How come there are a thousand WoW ripoffs, but no MMO tries to copy Runescape...

how come there are a thousand WoW ripoffs, but no MMO tries to copy Runescape, the only hugely successful MMO besides WoW?

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Because it was fueled by children's autism, thats not the MMO crowd anymore.

Coming from someone who was fucking level 113 in 2008.

the player-base was never as big as people make it seem like it was. runescape just was not successful enough to copy, wow was.

mainly this.

Playerbase was maybe, what, like a few hundred thousand? With a good number of that paying 5 bucks a month?

Compare that to a game with a few million players each paying 15 bucks a month, people are gonna want to copy that one.

Runescape has 90k players right now if you add up both the current RS3 and Old-School Runescape playerbase. That's top 3 steam instantly.

Because trying to sell a game with controls and graphics like Runescape at retail is a fucking terrible idea, and both of those are important for keeping Runescape's adventure game-like feel.

>the only highly successful MMO besides WoW

I wish more games did quests like RuneScape did.

Most, if not all, the quests in RuneScape were different instead of go to x and kill x bears.

Let me clarify this was a bad comment. At peak times during the day there are 90k players online, right now theres about 60k

he looks like an asian austin powers.

whoop de doo, that's still not a lot.

Yeah many of them were really good, I loved MM, working on getting the requirements to play the MM2 soon. Some of the quests simply do not hold up today however, I usually look up req items for a quest before starting to save guess work and time

What does Sup Forums think of RS3 vs OSRS? I've played both semi-recently and nostalgia aside I liked RS3 a lot more. Then Jagex banned me for "major macroing" because I grinded one thing in one area for too long and got very methodical about it.

RS3 has a huge amount of quality of life updates, and has a lot more content in general. However, a lot of the changes they made (like the armor/character designs in general and combat mechanics in particular) don't jive well with other people, and most minigames are practically abandoned even when it's featured.

You NEED a clanchat or friendchat to not feel completely alone in either Runescape, currently.

ESO turned around to be a really good MMO.

how exactly is/was runescape succesful?
last time i played it, the servers were just full of bots

it's always been extremely overrated. It's enjoyable but it boils down to pure autism.

It's like comparing the starting QB in highschool football team to Tom Brady.

was hoping to see BDO

I don't think RS3 is that bad, I just don't want to relearn EVERYTHING you know? They did a good job at taking a lot of the grind out of skilling for instance, but combat is completely different, fighting bosses is the new PvP, theres tons of cosmetic DLCs and shit

OSRS is literally just Runescape from our childhood, whether we like it or not. Same client and everything pretty much, complete with plenty of random disconnects that will fuck you over and ruin weeks of progress. Luckily the admins have passed a lot of QOL stuff, but the community is autistic and many of the polls don't get the 75% needed to pass and get into the game. Zeah was alright, and the changes they made to it were good, but it's practically dead content at this point. Raids is far less popular because people realized the rewards were meh.

One thing I have to note, I can't think of any mod team as active as Jagex. Go on the OSRS subreddit, (the place itself fucking SUCKS, so leave after you see what I'm talking about) but the admins frequently post in peoples threads and take feedback to heart. It's cool and surprising for a game with this many players.

But they're 2 completely different games, user.

Because the interface and tiny zoomed in screen were shit.
Why anyone played this is beyond me.

>turning around

hah! Enjoy this empty ocean and $22 shark costume instead senpai

BDO has a few cool systems just like AA does but in the end the PvP only endgame, extreme grinding and unbalanced classes on top of Korean P2W destroy the MMOs at their core.

kek, you're right

Another World is a very blatant RuneScape ripoff.

fuck off r*****

I want a fucking HD toggle in OSRS

2010 RS was the best RS

But they did "copy" Runescape, there are fuckloads of free MMOs, which is literally the only reason anyone ever played Runescape.

OSbuddy just launched an OpenGL option that vastly expands draw distance and changes the way shadows works, also makes the game way smoother. They want you to cough up $2.50 shekels a month tho


Agreed, being in a clan brings a lot of life to the game.

I think you have the same problem that a lot of people have in treating BDO like a typical MMO

It's like saying the end-game of Runescape is shit because there's one garbage raid and a couple bosses to kill.

No the "end-game" of BDO is whatever you really want it to be. Grinding, World Bossing, Fishing, Processing, Alchemy, Horse Breeding/Training, Weapon/Armour Enhancing, Money-Making, Building Worker Empires fuck even just walking around RPing and taking nice screenshots is fine. There is so much to do in this game and it makes me sad that people try and limit it to ONLY the combat stuff.

Yeah I wish there were at least some dungeons, maybe even raids to do, but fuck knows if you love skilling in Runescape you'll love Life Skills in BDO. The game is pure comfy

>whoop de doo, that's still not a lot.

It is a lot, even by steam top game. It's just not a lot compared to the peak 10 million subs WoW had.

Greedy suits dreaming of wow numbers

I love the "building an empire" feeling of BDO but it just doesn't feel like it has lasting power and I always find myself saying to what end?

Yeah it's probably just not the game for me but I just don't think it has enough depth in its systems to warrant having no sort of PvE end content and a pretty subpar PvP end content.


I wish more games did quests like runescape, I'm 50mill exp from max cape. God I love this game.

>talk to
>not examining her



Does there exist any MMO that copies Runescape's jukebox? You were able to listen to any song in the game as long as your character explored that area.

Sea Shanty 2 is my jam.

Hell's Bells will live in my heart forever.

wow costs money so if you make a shittier f2p wow ripoff you will get tons of players who don't want to pay/don't have permission to use mommy's credit card

runescape is already f2p so if you make a shittier f2p runescape ripoff people will just play the original

God I love these old songs.

i m working on it

>voluntarily socializing under any circumstances except completing a quest or diary

fuck off.

Albion online

albion is dead, the devs milked it too hard