Was GTA V that good, user?
Was GTA V that good, user?
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i don't know
maybe yes maybe no
i always thought it was way below any expectations i had (and i barely had any at all) but the missions, the characters, story and so on were absolutely uninteresting.
the most fun i had was just walking/driving around in the nice scenery.
the world was great, and the writing was fun. it also has check points so the gameplay is already 300% better than all the other GTA games. although the overall gameplay is still stlow as fuck and bland as shit, only the dumb ass characters kept me interested and the weird cuckold humor
its like a solid 8/10 in my book
Good? Yes. The best game ever? Not by a long shot. But it is excellent at what it is trying to achieve, a little world of its own.
The fact that you have to ask, means it wasn't. When San Andreas, III, and Vice City came out, the greatness wasn't debatable.
in online, once I own three apts, can i not sell them without trading in? I can't seem to do that. I want just one apt again.
The story is absolutely retarded in every way, but the gameplay was alright I guess. 7/10 game with good graphics on top
It was the most boring GTA I've ever played.
8/10 game
+Huge and diverse open world
+Heist missions are fun
+Decent driving
-Shitty radio stations
-Edgy and pretentious protagonists
-No restaurants and meh plot
the first year or so of the online was one of the best times i've had with a game. lots of cool people were playing back then. the story is the worst of the GTAs though, there's a painful lack of action compared to previous games and the special powers make shootouts too easy.
No of course not.
Nah. It was kinda mediocre in every respect.
Writing was excelent but plot was a bit dumb. Gameplay is just what you'd expect from a GTA game
I actually did like the characters and the gameplay was fun enough to play for a bit but the online was boring when it started and apparently now you have to spend a billion dollars to get the actually fun stuff online.
It was alright.
Story was worse than IV's story. But GTA:O makes it the best game of the 2010's so far. So long as you have at least 2 friends to play with, then it's great. It has its fair share of problems, but it doesn't take away from it being better than everything else that gets released.
Do trainers in the single player trigger the GTAOnline anti-cheat? Cause I just got banned during a heist and now my character is being deleted.
Yes it was a GTA game. A hell of a lot better than IV
It's the only GTA game I've ever played to completion. The single player was pretty fun, but GTA Online is fucking garbage.
>t. saint's row fan
glass yourself
I really liked it and gave it a 8/10.
>the story is the worst of the GTAs though
what? what about IV?
>Shitty radio stations
Every time someone says this they have some sort of shit-tier taste
The radio station has something for practically everyone.
Theres punk, country, footwork, classic rock, oldscool and modern hip-hop, pop from the last three decades, Mexican genres , french house, etc.
Theres even a god damn Mala dubstep track floating around too.
What kind of music do you want?
All it was missing was more heists and a few more mini games and RPG elements. More connections to GTA San Andreas would of been nice instead of just being lazy about it with "its a different universe."
Some of the best things in video games in running into characters from previous installments and developers tend to avoid this. Another reason why San Andreas is still so great.
IV has the best story of any GTA and quite possibly any videogame (although it's an admittedly low standard).
What's up with IV? It has objectively the best story in the whole series
Wasted potential the game. Look at the cutting room floor page for gta you'll see what I mean. If all the cut content was in the game it maybe would have been as good as SA but as it stands it isnt. Also the fact that all the cars weapons and outfits from online haven't been implemented into single player is complete horse shit. I can use everything cause I have a modded account but what about when gta online gets shut down? Also no mechanic in single player is ridiculous he should have been a unlock later in the game and the ceo stuff should have been franklins post game while the bikers shit should have been Trevors and the cunning stunts stuff/car exports for Micheal since all that is like a 80s action movie
Is this supposed to be a joke
it was the most sloppy writing R* ever did. And that comes from someone who's form bosnia. They got so many things wrong it's not even funny.
