Npc reaches 1 hp

>npc reaches 1 hp
>"enough of this!"
>stuns you and runs away

nice 1d pepe xD

Post peppers


God Tier: Green
High Tier: Orange
Mid Tier: Yellow
Pleb shit tier: Red

name 2 non weeb games that do this.

you're list are on reverse order

I like bell peppers

>Pleb shit tier: Red

literally kys.

Well, in Dragonborn DLC from Skyrim, Miraak pussies out when you get him to low health and he becomes invincible three different times in the same fight to recover to max HP Not really the same, but similar.

>Unironically liking entry level red pepper

I bet you guys also prefer white asparagus

Green and Red are equally good, everything else is just extras.

>entry level
And this somehow makes it bad because...?

name 7^(7^(7^(7^(7^7)))) games that do this.

First list on Sup Forums I can agree with.


>character eats green pepper

>pleb shit tier


>let me grab a fry real quick bro

>pleb non-spicy peppers
Banana peppers and other mildly spicy peppers are the best


This. Fuck of with your tier bullshit

>Some say he still cries out "FUKUI-SAN" to this very day