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Video Games #3665
Video Games
Who is Sup Forums's favorite let's player/twitch streamer?
Game Surprise
Alright Mr.Anonymous, pitch us your game idea
Open world game
Nintendo Switcheroo Bugaloo
This moment was so satisfying
What video game franchises would be in trouble if video game characters were forbidden to wear fur?
Tales of Berseria
"My PC runs all games at 4K, max settings, 60 fps."
And yet, / v/ will say all of these games suck and the PS4 is awful
You Pre-ordered it right Sup Forumsee?
What the fuck
Sup Forums Give me an complete summary of this game so I can see if I want to buy a PS4 or not
People who believe in god or are Christians are EVIL HYPOCRITES! THEY ALSO BEAT THEIR WIVES AND ARE SLAVERS! THE ONLY...
Why is Japan suddenly getting swamped with so many otaku-pandering games?
That kid who fast-traveled to school
Quick, claim you're tankfu
Want to side with house
Tfw third worlder and won't be able to enjoy the Nintendo Switch
Mobius Final Fantasy
Fallout 4
"PC is the superior platform"
Is your butt still devastated after weeks just from one sentence? Sad
SwitchVR ?
Unskipable end credits
What does Sup Forums think of VIDEO GAME?
ITT: top tier vidya OST
There are people in this world who dislike the Street Fighter movie
Semi-annual reminder that this cute girl has no one to talk to now that summoners have been retconned
Fire Emblem Heroes
"He said he sets the voices to Japanese because the acting is better"
Dragon Quest 8
This is Klonoa
OpenXCOM thread
Why do you want them to fail?
Wow, I wish someone gave me $10,000 for sucking ass at NFL Blitz...
PS2 jrpgs
Have you guys played any RPG maker games recently?
Risky Rain
Game has a giant enemy crab
Core 3D Marios
When the pc master race killed console gaming and got bored after awhile and set its eyes on pc gaming
It's gone up to 88 now
Play DS 3
Why are fighting games so dead on PC...
Can we agree that Nioh has caused more butthurt than bloodborne to the pc master race?
Tfw the 3DS can't emulate GBA
Mosaic Thread - Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Sleep schedule is nonexistent
New Arms details surface
Literally makes this game feel like shit. Every other character in Overwatch feels fair and balanced...
Who is that lewd?
Is this series done?
Spanish character
Denuvo almost completely revamped
You can beat the entire game using the starter weapon
What went wrong?
Randy/Battleborn Monday thread
You can't name a better game set in ancient Rome
This is Ying. Her game isn't ready yet, but say something nice about her anyway!
Tony Hawk
Whats your favorite video of him ?
Has there ever been an RPG where being a mage entails interesting and unique applications of magic?
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
The church is evil
Why didn't you guys tell me about this game earlier?
Halo is /lenadunham/ now
I can't help but feel like we lost a masterpiece the day Silent Hills was cancelled
I really want to play Titanfall 2 on the PC
Not a fan of the soundtrack but FUCK it still looks good...
Why did sony get a pass with this?
Nioh will come to PC and here's why
What is the cutest video game character, Sup Forums?
Fromsoftware game
Wow. So glad I didn't spend the money on a PC
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Monsters say hello by shooting your soul with bullets
God is the final boss
>he thinks a portable Nintendo device will fail
Fallout 4
Why are eastern devs just so much better in their character design and knowing their target audience?
My family don't respect my privacy when i'm playing videogames
Hey guys how easy should we make the first boss?
So what's the deal with this fucking controller? Did they make like a limited run of 1 (One)?
Look, plumber's crack
Isn't it about time this piece of shit got nerfed?
ITT: Vidya misconceptions
Dark and chaos monsters are weak to holy magic
Nioh scores 9.6 on IGN
This is a male fighting game characters thread. Who is your favorite male fighting game character?
Who are your favorite Videogame artists?
Assuming pic related becomes true in a year or two, what are some things you'd like to see added...
Can we do one of these threads?
