How do we fix Enter the Gungeon?
How do we fix Enter the Gungeon?
Lot of interesting weapons that are all shit.
No, user
Make the interesting weapons NOT shit.
there you go
Either give all guns infinite ammo or remove the reloading.
More passive synergies
More chests/available items per run
git gud
>Increase movement speed
>add more synergies
>Make all the guns good to an extent, most are shitty
>add I-frames to the roll start up animation
Reduce the ridiculous ammo scarcity. Or instead of random ammo boxes that give you full ammo, give players the option to pick up ammo from fallen enemies.
>enemy health doesn't scale
>Make everything easy
Yeah, no.
You don't because the game is shit and not worth salvaging
reduce the grind for unlockables. there isn't enough currency dropped per run. you get like 16 or so for clearing all 6 levels and items start to cost twice that.
Give all starting weapons a scaling damage buff if you beat the floor boss with it.
Guarantee one S-Tier item for free every run. Doesn't matter when you get it, as long as you get it.
Remove DPS limit on bosses.
Make Sir Junkin playable.
Just play nuclear throne instead
It doesn't scale, numbnuts, they get stronger with each floor.
Gungeon isn't hard, it's just slow as shit. they had way too much ambition for what they could actually accomplish and that's coming from someone who actually enjoyed the game
More incentives for beating the game multiple times. Once I beat Bullet Hell and killed every character's past I had zero motivation to continue.
might as well be the same thing since getting a powerful weapon on the first floor becomes useless by the third.
Give all the guns twice as much ammo, there it's fixed.
>might as well be the same thing
>every single game that gets more difficult as it progresses now has "scaling enemies"
Yes after beating myself unconcious with a brick I can see how your logic makes sense.
>get any weapon with explosions
how is an enemy that takes 3 bullets to kill on level 1 taking 6 bullets from the same gun to kill on level 4 not "scaling"?
Remove the scaling and up the key drop rate. I don't care how "balanced" the way it is, it's no fucking fun to skip a chest you worked to get to cause you had shit luck on key drops, and then also have the game punish you for picking up stronger guns. Like I get what they tried to do there, but it doesn't fucking work.
Because each floor has its own set HP values.
The game's gonna get harder at the same speed wether its a good run or a shit one.
Because each floor has its own set HP values.
The game's gonna get harder at the same speed wether its a good run or a shit one.
more like "how do we fix roguelike fans"
people would rather play something thats glorified gambling than a game that takes any skill
even so the first few floors are tedious as fuck, ammo is broken and it lacks strategic depth and freedom
If you play properly you will have enough keys 90% of the time
Get rid of The Rat on early floors.
Buff low tier weapons.
One unlocked chest per floor.
You don't. It's perfect. 52 hours and counting.
>Gungeon isn't hard
10% of players have killed the dragun at least once. 64% of players have killed mom at least once.
Before you spray Cheetos all over your keyboard saying "IMFUCKINGPLYING ISAAC IS HARD MATE", the point is Isaac is what everyone holds up as the gold standard, and Gungeon is demonstrably harder than Isaac just given achievements for killing baby's first end boss. All Gungeon complaints can be answered by gittin gud.
Not to mention they already upped the key rate with the supply drop patch anyway.
By properly you mean game the system?
Like how not picking a key makes the store stock on key guaranteed and it's one of the few things that's safe from the dumb rat?
but out of Isaac, Gungeon and Nuclear Throne, Gungeon is the worst.
So the HP values scale with the gungeon depth :)
If the slower pacing triggers you and you are physically unable to play vidya for longer than 5 minutes then you should go play phone games.
Isaac has the most content, sure but the early game is so slow and boring.
Haven't played NT but it looks kind of lackluster. Beyond the relatively small pool of weapons and power ups the game looks pretty samey.
Neat aesthetic though.
Gungeon's early game is engaging and you have to pay attention. It has its problems but the core loop is fun.
I'd have replaced NT with Risk of Rain personally.
yea but why would i git gud at a shit game for the sole purpose of saying i completed it? mate if a game has flaws and people put it down because some of those flaws make the game not fun to play then im sorry they should be atleast address, let alone fixed.
