>Hey guys how easy should we make the first boss?
Hey guys how easy should we make the first boss?
The genius of Bloodborne is that it forces you to play the game the right way instead of encouraging you to hide behind a shield. Gascoigne isn't a significantly hard fight assuming you understand the game's very basic mechanics.
>he didnt utilise the music box yet
git gud fago
>implying there's a right way to play a game.
>hey guys how good should we make every boss in the game
Pretty good game/10
I got the Platinum a month after launch.
Only change I would have made is with the "procedurally generated" chalice dungeon shit. Just make them optional levels with superbosses. Grinding out certain chalice catalysts was annoying.
Gascoigne is only hard if you're coming from dark souls, which teaches you to be patient and watch for the openings. Unlike bloodborne, in which you have to spam dodge and attack like a fucking retard or you get punished because you didn't utilize the rally system against the ultra aggressive enemies.
You know it's true.
the theme to this boss is so pleasent
>he didn't git gud
>dude just stagger him
>dude just music box him
>literally doesn't work 80% of the time
Even when you watch good players beat him they still choke
>attack like a fucking retard
>pretty much every boss can be parried or has a weak spot
you can cheese every hunter, and easily dodge every beast
>hit Gasc behind tombstones until phase 3
>as a beast just sidestep his combo and get 2-3 hits in until death
music box rarely works if he's in the middle of hitting you or phase changing
Who /cheesedwithtombstones/ here?
git gud
wanna hear a funny story
first time i played i had no idea of the music box so i killed him full on even after transform mode on my 4th try
I just parried the fuck out of him
I'm playing this game for the first time and I killed him in my first try. The Blood Starved beast too. The most difficult so far it's been Rom, but every other boss hits the ground on the third or fourth try.
the trick with rom is always mind the air striking arcane atack (the worst of all) and dodge just precisely as they drop
untarget from rom and face your camera up then after that just go in and rush
Not even meme'ing user, it's a pretty easy fight. The first phase is super easy to parry, hell that animation where he scrapes the ground has like a 2 second parry window. Second phase is also reasonably easy to parry, but you can easily music box your way through it and bash him down. 3rd phase literally all you have to do is dodge to his side and take whacks at him.
>literally doesn't work 80% of the time
He has to finish his current attack animation and then the box will trigger. You should only use it twice max in his second phase or he transforms. You can only use it once in his final phase and it doesn't last as long.
>l2 when he's in beast form
>2 parries he's dead lol
>First boss is hard
>Main character don't even acknowledge them as first boss
i haven't played BB in a few months but cant you just walk diagonally left and avoid all of them?
In the end I killed every fucking single spider while watching for Roms attacks, then she went down like a bitch.
no they hit in a sequence of 4-5 at a time
if by walk you mean sprint then yeah that works just as effectively
am i the one who never touches even one of them
its so easy to divert them from rom then rush her from behind then back away as they enclose then rinse and repeat
>The most difficult so far it's been Rom
Clear the first wave of spiders before he starts attacking then just focus on burning him down by hitting his side with the tonitrus. Really fucks him up good. If you've upgrade it, you can knock him down below 50% before he even does his first teleport.
Yeah you couldn't block., but you sure as hell could still parry. Patience was not dead in Bloodborne.
technically you could bypass fearal beast and go straight to gascoigne
>hit Gasc behind tombstones
I really hope no one here was a big enough fag to do this.
well desu i did too my first time
because clearly the environment was designment as que to lead you to doing that eventually but i still died like a fag
then on my next try i went with parry and killed him
I started playing Dark Souls 2 SOTFS after entering the series with Bloodborne and I don't know shit about shields. Parrying looks very cumbersome and I just roll around all the time. I don't know if I'm playing it right but its been working out pretty well so far.
I don't really get this, I've heard other people say they got stuck on Rom too, but both run-throughs I made of BB I one-shot Rom both times.
I didn't even have an especially easy time of the other bosses, Rom just seemed like one of those bosses that barely did anything and died really fast.
its actually pretty easy to parry with shiels just practice a little
>starting with DaS2
Why would you start with the worst game in the series? It was so bad it isn't even canon now.
I already killed her, this post was meant for Now I'm in the Nightmare of Whatever The Fuck Name, last boss I killed was Micolash.
