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Video Games #3668
Video Games
Paper Mario Color Splash
New Vegas
Arma 3, Squad, PR or Insurgency?
What games exist where I can play a fat person?
Really fucking mad right now
Today is National Pizza Day
How much did your PC cost?
Do you want more ancient Egypt games?
Im loving this shit, but cmon, you kill 2 vips and everybody act natural, like its ok, thats fake as fuck
EVO 2017
What are the best story driven games or games with "adventure" feel for 3DS?
Will we ever have a game like Dark Souls again?
Why are support mains such white knights?
Did you ever outgrow certain video games, or do you still love all the ones you liked as a child...
Horizon:Zero Dawn (1080p 60fps)
Which to play?
Liking disgusting cow tits Peach when dfc Daisy exists
Souls games are all poorly made shit...
Why is it okay for SEGA to make a movie game?
The lack of creativity Capcom shows on this game is astonishing
I can't find a good visual novel? Is there any?
What do we think of the nintendo switch?
Do you really need a bigger gun, or do you just need to use the guns you already have more effectively?
Reminder that if you own a Wii U, you're a retarded goyim if you buy the switch at launch
New? register!
339€ 4k VR that works and has higher res than Oculus/Vive
*gets summoned behind you*
Why bioware can't woman?
What are you expecting from this?
Linking directly to polygon
Why do videogames attract the worst people?
I like nep
Not a single person complaining about this
Has Rockstar ever made a bad game?
These are minecraft's new block designs
'Villians' that did nothing wrong
I knew you would be fine if you landed on your butt
WiiU fans are asscancer
ITT Post your controversial opinions
Japanese Bullet Hells vs North American Bullet Hells
ITT: Video game related humour
This is a main character in a triple A release made by a super heavy weight developer studio releasing in two thousand...
Where are all the games?
Why are they just releasing this? the ps3 versions of them were enough
Bubsy Thread
Sup' bitches. Chad Warden here
What JRPGS would be improved if you could kill your partty members?
Vidya advertising will never be this good again
ITT: Roll a number, and then design an RPG character based on your roll, post it here
Witcher 3 Completely Destroyed
Alright, Sup Forums. Today we settle this once and for all
ITT: Meanwhile in New Sup Forumsegas
Why did this meme exist? It tricked me into buying a rrod machine
Post yfw when every action RPG from now until the end of time will be reviewed as a comparison to Dark Souls
Street Fighter V
How's your day going Sup Forums? what vidya are you playing today?
Wanna watch Nintoddlers defend bottom of the barrel, dog shit art design?
So still like swords right?
H-here's y-y-your controller, sir
What are games that have gobbos in them?
"Muh Nintendo + PC meme"
What's a non TMNT game where you can play as a turtle?
"This game is played better with a controller"
This is the comfyest game ever created
Final Fantasy XV sells less than a million on Xbox One
About to rev this up. What am I in for?
It's snowing where I am Sup Forums
Effective immediately all video games are now illegal
Why haven't you bought Atelier Sophie Sup Forums?
PCfag here, should I get a PS4 slim or a pro?
User get your din dins!
Sell me this game, Sup Forums
RIP Deus ex
Lag Guardian gets a PERMANENT price cut
She's so cute!
Steam Refunds
RE4 Fans Are Fucking Retards
Is there a single video game that looks as good as this?
You have exactly ten seconds to explain why you're not playing the best PC exclusive released in years right fucking...
T-thanks for the controllet a-user kun!
We're all Level 4 at least, ja?
What happens to Kojimbo and his studio if this turns out to be shit?
This is too mainstream for me
All modern games are becoming photorealistic and like real life
FE Smash 5
Castlevania animated series on Netflix
Who are some famous people who play video games?
Risk of Rain
Oh wow. What a great time to be the owner of a Sony Playstation 4
Was he right?
Why does OOE get the most hate out of the DSvanias?
Why are you not playing Sims 4 right now?