Those are some of the smaller japanese games that were released last year for the PS4. Anyone played those...
How does he do it?
What went wrong?
It's a one for one remake of the first 3 crash games
What games do turn-based combat the best?
Switch Superbowl Commercial is a Success
This piece of shit still can't emulate Twilight Princess (a 10 year old game on a 15 year old platform) without...
Who the fuck enjoys this drivel?
Should I get a Vita? Are there any cool games for it...
So I watched the Super Bowl with my friends, a pretty large group of people ranging from half-normie to normie...
Explain to me the hate of this game
Hello Sup Forums
What happened to platformers?
My my what a coincidence...
Just found this on the Conan Exiles steam discussion
It's a "Mario joins the Italian mob" level
What headphones do you use for vidya?
Nintendo Switch Press Event
Tfw I thought the batmobile was the best part of it
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Game features invasions
Tekken 7
Female villain (Ana) - Regarded by Lara as the mastermind, she believes she killed her father. -> Reluctant to kill...
Exactly how the fuck does Umbrella intends to "weaponize" their "bio weapons"? I mean, all those lickers...
Are we still in the meme phase?
already gold :^)
Favorite game's PSN avatars are locked behind digital pre-order bonuses
Games with actual artificial difficulty
If this emulator got fully functional 5 years after the original console's release...
6 years later and this game is still alive with stable playernumbers
Metal Gear Solid V is objectively literally the best video game ever made
I need a new are pee gee to play. Should i get this? I heard it was gud
What are you emulating right now?
Reminder for fellow CFW users that Dragon Ball Fusions is now completely uncensored
Street Fighter V
Defend this
Why aren't you making a living out of video games?
You're not Anthony Burch
Most retarded multiplayer player base?
How does Sup Forums feel about Josh Sawyer?
Hitman, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Doom, Pokemon SuMo
Childhood is when you romanced Tali, adulthood is when you realize that Samara makes a better partner
Who remembers taking their ds to primary school and playing mario kart ds under the desks
This character is quite literally, myself personified
Say it with me
Accidental good games
The golden age of Ubisoft
What's the point of evolutions of Pokemon? Why have Abra and Kadabra for example before Alakazam...
Are either of these games good or even remotely worth playing?
Say my name
Good WW2 games no longer exis-
Are graphic whores holding back gaming?
Real Lives Thread 3: New Lives Edition
People say that Re1 is out dated with awful gameplay
Kill an npc, reload save file
Legend of Zelda thread
Is it gonna be good?
Why did this game do so poorly?
Why did it fail?
Fire Emblem thread outside of Heroes
Comfy Terraria Thread
Enemies can lock doors
Favourite gaming drink?
For honor will be probably outsale and outscore nioh, how do you feel about this Sup Forums
Turn based combat
I'm a straight male
What games would make you buy a Switch?
Why people play weebshit?
Would D.Va be as loved as she is now, if she was a boy instead? Also, what would his name then?
Friendly reminder that it took Arthur Gies 8 (Eight!) hours to clear the fishing village stage in Nioh despite...
Worst DLC of all time?
Yooka Laylee footage
New Yoko Ono footage:
Prove me wrong
Tfw you have a stronger urge to read a book than play a game
Draw a vidya character using 10 or less lines
Good morning Sup Forums. What are you playing today?
Can we all agree that Port Royal is the worst Disney world in the Kingdom Hearts series?
Pokken is now less then 1000$ behind Marvel, the current 1st place lead...
Play a star wars game from the 2000s
Have you ever dropped a Developer for political reason?
It had better not be fucking star wars i swear to god if i have to learn to land a tie fighter im going to outright...
Sup Forums-approved youtubers thread?
What are the best psychological horror games, Sup Forums?
Accidentally make another accident of sending my steam friend an erp reply
Good Skyrim quests?
ITT why is this a thing in Video games?
Do you miss the good old times Sup Forums?
Furi thread
Why don't the devs give a shit...
It's finally confirmed, nioh surpassed the masterpiece bloodborne
How's the Switch pre-order looking Sup Forums?
