Thoughts on Dishonored 2?

thoughts on Dishonored 2?


dishonored 1 was shit, all the powers did was make the game easier than it already was

>Emily will never step on your face with those boots

>nobody on Sup Forums played it because it's not cracked

Improved pretty much everything the original had. Last year's goty for me, not sure why people skipped it. They didn't even pull the season pass bullshit like SE did with Deus ex

Because it runs like trash.

It's a pretty fun one, Emily's powers are a bit more interesting than Corvo's were. This does make the game a little bit easier though I think especially on ng+ when you can have both characters' powers. Though you can elect to do the whole "no powers mode" if you want to amp up the difficulty as bit and I think they added in a permadeath difficulty recently. One thing I didn't really like was the decision to add in voice acting for the protagonists, especially when you're on a "high chaos" playthrough as it tends to make the characters sound a little too edgy for my liking, but all in all a solid game. Don't think I'd pay $60 for it though.

Was really good, improved on the first in all aspects besides story really. Only big downside was the poor optimization.
>Can't have fun with creatively using your powers
Must suck not being able to enjoy things

Fair point, the game was absolutely broken when it comes to performance on release. It's better now, but still works like shit on CPUs that should be able to run this game flawlessly

like what, AMD CPUs?

This game exists to remind me that I am shit at video games.

It's a fantastic game in almost every aspect, but I don't have the patience necessary for this.

is it worth it on pc yet, or just go with the console version when i do buy it

Unless you have a PS4 pro, the game runs like absolute shit on consoles, with constant drops below 20. Pc version is not great but still far better

there are drops on PS4Pro as well

thats disgusting how did they fuck up so bad

It's even more funny when you realize they're using pretty much the same engine Doom 4 used, and that game runs like charm on any potato

A perfect example of modern AAA single player games. Entirely forgettable experience

Nope, Dishonored 2's engine is modified id Tech 5, which was the one used in RAGE and Wolfenstein TNO among others, while Doom 2016 runs on id Tech 6.

"When you use an engine that already exists on the market you hit some limitations," says Mitton. "With this engine based on Id Tech 6 we've rewritten quite everything that's 70% of the engine. And it allows us to push the boundaries in every corner."

shit optimization
runs like shit on all platforms
most posted term in their forum is
so they fucked up and destroyed the franchise
gg zenimax

I'm pretty sad about it. Dishonored could have been a long running franchise, but since they rushed the sequel out months ahead of when it should have been released, they pretty much killed themselves off.

Not sure if I should hate the publisher or the studio. So I'll just hate both.

Well that was a great decision.

Deus ex MD + Season pass vs Dishonored 2

Which one should I get? Both are at the same price

Did you like Dishonored 1, or Human Revolution more? That should answer your question.

Gameplay is better, story and narrative and level design are all worse.

I liked them both the same, but I kinda don't wanna give money to SE for the shitty thing they did with MD cutting content

Kinda shit/uninteresting story, missed potential in terms of characterization of Corvo and Emily, kinda shit performance, excellent level design and gameplay variety/options, excellent atmosphere and setting.

It didn't completely live up to its potential, but they got it right where it matters, namely level design and gameplay.

You shouldn't buy the season pass for MD.

All the DLC so far is trash and it looks like the studio no longer gives a shit about Deus Ex so I wouldn't expect much going forward.

I find that the level design suffers from being too open in most cases. The first game had the issue of being able to just fly over most stealth obstacles, this one has that issue, but more

The Clockwork Mansion also wasn't as cool as it could have been.

I've got 24 hours in MD, and 50 hours in Dishonored2. Both are very fun to explore on your first playthrough, because of their unique settings. Dis2 is better suited IMO to multiple plathroughs (chaos level, corvo/emily). Also the powers are fun as shit to play with.

I only beat MD once, I still want to do a lethal runthrough of it, but with HR I immediately jumped back into a new game. I should mention the ENDING of MD is insultingly abrupt, like "OKAY GUYS THAT'S IT GO HOME" kind of abrupt.

Haven't played Dishonored 2 but Mankind Divided is extremely forgettable, not a terrible game but one of those you can skip and nothing will be missed.

Most areas didn't feel too open for me. In any case I'd rather have it like this where you've got shitloads of options and can creatively combine all the tools you've got to get to the goal rather than some railroaded shit. I didn't get the complaints with the first one either, I mean if you're playing a game in order to cheese and/or break it, you'll probably manage to do it somehow. I'd rather have the possibility of emergent gameplay rather than a couple of strictly-controlled corridors because the devs were afraid somebody might not play the game in the way they imagined.