Why is the VA so horrible bros?!
Resident evil 7
Nintendo Switch
A (much) more powerful console than Switch, $50 cheaper than Switch, with a game bundled in. Serious question...
Your favorite vidya's food equivalent
Tfw no weeaboo samurai Chad bf
Post last 10/10 game you played
Game Dev Thread
Nintendo marketing really has zero self-awareness
Does anyone else talk out loud to themselves when they're playing a game...
What's the more expensive Game you own?
Fire Emblem Heroes
How do we take Sup Forums back from the neofags?
Pick a game for me to play
Anyone else play this? How do you feel about the new patch?
What games best manage to avoid ludonarrative dissonance? Alternatively what are some of the worst examples?
This guy comes at you in the gym and asks you if you have a problem with diversity and inclusiveness in vidya
Tfw you see a qts face light up when she sees your donation
Will it get Cancelled?
Did you buy Etna's game, Sup Forums?
This man did nothing wrong except make a bad game
Has a steep learning curve
That kid with the super religious parents who wasn't allowed to play Pokemon because it taught evolution
L.A. Noire facial capture technology
How much of a difference does the switch between 8gb to 16gb of ram make in modern games?
Why was this allowed?
Who else misses TechTV/G4?
Plays Overwatch
3 entry franchise
When I was 16, I won a great victory. I felt in that moment I would live to be 100. Now I know I shall not see 30...
Warframe Thread
Let Nintendo know that we want to be able to freely choose between the dub language and the language of the subs and...
For Honor: Lawbringer
Elite Dangerous
ITT: Your favorite video game quote
Will they ever really DO IT?
What's the best musou game?
Post armour
Is she the hottest Zelda yet?
TELL ME WHAT'S IN A Fallout New Vegas thread
Call of Duty is the worst series of all time
I'm still mad
What's his name again?
Make a "good" game
What is your opinion about "video game culture", Sup Forums?
IGN: 96
Holy shit!
What are some good games starring cute girls
You're never gonna get it, Sonyggers
Pillars of Eternity 2 looks so fucking good. I can barely contain my hype
95 minutes played
Loves all of the Deus Ex games
Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?
My anime list for videogames?
Why do shitty games like this get sequels?
Write with someone in online chat
Gamers are now conditioned to accept
Hey, user, hold my hand! We're going on a wild ride
/gamer fuel/ thread
Which is the biggest meme from the following:
What are the best RPGs like Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, all that? Ones that play like that...
Youngfags will never know the pain of choosing what save files to delete to free up the space for the new game you got
Why is this gun acceptable in any capacity?
Will this franchise ever get the Alien: Isolation treatment?
You could encounter other players, the reality is, the likelyhood of that is tiny really
For honor is going to outscore and outsale Nioh
The game's fun as fuck. Sure, lacks a bit of polish, but the gameplay is fuckin stellar...
Why are goats always portrayed as evil in vidya?
ITT: Games with a 10/10 atmosphere
Quarian Girls > Human Girls > Asari
Post games where the american cover is superior
This is Thorn from the Battleborn series. Say something badass to her!
Is it good?
What deck does Sup Forums run?
Is this game dead on arrival...
What the fuck is this
Is this the game that birthed the "intellectual gamer"?
Best vidya soundtracks
How do we stop this trope from spreading further?
ITT: Games with a lot of polish
It's not cheating if the husband is dead
Offline game
Has a game ever made you cry?
The resemblance is uncanny. Will this finally break the curse? Will the queen of viyda become the queen of movies?
Grove Street
ITT: games ruined by crate system
This is the protagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn... whoa
There's no such thing as a perfect ga-
Nioh is not a dark souls ripof has been nerfed to shit
Worst possible deaths
So Sup Forums, I'm thinking of picking up one of these...
That face you make when Weeaboos still don't realise Japanese people are shit at acting because of the language barrier
Made with love and passion
Well, Sup Forums?