This. Radio Stations are very good. The Lowdown, Space 103.2 are the standout best, but you've also got Radio Mirror Park, FlyLo, The Lab, and Blue Ark.
but i didnt like the 3 character gameplay
GTA 1, 2 and 3 might as well not have story so I won't even bother talking about those
VC is Scarface
SA is a ghetto story that turns into the most clownish game they've made so far
IV was a completly original and adult story about redemption and how hard it is to run from the past
Why did they dumb it down so much from IV
I didn't play it. Am i out of touch?
Exactly. IVs story is great in its own and the two DLCs fill-in gaps perfectly.
Second. Bothered me too. And I didn't like any of them.
>IV was a completly original and adult story about redemption and how hard it is to run from the past
but only it wasn't original. Maybe for you, but that shit has been seen a million times before man. I applaud their effort, but as I've said, it's sloppy to the bone.
what about it? i have no problem with IV. could use a more interesting map sure but the missions were fun and i looked forward to them. in V i much preferred free roaming over playing story missions. and they only get worse when you realize you're not going to be making any money unless it's a heist.
It feels like it should be fun but it isn't. Maybe I'm just spoiled from San Andreas
If they wanted to make GTA: O they should have just made GTA: O.
Sleeping Dogs was unironically better
Ps4 version is like one of the best gta games ever made, ps3 version suck arse.
Story is much better in Sleeping Dogs, but GTA:O shits all over it.
Original = Their own story and characters, this time they didn't copy the setting from The godfather like III or literally everything from Scarface for VC. It was their own job, their own characters and setting
>but that shit has been seen a million times before man
You can honestly say that about 99% of the games out there, we're just saying that IV had the best story in the GTA franchise
>Moderate story
>Great gameplay
>Great soundtrack
>Good online if you stay out of sandbox and/or team up with a bunch of people
>Great looking map
>Great driving mechanics
9/10 worth preordering
It had me entertained for a while but I ended up realizing it is casualized trash with lots of retarded shit, like the story or the """"satire""""".
Online was fun for a couple of months. Stopped playing when Heists came out because that's when R* went full on sharkcard shilling.
Who the fuck buys a GTA style game for multiplayer
It should be an afterthought
dude, it was done badly. The details are all over the place. they didn't do their homework at all. niko is as shallow and formulaic a character as is Micheal and Trevor.
>original ... story about redemption and how hard it is to run from your past
t. has never experienced media and storytelling outside of pleb vidya. Nothing about the story was original. Dont get me wrong, I like the themes, but it's not anything new. The ideas behind the story are relatively mature, especially for the GTA franchise, but it doesnt matter since the execution is painfully amateur. They shove this DARK AND SAD PAST and RIP AMERICAN DREAM shit down your throat so constantly it's painful. Not to mention the very basis of GTA's gameplay makes that kind of story laughably unnatural. GTA, while its no Saints Row, still is by no means a mmature franchise and it doesnt work with that kind of story. If you want storytelling and drama go play Max Payne. GTA is and always has been an 'action movie' sort of series. When I buy a GTA game its what I expect and its what complements the gameplay the most by far. That's why despite having more contrived characterd and plot points, GTA V has a more enjoyable plot and makes for a better GTA game
It was pretty good, the heist missions/preparation were pretty fun.
What I don't understand is the need for a large amount of missions to still end in a shoot-out. I think it got worse as the game progressed, and for some of the missions it felt really unneeded. Maybe they think a mission is just not complete without a shooting part, I don't know.
I buy all my games for the potential of good multiplayer. Good campaign is an added bonus but not necessary. From the 360 to the Xbone I've been playing GTAO with the she group of 6 friends (irl friends not people I met online). It's still better than anything else that's came out since.
But that's when money became easiest to come by (with the exception of money glitches in the first month or so of release).
>wonder why I stopped playing GTA4
>start a new game
>cars refuse to turn if you go any faster than 10kph
>roman keep cock blocking me every time I have a date
yeah this is why I stopped
You can turn off contacts calling you, and it sounds like you need to git gud at driving in IV. V went full arcade because people like you bitched about the driving in IV so much. All they needed to do was improve on what they had in IV, but scrubs like you are why we have the driving mechanics we do now.
yeah, best game of the 2010s imo
>git gud at driving
mate cars literally don't turn unless you use the handbrake
Maybe sex, I don't know
But they do, its just that the handbrake was a key part of driving in that game.
