Can you mess them up and risk losing the experience?
Like with "The Show Must Go On." Some of the options looked funny (to pick an actual eraser instead of the food and so on), but I picked the correct ones because I wanted to make sure I got the credit for the substory.
If you fail it completely you get nothing, if you make some mistakes but still pass you get a reward of lesser value.
Jose Wilson
Majima's Breaker style is so damn fun and OP
Aaron Howard
That's a shame. Some of those incorrect options seem pretty funny. Maybe I'll create/reload a save to try out other options
Blake Bailey Stop using logic. It will screw you over in this game. Just follow a guide and look for trophies on PSN Profile. There are a lot of missable trophies in this game, so keep multiple saves at all times (I have 30)
Justin Richardson
this is generally true but i'm pretty sure the all Miracle quests have fixed rewards because of the black or hwaito boxes
Isaac Murphy
Aaron Cox
I have a question of my own. How do I get pars good enough for slot cars? I'm garbage and can't even do the second one.
Nathaniel Perry
Cameron Martin
do test runs, you can customize and do runs without loading screens you can get better parts from the parts store in the back corner or Dream Machines
Ryder Collins
It's made to play out like a Japanese drama show.
I personally love being able to complete every side quest early in the game. I exploited baseball bats/heat items to earn 40 billion yen by chapter 4.
Press down on the directional pad while a baseball bat is equipped. Use heat items until your heat bars are at two or above, run semi-close (while safe) to the shakedown enemy, and press triangle to attack with the weapon.
Cooper Hall
Anyone have the platinum or getting close to it? For the Master of Style trophy, do you have to fully upgrade each of the 4th styles?
>premium adventure doesn't let me choose his black suit Damn shame
Josiah Taylor
>No option to do anything with Makoto >Majima never got to sing 24 Hour Cinderella to her or have her sing x3 Shine and make weird noises while cheering her on
why live
Jacob Fisher
Sure hope you took over 15 minutes to get her food, or else you are out of a trophy.
Owen Hall
The plot really can be described as majima had a hard life
Grayson Allen
>caring about trophies People do this? Just play the game lol
Brayden Watson
I missed some story ones but I was gonna redo the game anyways for beating it in the hardest difficulty
Zachary Perry
If someone is going for all the trophies, they'll need to play through it twice anyway, and the only missable ones are simple things done in the story.
David Reed
Doing the cabaret czar missions, guy who runs Venus Club walks in. Majima can't remember who the fuck this asshole is, decide to call him Omar Ishikawa, guy says it's not his name, Majima replies something along the lines of yeah well you should start using that name, it suits you.
Christopher Martin
Anyone got the punch the dishes option?
Carter Price
Am I missing something, or is the Cabaret Club just complete shit compared to real estate?
Jose Evans
it makes a lot less money thats for sure, but the whole thing about it is neat and i dont mind it for what it is
use this. you'll spend forever trying to find the perfect combination of parts in order to win if you don't use a guide. the translation in the article is sloppy, obviously, but you can make sense of it if you try. i used this and cruised through it. expect to need a lot of money for buying parts, btw.
Nolan Hall
What's you favorite part of the game and why is it majima screaming in English like a retard when a woman sings karaoke?
Charles Nelson
I'm dreading 100% completion solely cause of equipment and gear
Charles Morris
Yeah i know its supposed to be a drama. But sometimes the Drama parts can come at you somewhat heavy when you consider just 20 or so minutes before i was helping a statue poop by distracting people.
Also breaker style the best.
Samuel King
>win all 3 rounds in catfight 10 times
Is this the hardest trophy? Holy shit I hate rock-paper-scissors mechanics so much.
Alexander Hall
karaoke interjections are, generally, the most enjoyable part of the game for me.
Christian Cruz
Breaker > beast > slugger > thug > kiryus blue can't remember name > rush.
I hate rush.
Mason Edwards
Is there a way to show sub stories on the map? I heard something about a trouble finder. I have already the encounter finder.
Justin Lopez
I like it, but it's awfully sparse in the heat moves department. Come to think of it, this game has awfully few heat moves so far compared to 4 or 5. I get that Kiryu is less experienced, but it doesn't feel right.