Alright Sup Forums
Find a flaw
Tfw you find out that modern game developers are still able to create sequels that are made with care and passion
Reminder that the Witcher is a direct RIPOFF of Elric of Melniboné!
If Raccoon City really went down for real...
Wooooooow Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
What it feels like to get a 4K Monitor?
What makes Morrowind better than later bethseida games?
He plays as a girl
Proof that Bloodborne (also applicable for every Souls game) is the better game than Nioh...
These are your hun--er, I mean, slayers for your hunt
Video Games Set In Australia
Why did everyone hate the dpad again?I thought it was fine
Dark souls 2 is a bad game
This is Birdo. Say something nice about him
ITT: Video game villains who straight up got away clean
Has nintendo run out of ideas?
Project Cars Sucks
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Games where I can fight a cyberpunk urban war
Whats a good ecchi game?
What are some games to skip school to?
Would you watch a Bloodborne anime?
Stupid shit they are STILL pushing after all this time
When will Halo come back to PC?
Open up steam
Best gamecenter CX episode?
Tfw you want go back to RE 1-3 era but it's all been contaminated by overarching anime-tier canon
Chick at work: "Hey, you play video games yeah?"
Ass jiggle was a mistake
Did idubbbz go too far?
Oh hey, it's all the people that use a browser on consoles
You can play this on any PC
Buy the season pass or Else
Be me
Explain this
This is the worst 3D Zelda
Every day until you want one
Dead or Alive
How do you find the time to play videogames?
Realize that most of you will never live the lives you want. We will all grow as humans...
Exile Election
ITT: ""Villains"" who were in the right all along
Will this game revive the fighting game genre?
This 10/10 character design. No other videogame character is more attractive than this
Pass the controller bro
What's her endgame?
The 2 defining games of this generation
Post games with nice artstyles or scenery
I-I'm done for... I wonder if...anyone will notice...I'm gone
Just finished DaS3. This was the best boss in the series and you have to be a jaded, autistic...
Marie Rose
Vidya gaem costuming
Was Killer Instinct too hard for Fighting Game Casuals?
This looks terrible
What the fuck is their problem?
Post vidya images you never get to post
Worst gaming youtubers?
Name one game better than this
One last ride
Which fallout game is the comfiest?
Digimon World Next Order
Overwatch vs tf2
Filename Thread
ITT:Talentless hacks whose work is only loved by autists
Pill me on gravity rush
Did you watch it yet?
Sup Forums drawthread
Rip Deus ex
PS2 got the nekomata trick
What games allow me to fight impossible odds without hope of victory?
Are you over it yet?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
You will never play this for the first time ever again
I stopped playing video games 4 months ago
Why is it worse than its predecessors?
I need a cheap PS4 games, under $30 preferably
ITT: Remixes/new versions of vidya songs that improve upon the original in every way
What are some games that are set in a comfy winter setting? It's too hot in real life to cope
Filename thread
Are video games a waste of time?
Back in the 90's a lot more people had money
This is the worst art design ever. Battleborn included
What do people who don't play Overwatch think of Overwatch?
Licensed games that turned out suprisingly good
What did Blizzard mean by this image?
Guns are weaker than melee weapons
What the fuck was his deal?
This game is fun
Fire Emblem Heroes
Perfect games don't ex-
Street fighter v
Horizon:Zero Dawn (1080p 60fps)
The worst game in the series
What/who are you boycotting?
This is Dark Pit, say something nice to him
Will you be playing it?
VGA 2016 - We're Almost Done Annoying You, Sup Forums
So is this basically world of warcraft for people who don't want to play world of warcraft?
Why does no one on here or /vg/ talk about Killer Instinct?
ITT; We rate each other's game shelves
I main x
From 1 to Sega, how fucked is Nintendo?
The battle system was so unfair!
What went wrong?
Angry Alonzo gets a gf but you can't
PSPros has the PS4 on sale for $150, is it worth that?