Best radios you mean.
Just like in real life
it looked so boring that i never even played it so definitely not
Only 3D GTA I couldn't finish.
It's just so boring to play. Which is weird since I managed to get through IV twice. It's just something about V that bores the fuck out of me.
>asks for your opinion
>the fact you have to ask means its bad
And that's why you don't have friends bruv
massive understeer to the point of having to brake and throw your ass around corners is a feature?
Did they bring back the classical music radio in this one? Can't remember.
So weird that they left it out. Fuck, a whole slew of classical songs are royalty free even so it's not like the have to pay much for them.
It stepped back on a lot of things that were already good in GTAIV. The way characters react to being shot is particularly worse than GTAIV. youtube.com
it was something solid to build on, but instead we got the the shitshow that is V's driving.
Online really dropped the ball in that area. You cannot sell Pegasus vehicles or straight-put sell property. You can only buy some cheap garage or something and recoup some of your losses.
The single player was decent enough, easily better than GTAV4 but maybe a step or two below San Adreas.
GTAO with friends is hilariously fun, especially the heists (the first few times) which are actually punishing and quite tricky.
I know that this sounds dumb because its gta, but it the driving was too easy, made the game stupidly easy. I miss the driving in IV, shit was actually challenging when you were trying to get away from the cops.
SA driving is best in the series by far.
Back when Rockstar made games that were actually fun to play and didn't take everything to seriously to the point where it makes the game tedious to play.
God no.
>shitty radio
>Micheal "The Cuck" DeSanta
>Franklin is bland as fuck
>awful wanted system
>useless casino, racetrack, and amphitheatre
>cancerous Online
>no singleplayer DLC
>patched any exploits for getting Online exclusive cars in singleplayer
Fucking Jews.
GTA V was announced, and the first info that came out about it suggested that online heist would be there from the beginning. They said that there would be roles for every member of the heist crew, so my friends and I assume that one of the roles is getaway driver. We all agree that I will be the getaway driver since I'm the only one that can drive worth a shit in IV.
V finally came out, and we all quickly realized that it didn't matter who was driving, as everyone was immediately an expert driver.
Wtf no
This. There's literally no challenge in driving. The cars in GTA v have no physics unlike IV. Feels like I'm driving a brick with wheels
WAY better than the garbage that was 4, especially the driving.
It's a 6/10.
Not bad, but the weakest GTA if you don't count GTA 1.
It was so good I went back to play GTA IV
The cars were extremely floaty in SA.
IV has the best driving, bar none.
It was pretty damn good, but it feels unfinished. I think at some point during development they decided to just let go of the campaign and focus on the online. It should have been so much longer and with more mission variety.
Also some side missions are retarded, like the last triathlon taking 30 minutes or that stupid scientology bullshit in the desert.
A bit, but they paired it with some satisfying arcade driving that felt fun and satisfying. In general it kept the speed instead of forcing you to constantly slow down to take the sharper turns wish just made the driving feel like a chore most of the time.
If you build enough momentum on straights, and gradually realease your hold on the accelerator, you should be able to make turns no problem.
>and gradually realease your hold on the accelerator
Which is no fun.
I think if you removed checkpoints a lot of people on Sup Forums would have felt it was more classic gta
SP is alot of fun. MP is a huge hit and huge miss at the same time.
t. 900 hours
finally someone says it. You have to understand that cities have more going on that greatest hits playlists
expand your taste, scrubs
You don't slow down too much by doing that.
Like I said, if you build momentum, that's enough to get you around the corner without crashing into a wall.
It's superior to GTA4 in a lot of ways, and I actually liked GTA4.
Try getting it on PC, you fucking pleb.