Wtf I love The Witness now

Wtf I love The Witness now

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wtf I hate punching nazis now!

go back to neogaf

While I do think it's an issue about free speech

Watching a neo-nazi get punched in the face while talking about pepe was pretty fucking funny

It was even funnier a second time

what is with 'liberals' and thinking advocating genocide is just another political view that deserves to be heard

Why didn't Cap listen to this man's side of the argument? He punched him just because he disagreed with him? Who's the real nazi here.

>unarmed black man gets shot by racist police
>white ppl: ...
>self described neo nazi gets punched by an antifascist

wtf I hate punching liberals now!

Give em a break, in all of history they never got blown the fuck out so hard as they did here.

cucks BLOWn the fuck out

>antifa: You want to fight? I'll give you a fucking fight! Come here! I'll fucking punch you! *walks towards the nationalist*
>Nationalist: Take this, faggot.

>*nigger with a gun robs a store and gets shot trying to run away afterwards

Nobody gonna defend criminal filth.

But fine, upstanding white men who only want discussion- that's a fucking crime.

Whether the people that turned that riot violent were antifa or right-winger false-flaggers is completely irrelevant. The truth is that anyone who celebrated when the nazi got punched was responsible for escalating this into the wrong direction.

Peaceful protests and vigilant watch against Trump's actions are perfectly acceptable, but violent actions and approval of them is just giving him and people who support him more ammunition.

It's amazing how people think being against facism is literally worse than Hitler

>unarmed black man gets shot by police for not complying and openly making threats
>unarmed white man gets punched for having a different opinion

you're absolutely right. we should start a movement with a catchy name, something about the lives of whites and how they matter

The punching really showed what kind of pussy whipped morons those alt-right guys really are.
Instead of choosing their own narrative of being strong and not being afraid of pain they chose the whining and bitching of the left. They thought they were smart but just lowered themselves down

friendly reminder The Witness is only €15 on EU PSN right now.

>niggers commit +50% of all homicides
>wtf why do the police hate us so much


Who the fuck is this idiot anyway?

wow what a solid argument, this really applies here
Ive completely changed my frame of thought because of this
Its a good thing all those who are for the riots are just a retarded as you

Humans literally need someone controlling their lives. Most of them are retards that shouldn't be in control of any aspect of their lives.

racist, fascist, neo-nazi
literally scum of the earth
white people love him though

>Peaceful protests and vigilant watch against Trump's actions are perfectly acceptable
Except people started bringing up free speech because they didn't want to be criticized. It also doesn't help that police officers start gettinf violent with protestors and lawmakers don't actually do anything to protect them (in fact, the GOP passed a bill somewhere to let people run over protestors if they're blocking traffic and not get in trouble)

We do?

*white trash* love him


It must be true because that Anonymous poster on imageboard said so!


>People tho don't follow my framework of thought are retards who need someone to control their lives as I see fit

"dapper" white nationalist/neo-Nazi

>police getting violent with violent "protesters"
>"protesters" run on street and get run over by car

hows that a problem?


>people actually think saying this kind of thing makes sense and doesn't just make them look insane

mods pls

Most people don't even know who the fuck he is. Your meme men like this dude and Milo are irrelevant in larger scheme of things.

that's reasonable but I still don't want to play your line maze game

Because that's all trying to limit people practicing their free speech via protesting. It's even more important because these things are enabled by the government, which is the one entity that shouldn't be interfering with it. Too bad Trump doesn't actually care about that.

Yeah because a guy rushing his wife to the hospital hitting some regards standing in the middle of the FREEWAY should be able to have criminal charges pressed against him.

It's more to do with the fear of protestors blocking cars and dragging the driver out. Often it's way, way smarter to continue driving, even at a slow pace, when hundred people try to surround your car. If you stop, who knows what 'll happen? Mobs are not known for their fair judgement.

I find that hard to believe.Why would I love somebody I don't even know?