How did you die in the last game you played, Sup Forums?
Fuck one, kill one, marry one
What are some games you really immerse yourself in and spend hundreds of hours on?
What's the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?
What was the best decade for video games?
Why does it need japanese developer to evolve a stale genre?
The soundtrack for the 2016 Sup ForumsGAs is now available
Too casual to be able to finish this. Had trouble at cave and pushed through to forrest, that's how far I could go...
Lets pay our respects to a fallen giant
Near-omnipotent class of ship which is overkill for almost anything and incredibly expensive...
Elder God tier
Game character is all grown up in sequel
This... looks fun
Here's your dank afghan ku- controller bro
What's the fastest you ever dropped a game?
Is it worth a pirate?
How can we make the FPS genre great again?
LITERALLY Console levels of performance
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have Sup Forums give you recommendations on what kinds of games they think you'd like
How does Sup Forums feel about the new operators released tomorrow?
Metal Slug Attack is fun
It's so good it gets re-released on every console
This is a video game thread. say something nice in it
TimeSplitters: Rewind will come out in 2017
Torrent game
Feb 14
This is Kanon, a God Eater!
You faggots will argue over anything
Rainbow Six Siege
Hey, so, Vitas are pretty cheap second hand these days, so I'm considering buying one
Thanks to this new CPU you can now build a PC which combined with an RX 470 will absolutely destroy a PS4 Pro for $50...
PS2 emulation
For Honor
That game didn't age well
That day at school where you went to the computer room to learn to type or do research or whatever
This dude pushes you against the wall and tries to assault you after you've upset him in a video game
What do you want to see in the next main line Animal Crossing? Furries need not apply
For honor tips
Blizzard issues a warning for the use of keyboard and mouse
Trails of
For someone who has never played any of the silent hill games is there any that I should flat out not play? Also...
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Nioh scores 9.6 on IGN - Higher than any Souls game and Bloodborne
Blizzard Entertainment
Dead Rising 4
Name me a location in any other Zelda game more comfy than the ocean spider house from MM. I bet you can't
What a MGS Thread
I like nep
Let's talk about some of our favorite levels in gaming, and why they stuck with you for one reason or another
Tfw this was by far the best performance in the game...
GameStop stories thread
Why have people always seen Nintendo as the "good guy"? Because they're the weird ones? Because they have a mascot?
Sorry, The enemy wont move until you put yourself out in the open for them to one shot you
Okay seriously
Glacier engine good
Velvet in non-canon clothes and without choker. Is she recognizable?
Your kid says he/she wants to be a professional streamer later
Perfect games don't ex-
Ends up talking anyway
Could Sup Forums beat /thestrongest/?
Starbreeze is investing $8 million in Psychonauts 2
So why do people have no problems with a $300 quality steak dinner...
Why do people like Rosalina again?
I got sick of Valve's shit so I'm looking for a new MP shooter. How's this game?
PS4 system software 4.50
ITT: buyer's remorse
Does pharah have arms and legs?
How do we fix Enter the Gungeon?
What was the first game you played on windows 95/98?
Finally got a gaming pc
Game has a hip hop soundtrack
Berserk game
Mods are asleep
Losing a shitload of games in solo q
This thing is close. It's real damn close
Steam has so many more exlusives than Consoles
Grove Street
This game is too comfy
ITT: signs of quality
Final Fantasy XIV
ITT fun ruining mechanics
WTF happened
Can we talk about the Nintendo Switch XL? Many analysts are saying this is going to be released after the normal switch...
Who is Tom Brady of videogames?
I wonder about those guys
What are some games with levels themed around giant musical instruments?
Did you get the Rise trophy, Sup Forums?
What is the physically largest boss battle you've fought in a game? Like in actual physical size, and an actual battle...
You're transported into a game
Hey Sup Forums. Post dead mascots
How can a game this shallow be so popular and well received. What magic did blizzard use?
Did any of you fags ever complete it
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Thread
Why did they use this music?
