>game's title spoils the plot.
Game's title spoils the plot
Xenosaga subtitle
>Metroid Prime
i mean, i guess if you have beaten the game or something. i haven't, so i can't ever figure out what it is spoiling.
though, i don't think i ever seen that subtitle before on the main menu screen...
Blew my fucking mind
>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Alduin attacks before the Empire can cut your head off so you become the Dragonborn and chase him down and kill him while there's a civil war going on that you can fight on either side of
What made Bethesda think such a long subtitle was a good idea?
The two Fs disappear from the subtitle after a certain plot point.
Game was spoiled to me by some fucker who didn't use the spoiler tags.
I'm thoroughly enjoying it right now, though.
I can not play this game with English dialouge, those voices irritate me. The older japanese men voicing characters is funny as fuck, though.
This happens when you hit chapter 6
as an user who has never played that game and probably never will,
spoonfeed me pls senpai
100% Orange Juice is literally only orange juice
Bravely Default: Flying fairy
Bravely Default: Lying Airy
a spoiler is only a spoiler if you point out it's a spoiler, you absolute mongoloid
What's an airy?
Fucking what no way
The totally-not-evil fairy who guides you in the game.
The fairy that follows you around all game and tells you plot dump things and objectives.
Ooh, I see. Spooky
>Naked Snake Was Used To Kill The Boss Not Knowing She Never Actually Defected So They Can Get The Philosopher's Legacy: A Hideo Kojima Game (Konamiā¢)
what were they thinking?
The fairy in the game that tells your party to do stuff for the plot of the game.
i would willingly become a super manlet if it meant i could repeatedly impregnate airy the fairy
>mfw I wanted to play this game
>mfw I can't stop myself from reading about games I wanna play
Am I fucked now?
Don't bother she pupates into full size
Nah, I had it spoiled before playing too, still a nice game.
there's more to spoil than that. leave this thread now if you still plan on playing it.
It's actually more fun to know that spoiler, because you can spot all the subtle hints the game drops about Airy before the reveal.
Super Mario 64
I like what Bravely Second: End Layer did with making the whole SP mechanic plot relevant.
If all you care about is the story, then they're doing you a favor. Play the game if you enjoy the gameplay of job system JRPGs, otherwise avoid it on account of the story being completely retarded with every character being deliberately obtuse and refusing to even consider listening to anyone or explaining anything. No, they would much rather just fight to the death instead of take 5 minutes of time to even bother figuring out why they have to.
Chapter 5 intro was the greatest part of the series.