Sup Forums drawthread

Previous Thread:
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Other urls found in this thread:

>jumping the gun yet again
eat shit


Your waifu adores you! She encourages hard work and good health!

Requesting Dr. Vahlen, from XCOM:Enemy Unknown, in the virgin killer version of her normal sweater. (also, no labcoat)
Additional references:

Anyone likes to do cute stuff?

Requesting Spike, Pit and Klonoa doing something fun like watching tv and eating pizza or playing some board game.

Where do you rank on the autism spectrum?

I would like to request Sidorovich, from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series of games, selling an anchor for a "good" price.


The theme is Valentine's Day Photo Album.

The collab will be a scene with one or multiple photo albums where your submissions are the photos. You can also submit Valentine's Day themed cards or notes to or from characters. You can also submit a prop or similar to exist in the scene outside the photos. If you are unsure if your submission will fit into the scene it's better to ask beforehand.

Short Rules:
>Since this time the rules are so open ended, make sure your submissions fit the theme of Valentine's Day
>No size or shape limit for photo or card submissions
>Minimum character size 300x700px and transparent or a flat colour with clean hard edges background for non-photo ones
>Multiple characters in one image are allowed, multiple deliveries are allowed
>Perspective for the collab is top down
>Backgrounds in the photos are encouraged
>The collab is SFW

Link your submissions to this post and/or anchor.

The cutoff for entries is the end of February 13 (PST).

More about the rules and FAQ in the pastebin:

What is saved so far:
Notify me if you want yours added or removed.

For Valentine's, requesting something cute with the purest love of all Doomguy and his pet rabbit Daisy, with her alive obviously.

Anchor for the kind drawfriend

Requesting Courtney unzipping her sweater with some sweat dripping from her chest.

requesting pic related with any vidya girl of your choice
I recommend Olivia from pokemon sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and use her normal feet hooves


Requesting Zhao Yun and Xiahou Dun, in stillsuits, fighting on top of a Sandworm from Dune

Note that Zhao Yun fights with a spear and Xiahou Dun with a sword.

Requesting Reiko Tawa from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth nude and touching herself to some Etamon merchandise.

Requesting Barney Calhoun, from Half-Life, performing a crouching df+D sweep kick, similar to the one Kyo Kusanagi does, like the one shown in the reference. Barney should be wearing his security uniform from the first game.

Requesting Muscle Bomber suplexing Mujoe.
Requesting Aigis becoming a hyper Bimbo like here.

Requesting Bradford, from XCOM, (1 or 2, you can pick) holding Laharl from Disgaea, by the neck, in a situation similar to this one from The Dark Knight.

Bonus points if you have Bradford calling Laharl an alien and demanding why he is invading, and Laharl explaining that he is actually a demon.

Your waifu loves you! She doesn't want anybody else! When she thinks about you... Well, that's her personal business.

Posting anchor for the other beautiful user

requesting OP sucking dicks like the faggot he is

Requesting a generic user pulling Hyrule Warriors Ruto's nipple coverings down while distracting her with a deep kiss, and Ruto's embarrassed reaction afterwards.

That's inappropriate and fucked up.

Requesting Yashiro and Shermie from KoF having intense, hardcore sex, with the purpose of creating the next host of the Orochi.

Both should be nude.

>which should be ignored and reported.
the power trip is real. What's next, doxxxing and burning their house?

Keep bumping the thread pls

I would like to see an artist's take on Faerie Thief Lord from Lords of Magic. The character is a faerie thief who uses a shortbow.

Because the game is old, there is no better artwork or representation of the in-game units, nor is there much concept artwork. As such, the artist is free to interpret the character based on the reference.

Tiki from Dragon's Crow is included only to fill up the extra space

Remember! The longer your request continues in subsequent threads, the less and less likely it is to be done! Know when to give up!

Requesting BotW Link sitting at a bonfire with a bunch of other Links around as spectres/ghosts/spirits

why is this jerk not banned yet

Requesting Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu having hardcore, intense sex

Requesting some more thicc Shygal Aigis.

Requesting less requests from one autist spamming every thread.

The first few dozen requests in a thread are also just flat-out automatically scrolled right past in most cases, often without even thinking about it.

""Perseverance, dear my lord,
Keeps honour bright: to have done is to hang
Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mail
In monumental mockery.""

- William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida (c. 1602), Act III, scene 3, line 150, Ulysses.

Requesting link X sheik

Requesting Lusamine wearing a super short sling-bikini but her areolas and bush (same style like her head hair) peeking out.

Here how her bush looks:

Think of a vidya character,

Now draw them as an insect

I don't know what you're talking about, user. She wouldn't stop talking about you, is what I'm saying. Talked my damn ear off the past hour.

That reminds me. Why is it that Zelda is never drawn fit and muscular like Sheik? They're literally the same person, so why not? We need more Zelda abs.