Why can't game companies just make a good fucking D-pad anymore...
Any decent browser based sex games?
How will you play it Sup Forums, casual players mode or REAL MEN mode???
Where else on the internet do you like to discuss video games?
What went right with the Sega Dreamcast?
Will this game ever be topped for open world design?
ITT: characters you couldn't save
KOJIMA MAKING A NEW GAME FOR THE NINTENDO SWITCH are these people around the boston wasteland leaving holotape recordings everywhere?
Han Solo!
8 years later
How did they do it in 8 months?
Guilty Gear
What are games with just the right amount of content?
How do we bring back Beat'em ups?
Videogames don't have good writi-
Vidya fashion thread
Why are the Japanese the only ones capable of making a genuinely challenging game?
Is this anything like MGS 5?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Why did everyone in Wutai immediately side with a known thief?
I spent a half an hour making this before i realized the thread was archived (comfy 3x3 thread)
So, lemme see if I've got this right
Find out that there's a Dishonored novel
What games have a lesbian protagonist?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Be honest, how many tries did it take you?
We will never get a sequel to the best Mario ever made
/weebum/ bread anything goes no holds barred edition
ITT: Games ruined by gimmicks
What is so wrong with video game events being scripted
What is the funniest game you've ever played?
Wow, V's graphics are really good! How has Sup Forums forgotten about this?
Does Elder scrolls have a master race?
Arms producer on the game’s origins, more news about content to come, controls, more
Who is the best No More Heroes girl, and why is it Shinobu?
Hotline Miami thread?
Daily reminder that there is no reason to buy a switch at launch
Remember when the Bottle Ship's distress signal was codenamed Baby's Cry...
Was at least a year away from completion
Why are mobile games popular amongst women?
Persona 5 PS3 & PS4 Comparison
Three button layouts with a blue X
What game lets me make other people mad by being superior to them?
Have you ever had roaches destroy any of your video game related stuff?
Gust games on Steam tomorrow
Should I get Tyranny or PoE? Which one is better?
D-don't mind me just pirating this game
Escape from a room while burning
Whats the best multiplayer fps game?
It's a Miku thread on Monday
Why does Sup Forums hate challenging games?
Dead or Alive - DoA
Friendly reminder that getting motion sickness from VR means that your senses are properly honed...
What happened to this?
Is it worth 29.99 US dollars?
Time for another playthrough, Sup Forums. I've played Tremere, who should I go with now?
Get stuck babysitting some 13yo kid
Is this best video game story that no one knows of because everyone plays weeb shit on the vita?
Wait a're telling me I might not even be able to get one of these dumbass things day one if I wanted to?
Is this worth reading/listening (to)? Every creepy spaghetti I've ever heard is pretty stupid...
What game lets me fight dragons?
How's your audio setup, Sup Forums?
How many Full priced AAA games did you buy in 2016?
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
This can't be real
Orange Soapstone Thread
Game has potentially interesting setting and lore
Do you like da grindan game?
Steam avatar thread
Dissidia Coming to Consoles
M-m-makes u think
Iwata lives on
Mary, Fuck, Kill
Accidentally send steam friend erp reply
Why is Valve so hand-off about trying to get more ports and exclusives for PC...
As part of black history month lets talk about black people of video games
Has Sup Forums ever met someone they knew in vidya in real life?
Final Boss goes from silence to an orchestral theme
Be cowchop jew
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Duel Links
Is it any good? I don't see any threads about it
Airing a Switch commercial during the Super Bowl
Before Switch was announced and it was still "Nintendo NX"
System Shock
Ever had a game where you were really confused if you were even having fun or not?
Is Sammy iconic yet?
What are some games where I can overcome the odds?
What are some games where you can choke
Being a man means
Aonuma: "The Zora evolved into the Rito"
Is like New York but with more fish
"I want a Morrowind Remaster"
What are some games with time traveling as a actual usable in game mechanic?
Enemies can heal themselves
Are there feel good games?
Wtf is this ? is this a glitch ?