Look at this thread nigger and then tell me anyone here should be in charge of anything. Hell, we have riots because of a democratic election. Humans are retards.

violent protesting aka rioting isnt free speech

>the GOP passed a bill somewhere to let people run over protestors if they're blocking traffic and not get in trouble
I can kinda understand this though.
If I'm minding my own business and a bunch of rioters start trying to get me out of my car or anything of that sort, then yeah, I'm not just going to stop and hope that they'll be civil and not fucking beat me up/kill me.

>hur my comic propaganda is what I base my world view on

>giving him and people who support him more ammunition.

Literally hopefully

What did Druckmann say?

Fuck off you nigger

wtf I love neogaf now

when you decide to leave your little Sup Forums echo chamber and join us in the real world I'll tell you all about how much damage these dangerous right wing idiots are doing to your country.

>Protestors block street ILLEGALLY
>Not only just inconvenience people, but also prevent ambulances and firetrucks from getting through
>They surround cars and start hitting them trying to drag people out

I am all for the right to assemble, when you start doing that garbage you deserve what you get.

We teach children not to play in the street, but we let adult children (liberals) protest in the street.

desu ken was 100% right

nice video games btw


Before these violent riots, sure

Good thing most aren't to begin with. I don't recall anything happening when the Women's March happened. The only recent incident was some antifa getting shot while protesting Milo.

> fact, the GOP passed a bill somewhere to let people run over protestors if they're blocking traffic and not get in trouble

Nothing wrong with this faggot.

I hope you get run over

Americans are literally labelling everybody they dont like nazis
What a wreck of a country

Where were you when alt-right numales became sjw-tier hypocrites?

Reminder not to normalize political violence, because Trump supporters own a lot more guns than pussy liberals do :^)

They are ironically pushing people towards Fascism by doing it too

>He thinks that people act exactly the same in anonymous image board than in real life

Also, people showing their disapproval is somehow retarded?

>white people have become niggers

Can you prove that someone advocating for genocide is a Nazi?

still irrelevant
he'll be forgotten in 1 week and by then trump will have been impeached for his unconstitutional laws.

Also he got on Fox News and is apparently arranging a meeting at the white house because of the riots.

So basically by rioting they had an event where he'd just make a few triggered and safe space jokes to a couple of hundred people cancelled and replaced by him getting to address the entire nation.

>The only recent incident was some antifa getting shot while protesting Milo.

yeah and the berkely protest was super peaceful

kill yourself gaffer

>GOP passed a bill somewhere to let people run over protestors if they're blocking traffic and not get in trouble
Good. Even fucking children know not to play on the street.

>all of these asshurt libtards on Sup Forums
Oh man the next 8 years are going to be beautiful.

I'm not American though. Though it is possible that they could be doing damage to America, seeing how you people have long history of listening to idiots and giving them time of the day.

Beating people for being white certainly is.

I don't see you communists as Human anymore.

Milo is an asshole, but he is simply using the left's tactics against them.

I don't know why liberals are so fucking retarded. His book was literally #1 on Amazon the day after the Burkley riot.


not the person you were talking to, but can you please enlighten me how some retarded racist fuck is doing so much damage to the country? (as opposed to fucktards who riot and destroy private/public property, while ignoring the very fucking principles of a civilized world, and basically giving more attention and sympathy to said retarded racist fucktards)

>>>unarmed black man gets shot by racist police
>>white ppl: ...
yeah except it was more like
>some white people: that's wrong
>other white people: that's not exactly what happened
>still other white people: ...
but i mean whatever you need to convince yourself all white people are evil rayciss

>Sup Forums

top kek why does this place even still exist when we have /vg/?

I mean the guy that punched him ran away. If he was a real man he would beat the shit out of him and stay there and let everyone know that he did it. Not just sucker punch him and run away.

>The only recent incident was some antifa getting shot while protesting Milo.

Wasn't that ruled as self-defense as well since he tried to suckerpunch someone?

>he wants an apology for someone slandering him

totally unreasonable and hypocritical
this person should be laughed at and kicked out of every city he visits

My dad in the early 2000's passed by a protest where they smashed his passenger side front window. I think it's totally fair to give drivers right of way in protests. Nobody wants to be right there at ground zero for some mob mentality shit if they turn violent.

How cucked can u be?
Holy cow