Vidya music with god-tier build up
No Browser on the Nintendo Switch
"Will take a break from LPs because playing videogames for a living is too stressful and is a lot of work"
So when does this get good?
Are there gaymers on V?
Is the singleplayer campaign worth $60?
Find a flaw, I dare you
There are people on Sup Forums who still haven't played a SMT game yet
What's more justifiable: Pirating music or pirating video games?
How good are you at Fighting Games
Can we all agree that the original RE>REmake
What studios have legitimately never made a single decent game and should drop off the face of the earth already?
Are you living the dream, Sup Forums?
What are some games where you can play as a capitalist?
Anyone else playing through her game as a final farewell to the Wii U?
Final Fantasy XV
What made this shooting gallery so good?
Paying $400 for the inferior version of breath of the wild
Actually buying the physical copy instead of the the digital release
We post 10/10 ps2 games
Decide to try a moba to meet vidya-playing friends
Every day's great at your Junes!
PS4 Slim vs PS4 Pro
Just Preordered this and bought a PS4 Pro
Was Eggman better as a legitimately serious villain, or as a more comedic bad guy?
Why could the Turtles never recapture the same magic in video games after Turtles in Time?
What games have the best burg
First game is great
Dream Switch covers thread
Oh FUCK it's goddamn Professor Layton
It's alright... not great
You're Being held at gun point by a group of armed robbers
Sup Forums memes that never took off
La cucaracha amigos, Fallout Enhanced Edition only $39.99
Why was this so much better than V as a single player experience?
Gas the weebs
Nioh thread
ITT: Games You're Happy You Paid Full Price For
Nioh to Come to PC in 4Q 2017
Is she the final boss of TF2?
You nostalgia you lose. You all just lost
Is BG supposed to be stupid hard or am I playing it wrong...
Holy shit, you guys weren't memeing about the salt on competitive...
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
Top five gamecube
I'm liking this game a lot Sup Forums but I feel like outside of the main quest and kareoke there's not much to do...
ITT:We pretend it's midnight of the 3rd of March
Tales of berseria
What are some games that you can just keep winning over and over?
Want to get into it, where do i start?
Dishonored 2 DLC hype, anyone?
The Best Gamers
Weaponfu thread, olden days edition. Post your favorite antique vidya weaponry and rate others on taste. Pic related...
So I'm thinking sometime in the future I may buy each individual component gradually then build the PC when I receive...
Why didn't you save the Destiny Ascension?
Game becomes westernized trash
What games have the best cooking mechanics?
How do we fix her?
Who the hell even signs off on these terrible models?
[L]ucina has officially learned her place
So why was this allowed?
What games let me play in the hottest country in the world ATM?
Player says "yall" in text chat
I-I c-can't control myself Sup Forums... Why is it so defined? Why does Nintendo do this to MUH DICK?!
Why is Sonic popular with black people?
You didn't actually pay for the game did you user?
Zelda has a timeline
Have you played Rabi-Ribi? Why or why not?
Who is the new AVGN on youtube?
The Wii U is the only Nintendo Console to NOT get a Zelda Exclusive
Nier Automata PC has finally a release date. It's March 8, 2017. Just one day after the PS4 version
Meanwhile,on the Sup Forums that never was
Has a video game ever made you cry Sup Forums?
Who had the better library?
Sell me this game, Sup Forums
Hey, you gotta give me your gun!
Meanwhile at Sup ForumsStop
Weiss, you dumbass! Start making sense, you rotten book, or you're gonna be sorry! Maybe I'll rip your pages out...
Why do you hate the Wii, Sup Forums?
This game is good
Games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us...
Riddle me this Sup Forums. Why can I play this game at ultra high at 60fps...
The best Nintendo game ever is
007 Nightfire is the best Bond game
Nioh is getting BTFO in reviews
Pass the controller, bro
You will never play Bloodborne again for the first time ever
Anybody else sell their PS4 for this thing?
