their phones out and you have this weird huge tablet contraption, ready to be picked by the nearest gypsy.

>d-do I fit in now?

what a shitty year , the only turn-based game there is South Park ffs.

This 2bh

I never really thought/cared about socially accepted when it comes to gaming in public. On the train/bus as long as you don't be awkward like cheering or talk outloud like "fucking bullshit" no one will look at you any different. It's not even about going against the norm it's just that no one remembers their bus ride. Everyone is too busy focusing on their own shit (book, phone, maybe gaming device) to care what other people are spending their time doing. The moment you leave the bus you completely forgot everyone that was on the bus and you go about your day.

>neo/v/ calling people neo Sup Forums


This will be a Nintendo theme year for me, I'm on board with the Switch and between a game and another I'll check out what PC has to offer, I just wish RDR2 could come to PC...

Funny story, few years ago I was playing DS on a bus and this old lady comes onto the bus and sees me and starts saying how videogames are satanic and they will turn me into a murderer. Crazy bitch. Thankfully the next stop was my destination.

>A PC game and a PS3 game

Ouch. I never had anyone come up to me like that. Every so often I had someone ask what I'm playing. Actually we both had MH4U and decided to do a quick hunt since we were both going to the end of the line which was over 30 minutes away. So we just hunted a Gore Magala fast and had a blast.

>Outlast 2
U wot

A lot of these don't even have confirmed dates.

More like 2018 will be packed. 2017 seems strangely sparse.

Only ones on that list I'm excited for are Red Dead and FFXII HD.

>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Outlast 2


why are nips so embarrassing


>generic game

what the fuck are you tarding about

Gee OP you seem to really want Nintendos dick up your ass.

multiply the number of dicks you've sucked by the number of games your looking forward to in 2017

whats your score Sup Forums