Nah dude. But that's your opinion so it's okay.
Actually NT is the worst but it has YV so I don't know.
NT is terrible.
Make most weapons perfectly accurate. It feels like ASS to shoot like 10 times and have 3 of them hit because your character is literally drunk and shooting all over the fucking place.
Make more interesting power-ups and weapons. Less "lol dis gun does slightly more damage but shoots slightly slower" and more guns that can do cool shit that totally change your playstyle.
I beat the Dragun for the first time (after twenty tries but I'll never claim to be good) and I found it to actually be easier than a few other bosses that would come before it.
Well, at least, if it were for its fucking faggy ass knife throw attack. Once it started spamming that I stopped being able to dodge all the patterns because the knifes just fire exactly where the normal escape routes are.
Voidburger pls
Yeah, dragon isn't all that hard compared to some bullshit like the ammoconda. FYI you can kill the knives. Depends on your gun situation but getting the dragun into phase 2 automatically kills them so sometimes it's better to just ignore them and blap him, and if you've got shittier guns it's usually worth it to kill the knives before going back to him.
Both, though after playing dozens of hours of each I would slightly give the edge to Gungeon. It would be more balanced if NT wasn't abandoned and 30FPS, but as it is the negatives make me lean a little more toward Gungeon. Both well worth playing and different enough that they don't overlap much though.
They already upped the key drop rate and added a new mob whose only purpose is to give you a shot at a free key. Stop opening brown chests you quad nigger.
On top of that they added Sir Junkan to give you a chance to get something useful from breaking chests.
Meele weapon what can erase bullets.
Or more "japanese" design.
>Meele weapon what can erase bullets.
There's already two. The Casey Bat and Blasphemy.
There's also the Fightsaber and Huntsman which reflect bullets on their reload.
That would be the most broken weapon in the game
Disregard that I suck dicks
Make the thingy you get from defeating bosses without getting hit a minor dmg upgrade too, reduce the HP gain of enemies slightly so your standart weapone doesn't need an extra bullet per floor to kill things but only one per two floors.
The supply whining is retarded, you can get by just fine by playing the game properly and distance yourself from the mindset that you have to open everything on every floor every time, you couldn't do that in isaac either before they introduced a trillion items that give keys and bombs and you still can't on the early floors.
Honestly the only thing it needs is more non gun upgrades to stats. If we were able to get more gun damage or ammo regen or whatever there would be no bad guns.
Make every run not last an hour
Nerf key rates + One unlocked chest per floor
Brown chests spawn unlocked
Lower the health of enemies in harder floors, balance via more enemies or enemies getting more intense patterns
Ammo drops no longer restore all your ammo, they restore ~1/4 of a weapons ammo, ammo drops heavily increased
Remove dps cap on bosses
More optional bosses/minibosses
More fucking synergies jfc
Differentiate more between low tier weapons of the same type. Many of the low tier pistols, specifically the ones based on real life weapons behave very similarly. Yeah that makes sense, but it's fucking boring to get the SAA, the magnum, the makarov, and the colt all in one run.
Differentiate more between low tier weapons of the same type. Many of the low tier pistols, specifically the ones based on real life weapons behave very similarly. Yeah that makes sense, but it's fucking boring to get the SAA, the magnum, the makarov, and the colt all in one run.
Oh god, this so much.
I get it, it's context appropiate /k/ wankery but it really isn't fun or helpful and I don't think having designated munch weapons was the idea here.
>Gungeon's early game is engaging
maybe on your first five runs
playing the first floor as pilot is torture
>infinite ammo
>/k/ wankery
for a game thats supposed to be about guns this has surprisingly little gun wankery. 3/4s of the guns are made up joke weapons
>Gungeon's early game is engaging and you have to pay attention.
Not really, I sometimes completely space out on the first floor till I hit the boss or have to make a decision.
Same for the second floor as long there isn't platforming to do or a iron maiden fucker.
No, the guns are balanced around ammo/reload time.
Plus it's not like Isaac where there's only one weapon that gets upgraded as the run goes on, you're expected to use multiple guns throughout the run.
