ULTIMATE ROLL GUIDE >Install game >DON'T LINK THE ACCOUNT >Install first update >play tutorial >install second update >REDEEM YOUR FREE ORBS AT THE MAIL (optional roll here for 4 rolls instead of 5) >play the first 3 levels (prologue) >USE AUTOBATTLE, YOU LITERALLY CAN'T LOSE. >make sure you have 20 orbs >roll your 5 characters >if you aren't sattisfied close the game go to apps>fe heroes>delete app data. (NO UNINSTALL NECESARY) >repeat from step 2.
IF YOU'RE ROOTED YOU JUST NEED TO DELETE deviceaccount.xml IF YOU'RE IOS you're fucked
These are the characters you can ONLY get as a 5*, so aim to get at least one of them because they are the rarest.
>tfw have actually been playing the game while all of you faggots have just been playing gacha simulator for the past few hours
Grayson Cooper
Is there any to not combine copies of the same hero?
Juan Thomas
Rank the top 5 characters overall.
Kayden Moore
The best part about mobage is the gacha simulator
Are you new
Andrew Torres
Grayson Wright
Landon Carter
I settled for 5* Camilla after like three rerolls. Then I played 100 stamina worth of story and 6 duels and now I don't really care
Logan Peterson
Assuming that they are at same rarity you can level and see which one got best stats due to growth rates. If not same rarity then soylent green that shit
Jaxon Anderson
>you have to redownload the whole game if you want to link a new account Really nintendo?
Christian Cooper
>tfw still no fucking Hector even though I've pulled so many 5*s I can't even begin to count them
Luke Wood
6 hours ago I rolled a 5 stars loli Tiki
couldn't be more satisfied
Benjamin Cook
Add me
Connor Sullivan
Is Anna salvageable? i really like her design in this game but if the character borders are anything to go off on, I think she's a 1/2 star unit?
does unlocking her potential eventually make her viable or should I just give up on my favourite jewfu
Isaac Perez
This game is boring
Bentley Diaz
>/fehg/ Kill yourself.
Charles Bailey
>tfw trashed a ryoma not knowing he was good FUCK I JUST WANT A CUTE GIRL OR HECTOR THATS IT
Josiah Bennett
>Roll Camilla >connection error >FUCK FUCK FUCK >start rolling again with only 17 orbs >5* Takumi and Tiki >fuck yeah >scared of connection error so I try to make a My Nintendo Accound >Fucking Nintendo never sends me a confirmation code WHAT THE FUCK
Jordan Thompson
Your face is boring.
Colton Baker
Just don't link your account next time fuckboy, the fact there's an undo button for linking your account early at all is decent,
Mason Butler
add me
Julian Morales
Seriously though, I did manage to link my NNID this time, so will I keep my data?
Brayden Campbell
got 2 lucinas, what do
Jace Long
>google play telling me my card was declined >bought some orbs in the afternoon
fuck, did the chinese apk makers clone my shit
how am I getting Lyn now
Andrew Harris
3166 0965 37
Add me friends
Christopher Peterson
>implying i'm not gonna keep rolling until i pull 4 goldstars then never touch this game again
Jack Powell
Believe in the me who believes in you, user. Don't surrender.
Lucas Bailey
After playing a couple hours (ignoring the hour I lost rerolling until I got Minerva) the game isn't all that fun. It's pretty good but I can't see myself playing it for a long time. It all comes to how many stars and levels you have in your party instead of pulling some real strategic value.
It's a pretty fine time waster, tho.
David Kelly
>actually playing the game instead of gacha simulating fucking casual, no mobile game is actually any good. We're here for the hopes and dreams of potential gacha rolls we'll never actually see.
Michael Sanders
>Tfw still use a flip phone and have no way to play this
Carter Williams
Don't pvp swords regenerate on their own? How do they expect me to get 20k wings?
Sebastian Lee
Yep relink it and you'll get your save back.
Kevin Adams
What's the point of a friends list in this game?
>tfw rolled 5* tiki and lyn
Parker Long
Ryan Butler
Play on emulator.
Oliver Baker
Bluestacks or Nox, take your pick both are free.
John Hernandez
Man flip phones are cool
Juan Martin
what are you supposed to do with duped units?
Lincoln Cook
I wonder how
Jack Lopez
Angel Flores
Angel Sullivan
So I just delete the xml as per rerolls?
Joshua Cox
send home useless characters and cheer your friends daily
Jason Gutierrez
I may not have went for the best possible roll but I have quickly fallen in love with Jakob Joestar Also post gains
Christopher Garcia
advanced growth->merge units
John Baker
>All these ridiculously cute Pegasus Knights How can I ever hope to raise them all
Jordan Diaz
Add me, I'm lonely
Wyatt White
>20,000 (twenty thousand) fucking feathers
Jesus fuck
Ryan Ward
so what do I delete to add my new deviceaccount.xml do I just delete Share_prefs folder and just drop the new file in the root explorer?