The last videogame character you played has to help you survive being in a small room with the elephant foot
Start game
Pathetic thread
RE: Mercenaries
So did you guys play the Freedom Planet 2 demo? If so what do you think?
How do we save Sup Forums?
This mode is pretty fucking crazy
ITT: Games with 10/10 soundtracks
Fire Emblem Heroes
Does someone else remember playing this as a kid?
Have you ever fapped to a girl from a game? If so, post her
What do you think will be the future of the Zelda series after BotW?
Ok Sup Forums, which game had/has more pre-release hype?
About to play this, is it as really bad as they say?
Is anyone more powerful than Asura?
Tales of Berseria
I've never in 8 years seen sports video games discussed on Sup Forums
I'm in the middle of playing this
So is the commercial airing or not?
ITT: Not As Good As You Remember
With the next installment in the series...
Redpill me on Disgaea 2
What's a good game for cheering yourself up?
Sell me this console
One of these threads?
Space Engine
Oh, that happened
Hello. I have been repeatedly permabanned from my primary video game, league...
Did they air the Switch commercial yet?
Who makes better games, Japan or America?
There are people supporting and donating to SJW Games done quick
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
What are some games where the protagonist starts out good then slowly turns into the villain?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Is Revan canon?
Will there ever be another game like it?
Video Games and Other Hobbies
What is the best location is Souls?
Vidya confessions
School life combined with dungeon crawling is still not it's own subgenre
My PS4 Slim(Poorfag+sale) gets here Tuesday, ordering a game tonight
Why does Sup Forums hate Kenshiro?
What are fun games for around 8 to 10-people
Own an xbox 360?
Elusive Targets in Hitman are a one and done thing that are gone forever once they've passed
What are some JRPGs with an actual Japanese setting?
Metal Gear? Sweet, I love racing!!
Randy Pitchford appreciation thread
*falls over*
Five years ago
Gravity Rush 2
No, seriously
A quick question about side stories
Why is it okay when sega makes a movie game but its not okay when naughty dog does it?
I'm playing a video game right now
Brother is terminally ill at the hospital
We're all in agreement this was the only qte fight ever done correct?
Mosaic Thread:
Just bought a vita for weeb jrpgs games. Any good ones I should be on the look out for...
There are people on this board playing Second Life RIGHT NOW
He didn't side with knights
Let's test your knowledge Sup Forums. What arcade game is being parodied here?
Game is 6 years old
ITT: Autistic shit you did because of vidya
Game has beast races
On Friday, Valve announced it was removing the CS:GO’s Dust2 from the Active Duty group...
Ice boss
Recommend a video game I'd like Sup Forums
Real Lives Thread 3
What are some fucked up games?
I know you're sick and tired of hearing about this thing by now but explain to me why the fucking dock doesn't have an...
Hm...? Yes, young man?
Cancelled Switch pre-order
Rosalina a cute! Cute!
8K displays when even 4K content isn't anywhere near standardized
What's the one game series you would resurrect with a single phone call?
What do YOU want Final Fantasy 16 to be?
Comfy 3x3 thread? Rate and hate
PS4 Boost Mode discovered
ITT: Obscure games that nobody except you knows or plays
There are 2 types of gamers, those that like Blood, and those that like to drink sperm. Which one are you?
Why does Sup Forums dislike this game?
I'm not alone in thinking Chugga will make Skyward Sword burst in popularity, right...
Is this game about to die?
You still play DDR?
ArmA 3 - Why is it dead?
This is ironically the best skater game of all time
What went wrong?
It should have been a retelling of Ocarina of Time
How fucked are you Sup Forums?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Just a reminder
Is there a video game character that is the equivalent of Mami Tomoe?
The sequel is so shit, devs made it non-canon
Trying to decide between GTA 5 and Watch Dogs 2
What's the verdict?
What's your opinion on this game and why?
Just finished this
Is this the greatest love story ever told?
Wait, Skyrim looks like THAT?