Kayden Ross
I spent the first couple of hours wondering why there were no heat moves for railings / throwing enemy into other enemies / etc. in the ability tree, and assuming their absence from the game, before realising i'm stupid and they are unlocked from the get go.
Grayson Mitchell
You've just got to go for Jennifer and hope for the best. I hate how the button mashing is so inconsistent- there are times when they will just not let you win it. The money you gain/lose isn't worth betting on the weaker girls.
Grayson Hughes
William Howard
> in Osaka on business > hear about this club in Sotenbori called Sunshine that's all the rage > big-ass line in front, but is moving quickly > only wait 2 minutes 45 seconds > ask for a long session with a cute girl who likes to party > finally sit down > a hot Japanese girl name Yuki sits beside me > obviously nervous but still cute as fuck > order a drink > 10 seconds later a whistle blows > I have to leave until they open again
What a fuckin' ripoff.
Jacob Myers
Why is Ai so perfect?
Andrew Jones
who does Yuki's voice? Yuki from the caberet club
Landon Hughes
I was with a girl I hated until the owner yelled it was party time. Suddenly I couldnt be any happier.
Nolan Taylor
>Go to a Cabaret Club >Want a qt to talk to >Get stuck with an old lady with a blue afro in a gaudy tiger sweater
what the fuck I love older women now
Matthew Hall
She's a close second to me. I like hibiki a little more.
Alexander Barnes
Black or White Sup Forums
Nathaniel Cox
it doesn't matter if you're black or white
Luis Robinson
Remove Kabab
Matthew Sullivan
>saving not Michael Jackson from not zombies
I think I might love this game
Chase Scott
I'd put my kebab in her
Sebastian Turner
Wait, which one was she? The girl before the massage parlor?
Benjamin Ward
Kayden Taylor
Jose Hill
I sing song for you
Jacob Morris
So Am I shit or is Rush not a good fighting style?
Blake Bailey
why is the Engrish in this game so great
Matthew Russell
Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with clubs if it weren't for the god awful battles that are horseshit But then again, Breaker even without the outer ring being unlocked absolutely destroys everyone except Sera and Shakedowns so I guess I don't have to care as much
Adrian Morales
How much would I miss out on playing this if I've never played a Yakuza game before? >inb4 always play games in their release order I don't have time to track down 5 different ps2 games and play them. I just wanna experience 1980s Japan and wrestle some goons.
Cameron Lopez
There's a few nods to future entries as jokes in the sidequests but you're good outside of that
Isaiah Cook
thanks bruv
Parker Russell
You a shit. It's boxing with kicks as combo finishers. Learn to weave and bob. L1 to weave at the right time makes you untouchable, even bosses can't touch you.
Gabriel Bailey
Its absolutely shit until you get some upgrades into it. But its not bad once you do. The lack of easy heat moves makes it feel really weak until you get those charge attacks.
Christian Scott
>tfw no funny photo like FOREVER KYOUDAI in 5 to make me laugh uncontrollably and fuck up the song
Oliver Bennett
>Sup Forums shits on cinematic movie games every chance they get >Blows their load for Yakuza
Gavin Murphy
There's like 4 hours of cutscenes at most and like 70 hours of gameplay. I think it's fine.
Ayden Torres
I have a question for people who understand how some of Majima's abilities work. I am using the Slugger style and paid for a lot of the 50m trainings that say it stops certain weapons for losing durability as long as you have 1 heat bar but I cannot seem to get it to work. Any bat I use still loses durability with each hit, even at 3 heat bars. Is there something I'm missing regarding those abilities?
Dominic Baker
how do i buy restaurants and stores like poppo and sushi gin? they're on the list but i don't know how to buy them.
Anthony Bell
It's the opposite. You need either no heat bars or maybe only one, I don't know about that.
Parker Long
>>Sup Forums is one person
Landon Reyes
Become friends with the owner
Jace Martinez
You need to remain calm, as in not get fully one heat bar or over. If the heat bar gets full the weapons start losing durability. As long as it doesn't go full the hand held weapons are unlimited.
Jaxson Diaz
Ugh, I knew those abilities sounded too good to be true. A single triangle combo finisher puts me over the heat level.