Austin Jones
fucking 5 star heroes man
Chase Parker
>game is fucking slow on Nox >game doesn't even play on Bluestacks How is something so simple turning out to be so fucking difficult?
Ian Reyes
i want ryoma to fuck me in the ass so take that as you will
Benjamin Hall
Jose Turner
No you idiot, how is this so hard to understand? You need to be 18 to post here
Ian Anderson
What's the name of the thing this image is based off again?
Aaron Lee
Put me in the friend paste 8633997590
Also post teams
Asher Foster
>Finally give up on getting the character I want (Beruka) and decide to settle with whatever I end up getting >End up getting 5* Camilla and 5* Hawkeye >Happy as fuck >Error Code 803-3001
Austin Thomas
Connection error.
Landon Evans
So how exactly would one go about trading rolls?
Jaxson Hall
you have got to be fucking shitting me
Gabriel Rodriguez
Gavin Gutierrez
is it true if you roll as a female you'll get more female waifus, and if you roll as a male you'll get more housbandos?
Isaiah Perez
you replace the old one with the new one you dork
Jace Murphy
I'm torn between this pull and the one where I got 5* Lynn
Aiden Edwards
So what, just delete the app, install and load from the acc?
Parker Butler
>5* Male Corrin keeps getting rekt while my 3* Tiki is pretty durable Coolio. Also, add me please: 3269557199
Daniel Allen
So now you guys can fuck off to /vg/, right?
Samuel Garcia
>just get a new phone the other day >but it's on the newest android version >have to try and figure out how to root it again since I last did that two years ago Fug
Jaxson Perez
Someniggas add me. I dont want to reroll anymore 7744573851
Matthew Moore
They recharge once per day. Should happen in about 90 minutes.
Nathaniel Campbell
I got the connection error but I'm not rooted.
Jack Richardson
4778273241 Add me bros I NEED FEATHERS.
Lincoln Reyes
>/fehg/ Not even trying to hide it anymore. Fuck off to /vg/. Thanks.
Gavin Walker
My toaster laptop 430M is running fine.
Christopher Ross
William Anderson
Shits easier than ever assuming you don't have a Samsung, then its harder than ever
Hunter Moore
>Only want Camilla >4 greys and a blue
Jonathan Martinez
Fire Emblem Heroes
Asher Wright
So does this game have random stat ups or what? I've rerolled a half dozen times and gotten the same level ups consistently
Sebastian Turner
You can upgrade Units into a better rarity once they reach a certain level.
Joshua Roberts
Is there ANY confirmation or source on this whatsoever?
Dylan Moore
jesus fuck just take the two 5 stars >I haven't even rolled one yet >on roll 10
Hudson Cook
sorry I just not sure which file I was supposed to go in
Chase Clark
>tfw have Lyn but absolutely nothing else of value and nobody that can pass as a tank and she can just barely carry me >Already linked my nintendo account and spent a bunch more orbs
I guess whenever I have a good amount of orbs again I'll do a summon and only pull on reds or blues until I get someone that can work as a wall and pray to RNGesus to give me Draug, Effie, or Gunther
Kevin Lewis
Do dueling swords regenerate over time, or do you have to use a dueling crest?
Caleb Wright
Is the blonde chick the only story character to not have shit growths? The boy is mediocre and Anna is straight trash
Nolan Reyes
Is it 20K feathers and 20 huge gems, or is it PICK ONE? That's a huge difference.
Bentley Hughes
I assume the starter ones are fixed then ????? because no one seems to be comparing from what I've seen.
Is there a purpose to pull as many 5*'s as possible,or is it just Sup Forums min/max'ing?
Cooper Gray
Guys how can i keep getting orbs after ending the story?
Nicholas Foster
user I've been rerolling all day and that's what I just got.
David Watson
Rate my roll.
Don't even remember what the 4th one was, wasn't gold
Dylan Myers
Trying to link my account but I'm not getting the email to verify the account. Are they manually sending these things out cause I'm getting other emails from other sites instantly?
Gavin Clark
>Get some pink haired slut called sakura >Assume she is basic shitty healer bitch from fates >keep her around out of having no other decent 4 stars >Keep healing everyone >Notice she can get an offensive ability >Figure why the fuck not and get her sp to get it >Suddenly turns into a murder beast who can heal and damage >Kick out shitty raigh so I can get another melee unit >Pink hair waifu slut murders everything while healing my 5 star roy on the side
I love tihs bitch. Fuck raigh though.
Matthew Torres
Harder difficulties. Only other way. Once a month new quests come with a few opportunities for new orbs, but it's the 2nd of the month...
Oliver Sanchez
I been thinking that it may be better to do 4 individual rerolls in chase you get cucked with colors