Do you think it would work for a Berserk game or series by FromSoftware?
Would you want a Berserk from that developer?
Seeing as the Souls series is inspired by Berserk it seems like something they could make.
Would you be hyped for it or would just want a new Genre by fromsoftware?
Leave it alone you stupid faggots. Every manga doesn't need to be turned into a video game, or a hollywood movie, or a mini series
This. Enjoy things for what they are.
From characters are too slow to be Guts.
A Berserk game would be more of a Musou with some great/hard MonHun style boss fights
from can't do the combat for that. Maybe if they did some sort of collaboration like how metal gear rising was a konami/platinum thing with from doing the world and story and the DMC team doing the combat
berserk's story would not work for a video game.
You do realise koei tecmo has already made a beserk mosou for ps4? Comes out in the west later this month
>Berserk Dark Souls by FromSoft
wow another shitty Sup Forums idea
let me put that on the list of other shitty game ideas Sup Forums proposed:
>Kill La Kill game by Platinum Games
>Open World Metroid game by Nintendo
>MMORPG by Valve
What's wrong with Kill La Kill from Platinum?
I'm pretty sure one of the platinum guys brought it up first anyway, not Sup Forums
But the movies and anime were great...
What the fuck does a musou have to do with Fromsoft games
>berserk's story would not work for a video game.
we've already seen it with the new musou. censored in the west with ero and in the east with gore. berserk doesn't work as a game.
And its a damn shame.
It would have to include rape, nudity, child murder, and insane amounts of gore
From's games may as well be T for Teen aside from Bloodborne
And since we have bloodborne I'd just call it a day.
>Kill la Kill by platinum is bad
Alright, how about i shit in your mouth
The difference is valve and nintendo make shit games
No. Berserk has a shitty narrative and the whole enterprise would be a waste of time. It's almost as overrated as Dark Souls.
The guy said "A From game would be too slow, maybe a musou."
The next guy said "There is a musou coming out"
There you go.
Kill la Kill is bad already, Platinum can't save garbage.
>Berserk has a shitty narrative
The Golden Age arc is probably the only anime/manga related thing that matches up to writing quality in cinema, it's that good.
>Kill la Kill is bad
>Kill la Kill is bad already
>I only watch anime for the plot
wouldn't it work if it was like the Witcher series?
>siding with Griffith and banging his boipussy and getting his sex card
Kill la Kill doesn't have good animation or visuals either.
The lore and world building and level design should be in their hands.
Combat should be from the devs of Nioh.
You can actually take on hoards of enemies in Nioh if you're skilled enough, but not in darksouls.
that's your opinion
My opinion?
It's pretty much agreed that Trigger shows look like garbage compared to other big anime studios.
More to your taste now, faggot?
Not great cinema, though it is good, but the golden arc is sadly only a tiny part of berserk, and the rest of it is all over the place.
>youre not allowed to dislike something i like
guts is just to fast to be a game souls style
Sup Forums shitters do not count as a consensus.
Nah, Berserk is trash imo.
>Only very recently got into Berserk within the last few months or so
>Read through all of it in about two weeks (only read it at night when I was laying in bed)
>Bought the Golden Age movie trilogy
>Downloaded the 1997 anime
>Watched the 2016 anime
>Picking up the Musou at the end of the month
>Pre-ordered that Femto figure
>Have a Golden Age Guts figure
Pretty good series. I really like it.
1997 anime might as well have been a fucking slide show but it was still good, and that laugh track reel is GOAT-tier all day every day.
Golden Age movies did nothing wrong and they're a perfectly acceptable replacement for the 97 anime in a pinch. Fight me. The manga will always supersede everything anyway.
The 2016 anime was serviceable but not the burning dumpster fire everyone seemed to think it was. Berserk isn't that popular, I don't know why everyone seems to think it's going to get a multi-million dollar perfect anime adaptation. How come a slide show with voice over was perfectly acceptable, but the awkward CG that was mostly replaced with proper animation in the blurays is worse than 50 Hitlers? This is why weebs are fucking retarded.
I look forward to the musou. I really, really liked the dreamcast game when I burned a copy, and the PS2 game was awesome too.
It's pretty much impossible to make a Berserk game that's balanced. Guts would be too strong for anything aside from a Musou game to really work.
we should fuck sometime
It may look like a slideshow but I prefer it over any generic moeblob shit with silky smooth 60fps animation, except maybe nichijou. but nichijou is actually funny unlike the usual garbage so
>mfw my friend absolutely refuses to watch Nichijou because of that EHHHHHHHHHHH girl when she's in MAYBE three skits at the most
Who the fuck cares, Berserk goes to shit after Conviction anyway.
to be fair there is a lot of japanese cultured humor that most people probably wouldn't get. try getting him to watch nichibros instead, its humor is easier to comprehend
>FROM is too slow
Have you guys never played Armored Core? They can do fast gameplay, Souls just doesn't need to be fast.
Anyway, I think something like Jedi Academy with lots of gore would work nicely for a Berserk vidya.
He's as much of a weeb as I am, he's just stupidly autistic about some shit
I don't necessarily want it made buy p+
what i want is a game centered around bosses
not a musou
i'm okay with some encounters with weak enemigos like in the manga but not a fucking musou