Adam Lopez
is mr shakedown possible without breaker style? The closest I got was with kiryu in beast but I switched to majima before I could try again. Then I tried with majima with thug and bat style but I only ever got him to 60% before he knocks me down by chance and stomps me or I run out of healing. Haven't got breaker yet
Christian Fisher
There's a item/accessory that disables heat.
Luis Moore
>all those Yakuza 2 nods
They're obviously aware that 2 is one of the greatest fan favorites.
>kid Ryuji is a badass >kid Daigo is a bitch
Christopher Gonzalez
I beat him with Slugger just by baiting his short range attacks. If he does the huge haymaker, it is an opportunity to do the square square triangle attack for a lot of heat. Then follow that with the standing Heat attack that gives you a ton of ground attack opportunities. Don't try to get really close to him or he'll break your guard when he gets low. Just bait out his attacks at a safe distance that doesn't make him try to shoulder charge you.
Tyler Flores
Use knife heat moves. So basically buy inventory full of knives and staminan royales.
Dominic Torres
I like the new video feature. Just found nearly all on Majima's side except for one of them. Can't wait for Ai Uehara's one - that is great they got her in this game.
Christian Sullivan
Is it that one amulet or whatever that says you stay calm? Is it generally worth it to use that for any strong weapons or will your DPS typically drop without Heat actions? Like I wanted to use the Patriarch's Bat or the Sunburst katana since they have over 200 attack.
Robert Lee
You can cheese him by buying a bunch of Tauriners, and Heat action with a weapon or bat every time he gets up.
Lincoln Powell
i already became friends with the poppo store clerk, do i have to go in and talk to them?
Dominic Perez
I just cheese them with heat moves.
>tfw used to just rely on restoratives gained from quests or enemies in previous games >now have to always stock up on Tauriner in case I run into Mr Shakedown
Colton James
Personally I found those abilities not worth it because I unlocked the mad dog of shibatori style where you get unlimited knife with the style. It also makes every fight that point on a cakewalk.
Jose Johnson
Gabriel Roberts
are you playing on legend or something? you are really putting an overemphasis on weapons
Isaiah Wood
Does anyone else find combat to be faster than usual? I keep finding myself nearly getting stunlocked by some of the street fights. Enemies seem faster than usual. Also feel like you have to be even closer to objects to pick them up in this game, compared to 1-5.
Kayden Peterson
He only gets retarded when he has like 6 health bars. Thankfully I have plenty of bikes to smash into his face.
Nathan Gutierrez
It is my first play through so only hard unlocked but I figure it is such a waste to have all these weapon types and never use them.
Kayden Phillips
What is this yakuza with an Afro trophy? I swear I shot every dude in that highway but didn't get it.
Tyler Moore
I mixed Shibusawa and Sotenbori together. Mad dog of sotenbori style.
Asher Butler
why is pocket circuit so good do you get anything for replaying all races? already beat fighter but I want more
Daniel Williams
Nolan Stewart
The only criticism you see about Yakuza is Mostly rubber bullets vs Naughty Dog Cinematic games
Angel Smith
Camden Richardson
>that Tomokazu Seki Fighter voice >Kiryu's cutscenes in races
As someone who played with Tamiya race cars as a kid this minigame is fantastic.
Jaxson Stewart
Is it fine to start with Yakuza 4? I got given it as a gift, but I've only played Yakuza 1 before and that was a while back.
Michael Rivera
I think I found a trick that will make JCC slightly less annoying.
When you hit a rainbow attack and mash circle for damage, mash for a few seconds then Skip before the prompt ends. It seems like it gives you both the damage you would get for interacting with and skipping the attack.
Jason Sanders
Yes. Don't listen to idiots telling you to play every game, unless you have a hyperbolic time chamber.
Cooper Taylor
alright thanks
on the subject of business, which bowling ball is best for getting 3 strikes? i want dat dere chicken
Jeremiah Young
Gabriel Brooks
Not him, but the lightest ball, 6 lbs. Move all the way to the right, then aim very slightly the left of the center pin. Use 90 to max power.
Dominic Baker
I found that the 3rd ball from the top, middle lane, slightly to the left of the first pin, 90-100 power and three taps of spin worked for me.
Nathaniel Gomez
You can select the Remanence option at the start menu as I recall, and you can watch story summaries of the previous games. The 3rd game does this, I can't remember if the 4th does.