>amazing soundtrack
>mutiple genre's from western to sci fi to traditional fantasy
>interesting characters for each chapter
>final chapter involves merging all of these into one
This game is criminally underrated.
>amazing soundtrack
>mutiple genre's from western to sci fi to traditional fantasy
>interesting characters for each chapter
>final chapter involves merging all of these into one
This game is criminally underrated.
Other urls found in this thread:
The medieval story hurt to play cause of all the horrible shit that happens
Did you get the sad ending on purpose too?
Heard of it, haven't played it.
Sell it to me user.
>is a jrpg
It's good
It never saw international release. That's pretty much it.
I tried the western story first and the game kicked my ass
Sold. What emulator do I use though? ZSNES or is a better one?
>implying it wasn't the best chapter
The final boss and the final boss theme is so fucking good. Thank god for Yoko Shimomura.
I swear they were inspired by spaghetti westerns, especially clint eastwood ones.
zsnes is fine unless you're autistic enough to care that some of the sound doesn't glitch EXACTLY the same way it would on real hardware, in which case you can use bsnes
I really like how chapters aren't just re-skins.
>ninja chapter
You can do a no-kill stealth run for the best weapon.
>martial arts master
Get to train your students over the course of the chapter.
>robot chapter
Snes9x is the best snes emulator
future chapter is such garbage. you literally just walk from dialog scene to dialog scene until you trigger the final battle.
fuckin great game though.
>mfw psychic
Yeah, pretty amazing game. A game like this would never be made today - and I say that not because "a bloo bloo" games today are shit, but just how different it is from anything that came before or after. A real gem.
>all those methods to set up traps to make your showdown with the Crazy Bunch easier or harder
>it's entirely possible with enough luck to defeat every last member should you decide not to use traps
Agreed. It reminds me of the tagline for cowboy bebop about being a new genre due to fusing a bunch of prexisting ones. Bit like this game how it fuses all of them together.
>mfw Masaru the Wrestler chapter
Suddenly, you're learning moves left and right to survive.
>That guy who chose Li instead of Yuan or Sammo.
Normally I don't recommend let's plays but McGammar arguably did the best let's play for it. Completes everything and offers actual good commentary.
The game may be underrated, but seeing this thread feels good man
She IS the best numerical choice, though. Common mistake people commit is spreading the training between all three students.
>dat feel when your student unleashes the secret move on the villain at the end
ZSNES is shit since more than 7 years ago.
Use Snes9x
This. This let's play got me into the game to begin with.
This. As someone said a long time ago, game would probably be treated as a classic at this point had it been released worldwide.
>dat feel when he's been gone for five years
And I agree, definitely the best LP of the game.
Why did he leave :(
>Did you get the sad ending on purpose too?>>Anonymous
Oersted did nothing wrong
He didn't really. Everybody in Lucretia was a dick.
He got cuck'd.
>tfw when you get cucked so hard you become the lord of demons, stall time and space and suck everyone into your dimension
Fuck both of those emulators. If you want accurate emulation, get Higan.
It did rather badly in Japan
Is Oersted /our guy/?
Obarumaru is our guy.
Nobody can spin/kill like he can.
>mfw getting the soda bottle first try on king mammoth
>mfw I have no face
But did you get the basic rock?
Game is great but a little too unpolished to be anything but a cult game.
Also iirc each era having a different font was something the fan patch added, an official release wouldnt bother
How do you think I managed to kill him in the first place? I'm trying to get the best stuff possible on my second run and I gotta say the no-kills rule in Oboro's chapter makes it pretty interesting. I had the map hot ironed to my brain by the end of it
one last bump
LaL threads never last and I'm sure it's for the best, but I don't wanna go
>Listen to the final boss theme.
>Includes the Saint Alicia attack screech at the end of the track.
sppoks me every time
This game was ridiculously ambitious. My only gripe is that the attack descriptions don't tell you enough and you have to try everything out to figure out what it does.
The battle system has a lot of potential, but some things became predictable like an enemy's strongest attack always being their diagonal attack since it covers the least area.
In a sequel (never ever) it would be great if you could target specific parts of the body (since enemies take up more than one square), it would add a lot of strategy to the game.
>He came back every year to comment saying it's been one more year since his brother died.
Y-you mean that's why he stopped doing videos?
Where are these comments? I checked his channel but I never knew ;_;
>the protagonist got cucked and turn into a villain
They were on his channel page, but they may have been lost.
He means re-select medieval chapter for the final chapter.
Every chapter is inspired by something.
Damn, that's a shame he stopped because of that. I wish he would come back though.
He had the most lame shit to say to oersted, everyone else (except the robot because it can't talk) say something meanful, even the caveman "love!!!" Strikes oersted where it hurts, but sundown kid only comments about wanting to return home.
Western: For a Few Dollars More
Space: Alien, 2001 A Space Oddysey
Mecha: Mazinger Z, Raideen, Kamen Rider
Prehistoric: The Gods Must Be Crazy
Wrestling: Street Fighter 2
Ninja: I forget the name, but it was a famous jidai geki movie
Kung Fu: Wuxia
Medieval: Final Fantasy
I know but the Sundown kid especially since he looks like clint eastwood.
