God Hand

>It's somewhat apparent that God Hand was meant to be a joke on many levels, much as a film director might intentionally make a B-movie. The game practically encourages button mashing, enemies are extremely generic, the level layout is very uninspired, the dialog and jokes are poorly written and delivered, and most of all, much of the control and gameplay mechanics are so old-school it hurts. While Clover took a huge risk in hoping that this sort of off-kilter design would appeal to some gamers, and there will probably be a few folks out there who will dig this extremely niche design, by and large the joke simply falls flat. Dead flat.

Was he right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>button mashing your way through God Hand
Good luck with that. Whoever it was clearly didn't finish it even on Easy.

Nobody make intentional shit games (maybe No More Heroes, but it's pretty fun), much less the guy that make RE4 and Vanquish
And the games are less button mashing than Western hack and slash, with a large focus on twitch reflect seen in fighter and beat 'em up
Really who the fuck writes that greentext?

i think OP's greentext is from the infamous IGN review, isn't it?

It's from the 3.0 IGN review.

Nah, he's bald and in denial.
Can't trust his opinion for shit.

There's the full review, I just took the opening bit.

He didn't even beat the first level if I recall.

>IGN reviews
Can anyone link me a moment when IGN is good?

Probably not but this is probably their most infamous review and they went damage control and later included God Hand in their top 100 PS2 games.

Tips for playing the game on hard?

Is God Hand just a Sup Forums meme?

Never played it and it looks like ass.

punch punch quard breaker up dodge

It's a ps2 game, of course it wouldn't look in after 10 years.

Learn how to crowd control with juggles and shit.
Also learn how to up-dodge properly.

>being this new
It's a PS2 game, of course the graphic is dated. The combat's still top tier though

Who the fuck would buy the game on the right? What a fucking embarassement it would be to have that abomination on your collection, jesus christ

I don't know if it's staffed by the same people, but IGN has a guide site ala-Gamefaqs, but with pictures and maps and shit. It's really nice.

>The game practically encourages button mashing

I can't take his opinion seriously.

I'm doing my first play through and I'm on stage 5. The game is some of the most fun I've ever had and the way it handles difficulty is great too, wish more games would use this.

Can people share their favorite move set ups? I haven't really experimented all that much.

okami looks way better than that turd and it was made before it, by the same company
no excuse

>Was he right?

>stylized graphics age better
No shit.

Okami looks good because of its art direction. Most of the graphics are art and are less affected by technology
God Hand has a more realistic style, so it's pretty dated

>While Clover took a huge risk in hoping that this sort of off-kilter design would appeal to some gamers, and there will probably be a few folks out there who will dig this extremely niche design, by and large the joke simply falls flat. Dead flat.

Funny because everyone I showed that game got immediately hooked on it. The difficulty is high but that's what makes it fun, pendejo.

Will we ever see her again?

Yea but it was fun gameonly beat it on easy tho

It has good character design though. Great infact.

It was made on a tiny budget, is the issue. The game has the same character designer/modeler as RE4 and REmake.

>Azel didn't do this
Is he gay? Fucker refuse Shannon too

Man as a collectorfag if only that game had a not so fucking terrible cover art i might have gotten it sooner.

Some day tho, some day

News flash big buy, you can wax on wax off all you want but I'm still kicking your ass.

Would you have preferred they kept Gene's original Roy Batty look?

Why is the enemy banter so top-tier?
>My style is impetuous
>You are not Alexander
>You call yourself a man?
>Kickin' yo ass



>tfw filling my Squares with punch rushes and then unleash God Hand
It's not optimal but fuck if it's not fun

Fuck that guy.

When my friend first showed it to me I laughed and told him it was trash.

It's one of those action games you have to actually spend some time woth for it to click, but once it does, you're having the time of your life.

Also, the game's graphics were dated at release, although the number of mocap moves is still impressive.

>God Hand thread
>no links to God tier OST

What is this travesty?



Best boss theme



A review so shit even spellcheck didn't want anything to do with it

is emulation of this game good yet?