The Switch's price point cannot be reasonably compared to any previous handhelds, or really any previous consoles...
Calling the extra guys you have "lives"
Vidya opinions that legit make you mad
What's the best vidya sword of all time, Sup Forums?
ITT: Vidya music you'll never hear the same again
What happened to RTS Sup Forums?
Outside the music and girls, what do fighting games give to the medium of video games?
What are some tower defense games
He picks sword
Nioh vs Bloodborne
ITT: Embarrassing Vidya moments with friends
I 100% GTA V last night, I've been trying to do this since the game came out, first on 360 then PS3 but I got it on PS4
Recommend me games I can just lose myself in and put a stupid amount of time into. Any game, doesn't matter...
Defend this shitstain of a boss
This has got to be the most infuriating stream ever, he's SO BAD AT EVERY GAME
Game features barefoot females
ITT: Post only god-tier box art
Name me a better DLC than Lair of the Shadow Broker
This thing is a fucking work of art
How deep do you go Sup Forums?
Japanese game intro starts
Shit Characters Have Actually Said
Is it possible to make a video game Kafkaesque? If you did, would it just be pretentious indie garbage?
So I've owned my PS4 for approximately 7 hours and out of this time it been working all of 10 minutes
Is this accurate?
Pirating indie games
How do I get good at tactical RPGs...
People selling their hacked 3DS on Ebay
Is it because the game sold poorly that nobody was mad about Starcraft II ending ? or people just don't care anymore ?
That's not a video game. Also the coffee machine thing is a fucking scam, it's only a sheet of plastic with a projector
ITT: vidya characters whose fashion sense you try to emulate
Now that the Wii U is being pushed under the rug and everyone's scrambling to liquidate their libraries for Switch...
When did Blizzard start catering to the SJW audience?
Why has the video game industry been so shit since 2007?
Just got this in the mail today. I've never played any of the MGS games, but I've been spoiled on all of them...
Lets have another chill Nioh thread
ITT: yfw the Switch succeeds
GameStops clearing out their Wii section for cheap
Why can't western devs make good non-forced gay couples like this?
Character has punch sequence move
Why does Nintendo hate Metroid?
One Piece Grand Adventure
WB Games will reveal a brand new game on March 8th
Best girl is now also best character
There are Nintendo shills like this asshole that will blatanly lie to make people hate Sony and praise Nintendo FOR FREE
This is literally the most unfun monster to fight
Almost broke
FFXI Thread
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Does Link have the best boi pucci in all of gaming?
Bosses theme explains his backstory in the lyrics
Game ends with a cliffhanger
Fire Emblem Heroes is the best rated app in the Japanese's top 10
How is he even possible
ITT: Tell me why MGS3 wasn't the worst
When will we see a mainstream game with a trans protagonist?
What is your honest opinion on Ape Escape's Spike and his series?
What went wrong?
We know that SA is the best GTA. But which one as the better soundtrack?
Sup Forums related images you have no reason to post anymore
What will go wrong?
Current year
Games you regret purchasing
Was GTA V that good, user?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
You'll never see a game like Titanfall in VR because traditional gaming locomotion causes over half the people that try...
Dark Souls 3 DLC
This game looks fun as fuck...
Woah... so this is... the power of the western market... woah
God Hand
I mean I don't want Zelda to be like DaS, but is it too much to ask for combat that requires at least SOME effort?
This is Rayfa
Whats up poorfags? ;)
What games give the best heart boner?
Good Lord.What is this abomination?
What does Sup Forums think of the CSGO pro scene?
Tales of Berseria
Do rich people play vidya
Big fan of both and have played almost all the games for each series (except Rabbids)
How does Nintendo get away with this?
Dragon ball xenoverse 2
AAA games
Life saver
Every Japanese games ever
Spend entire life in an underground vault
We want the furry demographic
Best girl
Should games lock content behind difficult gameplay sections?
Surrounded with many interesting and varying alien species
Denuvo Leaks
Gay Musician To Join The Last of Us 2 Cast
Whats the most underrated console?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games