>Why would you start with the worst game in the series?
I don't have a PS3 and my pc sucks ass, so I had to choose between DaS 2 and 3. As I've heard DaS 2 sucks compared to the others, I decided to start with it so that I experience a smoother transition from 2 to 3, instead of being disgusted from 3 to 2 (in case I still wanted to try 2 after 3).
Implying DS3 lorewise is any better, as it completely undermine the Dark Lord ending of DS1 plus retconned Ornstein and Smough fight you had in DS1 into *lol it was just an illusion and Gwyndolin fight being not canon.
The amount of circlejerkery is just as bad.
I'll never "get" these games
Tells always looked weird, got through most games just by rolling like a retard and dying 200 times at every boss
youre nearing the end and its Nightmare of Mensis
>my pc sucks ass
DaS1 will run on a toaster. Both 2 and 3 are bad compared to 1. 3 is literally a fan service game for people who enjoyed DaS 1.
You're like 1 boss away from the end of the game. Get your coat hanger ready, you need to take care of some babies.
I honestly think I enjoyed 2 more than 3 or BB. They all kinda sucked. So glad I bought a PS3 to try out DeS after getting disappointed by BB, it holds up really well.
Of course people like this series for different things. I like interesting level design and difficulty that comes organically from huge gaps between bonfires, traps, platforming, bizarre enemies, hidden bonfires, and attrition.
Some people like "difficult" bosses and hitting the dodge roll button at the correct time over and over and over.
I tried pirating DaS1 before buying and it ran like ass. I don't remember if I tried the dsfix or whatever, but I really just use this pc to play indie or pixel steam shit that I find fun. Anything with 3D models seems to just run like shit, even basic things like Zero Time Dilemma.
About the fanservice, I don't really mind that. The main thing I enjoyed about BB was the gameplay, then the lore. So I can just read up on the lore from 1 if it is ever needed when I play 3. As long as the gameplay is good, I will enjoy it, I'm even enjoying DaS2 gameplay and it is way inferior to BB.
I enjoyed Lords of the Fallen more than Bloodborne
>likes DeS but not BB aka DeS 2
The first boss was easy though. Gives you plenty of health regain spam time (probably in order to teach you the mechanic) and is vulnerable to molotovs and headshot staggers.
I've always considered Cleric Beast to be the first boss... Since you can summon Gascoigne for him, but only if you haven't killed him yet.
>I one-shot Rom
You're either lying or you don't know what this means.
They are 6/5th of a boss
>I one-shot Rom
You beat him on your first attempt. You didn't one-shot him. Stop mixing these terms up.
I did one-shot him. I beat him on my first attempt. It was a one shot kill!
He's only tough because he's not so big that it takes a minute for him to reach his ass to scratch it. Being smaller than most enemies and much more aggressive is a huge pace change from the much slower and predictable enemies thus far. The best prep you can get is the werewolves, but by the time you're fighting gascan you haven't had to run into them for a long while.
It's pretty easy if you know about the music box trick
>stagger him with the music box
>3 molotovs and he's dead
and yet a ton of people have beat him.
crazy, right?
Why is this boss so great?
Is it his looks?
Is it his battle arena?
Is it him teaching you the way of Bloodborne's combat, i.e. engage?
Is it the tragic background story you probably won't realize when you first play the game?
Is it his surprising second form the first time to battle him?
Is it his escalating music that's pounding your ear while you witness him pound your ass?
>It was a one shot kill!
No, a one-shot skill would be hitting him once and him dying.
>I tried pirating DaS1 before buying and it ran like ass
Without DSfix it'll glitch out and lock at 15 fps.
Use this guide, but limit the FPS to 30 instead of 60 and if you can raise the internal rendering to 720p. (1280x720) It will run on your computer at a steady 30 fps. I can pretty much guarantee it.
>what makes this boss so great?
>could it be all these factors that are proven to lead to a great boss?
Well gee, I dont know.
>hide behind tombstones
>attack him through them
learn to environment. Especially with alot of first run players using the axe
Well, alright. But maybe after DaS 2, I want to have fun with it as I am before ruining it with the superior games.
Fucking nuts man
how about genuinely annoying bosses?
