W-which one?

W-which one?


Always Ashley.

Ballistics > fugly ringu clone



>Escort mission vs your kinky brunette wife that roughs you up a bit, still cares and loves you after 3 years missing, and literally saves your life even after you choose another girl over her
The choice is obvious here people

>Mia cant compete with the thiccness

jill ofcourse

>peace sign on armpit

what... what did she mean by this?

The one with the ballistics.

She's used goods, user. No deal.

Clair Redfield is my barnyard babe

>someone has had their dick in that mouth and that ass.

Why even fucking live?


>that face
>that skin

looks like a tranny


only because she has money

her feet might still be pure

TFW will never have my own QT white girl...

thats fucking great. is that an unlockable outfit?


>put UV light on computer screen
>cum stains

nah man, those feet are last week's meat

>no rachel / gina

shit list


>youngest one is in her 30s
Old hags.

re4 waifu bait, you are mine


7 please. I don't want no dark skinned slave

gimmie ash's cow titties any day

I recognize all but 5 where's she from?

helena from re6 i think

Rollin. Sheeva is probably the only good looking African woman I have seen in my life and she isn't even real.

Mia is actually usefull, devoted and legal


Give me a name before the thread dies.

lets go

what the fuck is she doing to her armpit?

Rolling and I dream with her.

Let's try


does re7 have jumpscares?

have you never heard of the glory of armpit pussy?

This style sucks

a few

No way, fag, to both of them.

thats not what arm pits are for.


lets fucking go