Akira should be added to the Mecha chapter.
It COULD be made today, but everyone would just call it unoriginal and full of ripoffs. It was back in the day when filling a work with references wasn't faux pas.
That's where Raideen comes in, the mech in that could only be piloted by a psychic.
Remember, Sundown just wants to die.
Remember, Tokita has wanted to remake it for years now
To be honest I don't think I've seen a game like Live a Live since. If so feel free to name one.
Does Touhou A Live count?
Fucking square. Do you realize how good this game would be with a remake?
It's not like Square forgot about it. They re-released it on VC for its 20th anniversary.
Wasn't the VC japan only?
What I really liked and I think doesn't get brought up enough, is how every chapter had its characters designed by a different mangaka. It really made them feel more distinct.
Yes, but that's because there's no official english version for them to put on our VC
Fun fact that a lot of you might already know:
When he made his EarthBound Halloween hack, the creator of Undertale wanted to use Live A Live's Megalomania as the final boss track, unfortunately he couldn't get it to work with EB's soundfont. So instead he made his own track inspired by it, "Megalovania" which is the meme song we all know today.
And Megalomania is a DLC Song for Theatrhythm Curtain Call.
It also got an vocal release, and apparently the whole song is in english
It's no game. Live or Die.
No time for losers beat the beast keep on fighting
Let's get down. Now's the time.
The past is gone, I can't look back ahhhh—
I have no love. All I see now is sadness
Sky has no mercy every day is so dark just cry x3
I have no one. All I have now is you.
Somebody save me cause I wanna be free I try x3
Where to go? Who to be?
Losing my time eating me up inside.
Let's get up. Rise to shine.
It's now or never I cannot go back ahhhh—
But where's my hope? All I see now is darkness.
Life has no meaning every night I wake up just cry x3
I have no one. All I have now is you.
someday I'll get up 'cause I gotta be free just try x3
A new horizon, destiny is approaching me now. Keep trying...
Burning desire, never let go the victory now. Keep fighting...
It's too late. Win or Lose.
No chance of winning gotta stop this I'm hurting
is this fate? What's the use?
The past is gone this is survival ahhhh—
I have no love. All I see now is lonliness.
Sky has no mercy every day I lay down just cry x3
I have no one. All I have now is you.
Somebody save me cause I wanna break out I try x3
Win to fight. There's no tie.
My heart is rising suddenly there's no sound around.
Endless fight. Live or die.
Time has no mercy what a death battle ahhhh—
But where's my joy? All I feel now is madness.
Life has no meaning every night I wake up just cry x3
I have no one. All I have now is you.
Someday I'll get up cause I gotta be strong just try x3
See the horizon? Destiny is approaching me now. Keep trying...
Burning desire, never let go the victory now. Keep fighting...
A new horizong, destiny is approaching me now. Keep trying...
Burning desire, never let go the victory now...
It's literally about Oersted
Another bump
Explain the gameplay, is it like fire emblem or FF
think in a proto chrono trigger.
Single screen grid system in which you can move around and take turns similar to FF. Attacks from enemies change depend on the position you are relative to them this is somewhat similar to the player as certain attacks require certain positions to be in due to the amount of tiles or area of attack said attacks take up.
Multiple chapters with different characters that all come together in the final chapter. All chapters have different stories and based on certain genres and also twist the way the game is played somewhat.
It actually plays more like SaGa Frontier
Good game. I emulated it once.
Explain that combat system
Sounds cool is there a patch needed or something
How do I play this in English?
Search it on Google, is a patch for the snes game easy to find
>if you don't pick Sundown as your MC for the final chapter you have to chase his ass all over the map until he joins
Hate if you want, but that's kinda where undertale came from. Megalovania started as a replacement for megalomania, since the earthbound tracker couldnt handle it.
Change cultural references to vidya ones and you can see whats going on.
>this got deleted because square wanted more SQ CHIPS 2 sales
>nobody got to experience the best remix of the final theme
Yeah but the idea of multiple chapters all based around different MCs that come together in the end is what makes LAL unique.
Undertale isn't really Live a Live at all.
Live a Live has multiple chapters with different't genre's and a grid based system of combat. It might have influenced Toby in some way but it really doesn't play or look anything alike.
Sometimes you have to shovel through piles and piles of shit on Sup Forums just to come across one thread like this and it's so fucking worth it.
Bless you OP.
Thanks user. Underrated gems like this deserve more treatment, usually when I post something like this it gets lost in 10 seconds flat.
Holy fuck, this is good.
I meant more aesthetically, but yeah.
>different MCs that come together in the end
Well, theres KH:BBS, but that's also Square.
I posted it in a vidya music thread not too long ago explaining how I got the track. basically someone uploaded it to youtube and I managed to snag a copy of it befre square took it down everywhere and uploaded to my channel years later
I'm sure there's more SQ Chips 2 tracks out there and we need to find 'em because this shit is great
Fuck off m8 I loved the future chapter. Akira and his pal were cool, I loved the turtle robot, using his ESP to read all the NPCs' minds was hilarious at times, and the finale was awesome.
Kill you...
I think he's talking about Cube's chapter.