>Gascoigne is only hard if you're coming from dark souls, which teaches you to be patient and watch for the openings.
This is ancedotal, but I feel this is true. I never played a souls game and picked up bloodborne. Learned very quickly that you had to be aggressive or you'd die. After seeing some souls gameplay on youtube, it seems kinda slow and boring in comparison which has prevented me from buying the souls games.
>first boss
I like the way he swings his weapon/claws at you.
And you press the dodge roll button at the right time.
And that's it.
Like 90% of Souls bosses.
tfw still haven't beaten bloodborne
or you could not be a pussy and realize cheesing the fights just makes you worse at the game
he's not even hard at alll wait till you get to shadows of Yarnham
Always feel like Cleric Beast is the first boss
It's ok user, wanna do a co-op run? I'd start a new character aswell, to kill some time until Nioh comes out
well yeah, you can get to the cleric beast much faster than to gascoigne
Rolling >>> Shields in every soulsborne game
They will literally never nerf rolling, but shields and parrying have been better or worse depending on the game.
>Gascoigne isn't a significantly hard fight assuming you understand the game's very basic mechanics.
Bullshit. The only thing he's meant to do is force an understanding of the parry system and exploiting environment details, something the game discourages you from doing again until chalice dungeons.
>After seeing some souls gameplay on youtube, it seems kinda slow and boring in comparison which has prevented me from buying the souls games
See This is what I mean by the 'right way.' Every souls game can be played like BB if you git gud. BB was just the first game to force you to play that way.
by this relativist logic it wouldn't be wrong to play the game by using summons then retreating to the clinic while the summoned guy kills every enemy in the whole level
You can summon Henryk too in the Forbidden Woods...even if you already killed him earlier on Eileen's Hunt.
Hey man Fromsoft shouldn't have put that in in the game then. Heck it would probably be an easier boss fight then since you won't dash and accidentally get stuck between them.
>ds3 fanservice game for fans of ds1
as a fan of ds1 i found 3 completely boring. i couldnt muster enough interest to go through a second time and probably never will.
>the game discourages you from parrying
Every enemy before him is slow and retarded, apart from the two wolves you can skip
And you can summon Gascoigne to help
People keep saying you shouldn't use a shield in Souls but every fucking class starts with one. I mean, maybe the "dual wield" class from 2 didn't but they didn't even have the stats to properly dual wield so I wouldn't really put much weight into that one.
Maybe words have different meanings in different contexts, autismo.
t. I have never played a Souls game.
>even if you already killed him earlier on Eileen's Hunt.
I don't think so Tim.
i can't even remember how i beat gascoigne without relying on parries. cause i sure as hell haven't learned to parry until fighting lady maria on new game plus. i guess i got good with sidestep attacks
>force an understanding of the parry system AND exploiting environment details, something the game discourages you from doing again until chalice dungeons.
Subject->predicate. 3rd grade reading comprehension taught in Western countries.
Someone get a ban on underage over here.
Maybe you're a retard who confused two established terms and then tried to asspull his own definition instead of just admitting a simple mistake. Yeah, I think that's the most likely the case here.
>see this
wat do
I do it all the time against him :3
Besides, he can do it as well. It's not like players are cheesing him by doing that.
As a beast I threw Molotovs at him. This was my first Soulslike game so I'm not going to lie, I was still getting my ass kicked like a newfag at the point of the Gascoigne fight. I loved it though.
This is why he's a good first boss. It teaches you how the game works but isn't so hard that the majority of players never get past it. Even then only 60% of people who launched the game (and had internet access) even beat Gascoigne.
Either it's a glitch or someone didn't fix that but it happened to me on my latest playthrough.
I summoned him before I fought Shadows of Yharnam because I was confused by him still being around.
Then did the silencing gunshot because fuck summoning help.
Jammed him behind the tombstones and basically cheesed him quicker than he could kill me
Paarl utterly destroyed me though.
>AND exploiting environment details
It doesn't encourage you to do this, though. If anything the environment only gets in the way. The only fight that really does is shadows of yharnam, a non-chalice fight, so I guess you're wrong on all accounts.
Proceed to stomp their shit because that's not even a hard fight until like ng+4