Remove health scaling. Add more variety to compensate if needed.
Add more passives and synergies.
Split weapon and, actives passives into their own chest types. Allowing people to choose if they want a new gun, or a new passive/active. Mostly to cut down on wasting a key on something you might not want, or have to drop/abandon
Have better items/more varied items on sale in shops.
Make the rat do more than just steal.
Make looking for secret rooms less tedious.
Either cull a lot of the shittier/gimmicky stuff, or make them more useful. If something is only useful when used in conjunction with a very specific item, then increase odds in favor of that item showing up.
Just some off the top of my head.
How about a difficulty setting so people who like super scarce rouguelites can continue to enjoy it while also sating for the rest of the fanbase that enjoys a more solid power progression?
Are there any rebalance mods?
Not have health as a scarce thing.
Games that do that are never fun.
Like, Touhou would be fun except that if I set the difficulty low enough to survive several rounds it's boringly easy, but if I set the difficulty high enough to be fun I end up slowly but surely running out of health.
Really, if a game ever makes the player start a stage with less than full health, then the dev is just some "git gud" freak. And games shouldn't stop at letting players start each stage with full health, they should have time to heal up between any significantly disjointed encounter.
I don't think anyone likes it when they die due to attrition they can't recover from; the fights aren't hard and yet if you suffer just one small bit of damage per fight you will eventually die because of how rare health is.
If you do that you take the consequence away from getting hit thus you have no motivation to actually learn the mechanics of the game because you can just tank everything.
I went from having to increase the starting lives in th06 to beating it with 7+ on stock because the game taught me how to play and not get hit.
Not that guy, but thats not true at all. There are numerous games out there that have it so every time you've started a stage or mission you start with full health.
Does that mean you can just tank every hit instead of learn the game in them? Hell no. The game is balanced around that.
>Turns out Robot is left handed
That was such a great past battle. Bullet's was creative but the sword was frustrating to use against Not!Gannon
- Make ammo drop more frequently but give less ammo per box
- Lower enemy health scaling
- Slightly increase the drop of health
- Give bosses a little more health
- Delete the rat
- Delete Ammoconda
I'm not claiming that the Gungeon's balance is perfect but I don't agree that a "health must be reset every level" decision is the best for every game.
That doesn't happen in many other rogues like Isaac and it's never an issue in them.
Fix that fact that 90% of the guns are shit compared to your starting peashooter.
remove contact damage
>a "bullet hell" game where you can't see the whole room on one screen
Dragun is a lot more comparable to a boss like Satan or Isaac than it is to Mom you dip
The one thing that irks me most about this game is how enemies get more health on each floor.
I'd be fine if it were different enemies with more health and attacks, but those little bullet buggers taking 5-6 fucking shots to kill on lower floors is just unacceptable.
I'm not saying that it'd be the best for every game either. I'm just pointing out that saying it means you can tank every hit and never learn the game is a ridiculous claim to make if they did.
I mean lets be real, it'd only take a small change in how damage is calculated per hit to make that less of an issue. That said, I do agree that I don't think the game needs it either, though maybe more health drops or stuff in shops would be ideal.
This game is slow as shit and gets boring after 2h.
I really love losing my 1h runs because some random RNG bullshit
The game needs a difficulty level system.
Something like harder settings = better rewards.
In Ring Runner, I configured a ship to have extreme damage resistance, a decent health pool, and be able to passively regen to full health in about 5 seconds as well as be able to use an ability every 9 seconds which recovers about 50% health.
And yet I found even that didn't seem overpowered, and it certainly wasn't because it was lacking in lethality given that it could pour all the bullets of a couple AoE attacks into a gravity well then pull an enemy into that gravity well.
It was more to do with the fact that the ship was still very much capable of dying, even more so than some other ones I made that don't even specialise in survivability, such as one that does nothing but spam EMP mines and clones that create more EMP mines.
You'd be surprised at what health regens can pass as fair and balanced in a game.