Since you keep reposting it, here's the WIP.

Please save it, and repost it when the link is dead.

This will be terrifying.

OoT Zelda turns into a boy to become Shiek user. that musculature isn't hers

keep dreaming fag

Anchoring for this kind drawfriend

>OoT Zelda turns into a boy
Not this again.

hate to break it to you user

Requesting cool and epic stuff with Beyond the Grave from Gungrave.

Please use game artworks as reference. Not the anime version! The anime version has a different hair color as example.



Let us not do this, shall we?

Do not be mean to my waifu. She's one of the few things I enjoy in this plummet into misfortune

Didn't you already get a delivery?

user are you okay?

Airy is cute!

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing the "flame rider outfit" from the same game, doing cool stuff like fighting bandits, firing at targets or bottles, killing some monsters or wild beasts of your choice, trading shots on a wagon convoy battle or anything else you would like.

Extended reference with the pet the outfit comes from:

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Requesting a redraw of this with Wicke in lingerie laying on a bed with bedroom scenery, please.

Requesting Link sitting with pregnant Zelda

How do we know that Shiek isn't a man disguising himself as a princess?

i suppose technically not a full insect, but she's definitely a moth girl

counter-requesting Zelda as a pregnant barefoot housewife

Requesting Aigis with a soft body and huge soft breasts, but with her arms and legs removed and being used as a pillow. You can also sew her mouth shut or but a ring gag in her mouth if you want, so she now a living pillow for the rest of her life.

Requesting Miyako Arima trying out covered hairbuns to go along with her whole 'kung-fu girl' motif.

The vidyabooru needs Gungrave art in his normal/original version, not as female version. In other words we need cool male art.

Requesting Mariel OC as an insect.

Ideally as a cockroach.

Requesting Ajna being trapped or stuck like in the first image wearing only her spats/bike shorts and asking for help.

Why would anyone think this would get drawn and do people really like this sort of thing?

Requesting Mia Winters doing the scene from The Shining, but with a chainsaw saying "Here's Mia!"

Fire Emblem Heroes needs more requests!!

Ah okie then.

Then please specify you want male art next time. Just saiyan'

Something very similar with her was drawn before,

Anchoring for the awesome user who took up my request! Thanks again!

>muh paranoia

Why dont you target it at requests like Id say those are the most spammy ones.

counter-requesting Link as a pregnant housewife married to career woman zelda

Requesting Imp Toon Link crushing an apple with his thighs or failing to choke someone because his legs are too short

The Aigis pillow one only started last thread user

I'm aware, but if I left while she was still talking, I won't hear the end of it and she'll keep bringing it up.

Requesting Midna as a wolf and Link as the imp.

It's hot and she would make a good soft pillow like that. Also you would only have to hear slight sobbing from her if her mouth is sewn shut.

Requesting epic stage 4 battle scene with John Morris or Eric Lecarde from Castlevania: Bloodlines versus a group of skeletons with steelhelmets.

Humbly requesting a chibi Nobushi from For Honor in the same pose as pic related.

Requesting the Pantheon Flyers from Mega Man Zero in the same poses as their sprites.

Are you the old guy?

Serra giving a smug gloved handjob while teasing the recipient please. Maybe resting an elbow on the guy's thigh while resting her head in the hand of that arm and stroking him with the other.

He probably got lucky and I can't really see something that sort of fucked up getting drawn again.

Requesting an older, toned Iris from FFXV in this demon hunter outfit.

You know that's no excuse.


Your waifu loves you! She made a hundred on her last test at school, so you better take her out for ice cream like you promised.

Except every aigis request seems to be the same one. Its over-requested and overdone.

Hell, why not some other Persona 3 female? Like Fuuka? Or Yukari. Aigis aigis aigis, always aigis.

I know its up to the artist of course. But just pointing it out.

Requesting i400 screwing Shimakaze in the ass with a Torpedo.

Because i400 is a submarine, so she's 'sinking' Shimakaze

Welcome back, chief. Hope we've proven to be worthy successors

It's one guy (or others) who keep spamming those boring requests

I'mma make her wear a mask of ice cream so I can lick it clean

Any armour or just not lewd requests?

>Like Fuuka? Or Yukari.
You could have at least said non shit Persona 3 girls and I would have agreed with you instead of picking the worst 2.

Personic the Hedgehog is overdone anyway

Weekend waifu threads are from Fridays to Mondays on Sup Forums. Please don't bring waifu/husbando motivation faggotry here.

>or just not lewd requests?
There are a couple here. I know I've been meaning to request a personification of an enemy but references of them simply don't exist.

>Requestfags are already complaining about what other requestfags are requesting
Stop doing this you faggots and just ignore things if you don't like them instead of shitting up the thread.

Any earthbound related requests?