What are some games with time traveling as a actual usable in game mechanic?

What are some games with time traveling as a actual usable in game mechanic?

Pic extremely related

>path blocked by trees
>travel back in time to walk over the sproutlings
>come back to the present on the other side of the path

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Sonic CD for sure

Chrono Trigger obviously.

>call it time travel
>when it's really just leaping between different universes
fuck off with this m8. without player agency it's not actually time travel.

>time traveling
Perhaps not exactly what you're looking for, but this game has my favorite Time Manipulation mechanics.

Majora's Mask



Tf2 has something like that

>without player agency


Titanfall 2 but only for one of the single player missions

It's really well-executed for what it's worth

But your actions in the past do actually affect the future.

Radiant Historia

He's probably talking about the power to do it at-will like in that one Titanfall 2 mission as opposed to needing to do it in a specific time and place i.e. OoT's Temple of Time

Bullshit. If Link does something in the past he can affect the present time.

Effect and Causemind

That was a 12/10 level. Holy shit.

>do it at-will

Well then he's a retard because you do get the power to do it at will.

Use Super Mario Bros. (E)

Oracle of Seasons is way better than Oracle of Ages.

I jerked off to that tree quite a few times.
Also that Round the Twist episode where he pisses on a tree and the tree falls in love with him, takes the form of a woman and then impregnates him.

dragon nest has a few dungeons that have you manipulate time in the past to open doors in the present



As much as I enjoy Seasons over Ages, I cannot agree that it's the better game between the two.

But both games combined are god tier.

Dishonored 2 has a really good time travel mission.

Bunny must die! Chelsea and the 7 devils.

You know you're old when no one mentions blinx

I half agree, the time travel in this is more of plot importance than a game function, but there are a bunch of points in it where you get new shit by traveling, like the forest of the sunstone

Prince of Persia if it counts

I remember there was some FPS which had time travel elements implemented in it.

It was pretty small and unknown back then.

>Nobody mentions Achron
>Probably the most innovative time travel game of all time
Then again, I didn't actually play it and nobody heard about it, so it must have sucked

Am I the only one that thinks the Gameboy/Gameboy Color Zelda games are fucking trash?

Evoland 2

Probably not but that's a pretty trash opinion

I remember borrowing this from a friend with little idea what it was, had a blast.

I think the majority of reasonable people agree that Majora's Mask is the greatest and most innovative Time Travel game due to it's completely original ludonarrative structure that no other thing within the medium or in any other medium has replicated.

>time travel
time is a made up variable. there's no such thing as time in the universe, only things that constantly change.


Do enlighten us more please

Ephemeral Phantasma, but I bet like four people ever played it. I should beat it now since I never did as a kid. It was a Blockbuster rental and I had to return it.

>no one said Day of the Tentacle
Plebs, all of you.

>what are time crystals
Nigger read a book

>that god awful filter tier remake


>or in any other medium
It's called Groundhog day.

He's referring to time states not coexisting as to allow travel, and being a faggot that things a handy useful abstraction that is poorly understood by the majority of people is the same as things being "made up".

>It's called Groundhog day.
Groundhog day is certainly good but it's completely different from Majora's Mask in just about every way and it lacks the interactivity that videogames excel at.

Warrior Whitin

>Garden Tower
>Activate tower in acient past
>Climb in the present


>Present traps are broken
>In the Past they work at its fullest

You've clearly never seen groundhog day, and just started your retarded opinion with "is certainly good" to deflect from the fact you've never seen it and have no clue what you're talking about.

You've clearly never played Majora's Mask, let alone put any effort into analyzing it, and hypocritically tried to argue that I "definitely didn't see it" when you've shown you have as much credibility to talk about MM as I have to talk about groundhog day.

Which is wrong, because I've seen it and I've also played Majora's Mask. I don't recall Groundhog Day having themes related to unstoppable doom, romantic heroes, guilt, eastern religion, and it certainly lacks a ludonarrative--seeing as it's a movie and not an interactive medium.

That fucking movie

Didn't think I would cry so hard. How?

No, GHD is based around a similar idea to MM, but its lack of interactivity does change what it's capable of doing with that idea.

Haven't played, but why can't you just uproot the sapling in the past to murder what it will become?

Life is strange

>themes related to unstoppable doom, romantic heroes,

Yeah, maybe you should go and rewatch it then.

Link's sword can only cut grass

You got tricked. I pointed out things that were apparent in the film--guilt and eastern religion--but Groundhog day lacks the themes of unstoppable doom and romanticism. Had you watched the film, you would have known which themes were apparent in the film. You didn't watch the film, nor did you play MM, you faggot.

Then it doesn't make sense to say "no medium has made anything like it" if what you're referring to actually is how other mediums are simply non interactive. I mean, it's not incorrect, but come on.

Titanfall 2

Tales of majeyal



Holy shit

>200 hours of grinding to unlock the time travel class

why the surprise?

Considering all the negativity I'm surprised anyone still remembers or cares about it

What negativity? It was a great game even if JBlow is kind of an autist and his next game wasn't as good.

I don't remember getting that Link statue. What is it?

pretty central component of the game

this, it's one of the few where it's a pervasive gameplay element and central to the plot

also Shadow of Destiny if you can tolerate how stupid it is

Some workers make it during the credits.