Speaking of which, what are you doing this valentine's day, user?

It doesn't show up for singles


I'll give my shotgun a purpose

Don't worry. I'm sure your girlfriend will get you a nice game for Valentine's Day.

I hope none of you are leaving the house without your singles permit. Wouldn't want to be arrested.

>mfw I'm spending Valentines day having a picnic with my short Asian virgin girlfriend

>haven't fucked
Pick one

Why do white losers always go after asian women?

>choosing your own definitions arbitrarily


same reason black people go after white women

whatever that may be

>coworkers are going to inevitably ask me what I'm doing/did on Valentine's Day

What lie should I tell them so I don't seem pathetic?

>i dont celebrate valentines day because its a corporate scheme to sell leftover holiday chocolates

thats a good lie to tell them, user

They know you're single. So lie and say you met someone on tinder for Valentines Day.

>be above average looking, nice user, with a job, house, and car
>completely lose my spaghetti with women though so single
>coworkers ask me why I'm not married/don't have a gf
>h..haha just haven't met the right person
>coworkers later invite me out for drinks after work
>hey user, we want you to meet Chad. You two would make a cute couple

Goddamnit, not having a gf doesn't mean I'm literally a fag

Aren't you?

>be above average looking, nice user, with a job, house, and car
>completely lose my spaghetti with women though so single
>He fell for the beta provider meme.
Being a broke thug with multiple cases of domestic violence on file is what makes pussy wet, not "nice user with job, house and car".

Not true at all. I love nice guys best

Tell them you are going to fap and cry till you get asleep. They will think you are just joking but you are not.

Yeah, but traps don't count.

I'm not a trap, user

Post proof


XX don't know what they want anyway, so their damage control shitposting doesn't matter.

No can do. I just wanted to let that user know that a lot of girls love nice anons :)

>Bowing to the vaginal jew

It's called g2a and it's all year round you dumbshit.

Valve has a strict no singles policy

Thanks for nothing
God I hate women


smaller women = smaller vaginas, makes smaller dick more viable.

They will probably do a shitty coop sale with some indie garbage and that's all.

>thanks for nothing
Like she was trying to satisfy you in the first place?

Asian women are so ugly, holy shit.

>wanted to play Persona 5 on Valentine's Day
>can't because MUH DUAL AUDIO fags ruined it
This isn't fucking fair

Fuck off fag

not all of them
it's just that retards with yellow fever cant tell the difference and they'll take any chinese bitch



without surgery they are

Black women are smelly apes and White women are over-grown, spoiled brats. If you want a traditional woman go Asian

In avarage they're uglier than other races that are not obviously horrible, like aboriginals

>retards with yellow fever cant tell the difference

And right after your reply, there's this retard proving your point Amazing.



Valentines day is like still over a week away.

>tfw you've had too many spaghetti relations to women, so you've completely given up finding someone
At least I'm not a cuck, right guys?

>right, guys?

Right. You're just a poor soul wandering in solitude, like most of us.

>tfw anniversary is on valentines so it's 2 birds 1 stone
NEET life was much simpler, i want to go back

gonna find a cute guy to go on a date with
or maybe i'll just sit at home and play video games
we'll see when the time comes

>Ywn get your gamer GF a steam game gift because she doesn't want flowers

still looks like an ayy skinwalker