>tfw trying to kill the robot's past
>remove enemy health scaling
>instead of bonus health, enemy have chance to spawn duplicate enemy
>one of chests in chamber 1 is always open
>add yellow ammo pickups that only restore 20% of ammo, but are twice as common
>something something buy items for headstart with Hredits
Technically it has something like that, but the way it rewards players is rather moronic. Pretty much giving you higher health caps by not getting hit by bosses which rewards more skilled play.. But its dumb since if you're good enough to not get hit, you probably also don't need that reward.
Wait, is something wrong with the game?
I bought it a week ago so I havent sink in too much hrs so far.
I havent gotten past chamber 3's boss but I dare say the game is fine.
Some weapons look like jokes tho, like the one which shoots anvil form the box.
Also lower a prices in the shop. I hate choosing only one thing.
Make ammo a replenishable resource depending on how quickly you clear out a room.
And to prevent players from cheesing through the game with one or two really good weapons, have it only apply to guns you get on that floor.
Most people think the game is fine until they've sunk enough time into it. You've kinda not played far enough to notice, but one of the more common complaints is that everything is a bullet sponge and theres not enough good weapons.
Every floor you finish adds HP to existing enemies. So the same 1 shot bulletkin from floor 1 wind up having like double or triple the HP come later floors, but remain otherwise unchanged.
Makes runs tedious as fuck after a while.
How do you fix something that's not broken?
More content, I finished the game for each characters + killed Lich in under a day.
Honestly there's enough enemy variety that they don't NEED to bring back the weaker enemies from earlier floors with more health. If they were just entirely replaced by enemies from that floor it'd be fine.
EtG has to be the most disappointing I've been in a game in recent time. It's not that it's bad, it's close to amazing but, like other anons said, it has a lot of small issues that amount to unsatisfying runs.
Problem is, health scaling seems too ingrained in the game design to be changed, not without some major overhaul to the game.
Enemies die faster but so do you. Seriously the beginning is such a shitty slog.
Way too many shitty gimmick guns. No, there is no fucking way shit like Molotov launcher or Corsair is even considered a good all purpose weapon and not some secret gimmick reserved for secret rooms and special challenges.
I-It's almost like it's...scaling
one of these games has been in a humble bundle.. guess which one
What's the deal with NT anyway, dev being really booty blasted about the right value of the game and refuses to lower the price?
I can't remember what Corsair is, but Molly launcher is really good. Its basically an ammo version of the active.
Enemy scaling pissed me off so much. There's so little variety in every room and the time it takes to clear a room quickly made the game stale for me. Sign of a lazy devs right there. More enemies and more variety would get me to pick the game back up. The game is just so slow.
Dev gave out a buncha free copies, so I doubt its a price issue.
One clip gun which you have to charge, launches a small ship that bounces from walls few times.
Honestly NT and Gungeon aren't that similar.
Increase movement speed. Spamming roll should not be faster than walking.
Reduce enemy health, or at least don't scale up when old enemies reappear on later floors.
Remove reloading, or make it automatic. A delay between shots is fine, but having to press the button every time is obnoxious.
Add some option for pixel scaling to make the current room fit your monitor, so you don't get blindsided by offscreen enemies.
When you walk into a room with 10 enemies, and they each take 10 shots, and you have to reload after 9 shots, it stops being challenging and starts being frustrating. It turns into top-down Borderlands. Most of the enemies in the game are so basic they can't even pose a threat, they're just obstacles you have to grind through before you're allowed to fight the boss.
>What's the deal with NT anyway
It was in Early Access for about 5 years, which is a great way to kill any enthusiasm about your game. Also the devs are vocal SJWs, that probably put some people off.
less reliance input reading if you're going to going to go the bullet hell route
more passive items and visible stats
I'd prefer things like the makarov to all the straight up joke guns
What's up with reloading anyway?
>Get a gun, reloading time on it is fucking atrocious
>Swap to another gun for the rest of the room and think about doing the long one between rooms
>It's already loaded and ready to go
>Read all these complaints
>Literally just a shitload of casuals and retards who haven't even played since the first wave of bugfixes and balance patches.
80% of these complaints are casual garbage and the other 20% are either untrue or got patched.