What went wrong?
RDR2 will run best on PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio. This sucks
All aboard the Persona 5 Hype train
Is he Ganon?
There still no reason to build a PC if you love weebshit
What Elder Scroll's race are you?
ITT: lies
I want to get a ps4 or an xbone but I'm not sure which
Holy Trinity of NEVER EVER
Tfw getting that wow itch again
Is Nintendo seriously implying that a device with 2.5 hours of battery is going to last you all day?
Is this the reason why games are made for casuals now?
Dolphin 5.0
Yakuza Thread
ITT: Casual filters
Reminder THIS is supposed to save Nintendo
Ummm... why does the Pro Controller have no headphone port?
Will we get a new Edda in Octopath Traveller?
Whats your favorite obscure Easter egg/secret?
How long have you been on Steam?
Character creators give me anxiety
So IGN believes that:
Kill DSP's Subcount
Have you ever had the hots for a male videogame character?
Vr is just a gimick
How much of a casual are you, Sup Forums...
E3 Selling Tickets To The Public
Whats your PS4 collection like?
Street fighter V
The protag of the last game you played now has to survive hunt night in Yharnam. How fucked are they?
CPU - $240
"just get a job and afford good pc and games dude"
That vidya opinion that legit makes you mad
How is this game?
What could've gone right?
So.....since none of the Team Ninja games were ported to PC, it's safe to assume Nioh isn't coming to steam, right...
Splendid automobile, Ethan
What games have good Thief/Rogue gameplay?
Nice games you have there pc mastards
What went wrong?
Its-a-me! Mario! This is-a glorious Todd-a Howard's last chance to sell-a you a new version-a of Skyrim...
Give me one reason to buy a PS4
D.Va is nerfed to the ground, becoming useless
Is this entire game just one long troll from the japs?
How does this image make you feel?
Defend this, sunshinefags
Ill take things that will be watered down for new audiences for 800 please
Enjoy your shit game and itemization
Alright Sup Forums im interested in these games but can only get one of them for pc
Don't mind me, just the best Tales game passing through
ITT: Old flash games
There's no such thing as a perfect ga-
Japanese game
The Ringed City opens up on a confusing mess of upturned buildings and jagged grey terrain...
In this thread we post games that are never, EVER getting sequels
A professional CS aimbotter "Bloominator" got banned for 1...
Do videogames really fill the void in your life?
>tfw fell for the PC gaming meme
Lets have a chill nioh thread
Are melee takedowns an inherently bad game mechanic?
Daily reminder that there is no reason to buy a switch at launch
Is there a character that could defeat Madara Uchiha?
You are buying her game right Sup Forums?
Did you goys see this. I am shocked and in awe
Dude! This game is so much fun! Just turn you brain off
What will we see, or what you want to see in Burning Blood 2?
Metroid never got any better than these
Whats the best and worst controller you've ever used?
A Metroid Prime
What games do you think would work good if reimagined in VR? We already have one example
I just played all of the KH games to catch up for the hype of KH3
Fire Emblem Heroes
Sup Forums drawthread
Switch will be uncomfortable to hold
Fire Emblem Heroes
Its gameplay is fantastic but it's more than just a game. This is a work of art
Current state of 3DS HackFags. Lmfao!
Someone's phone goes off in class
Hey, Capcom and Nintendo
Ass jiggle was a mistake
I haven't enjoyed a game in the last 2 years and I haven't been able to develop a side hobby that doesn't bore me...
Yfw you enter THE ZONE
Stuff that needs to stop in vidya
How do you feel about mass effect andromeda going for a retro look?
Why is cyberpunk so good anyway?
Assuming they don't fuck it up colossally and Mania ends up a success...
Who was the better villain? Who was the biggest threat to Samus? Who would win if it came down to a fight?
I want to play Nioh
Why is this game dead on the PC
Fallout 4 HD texture pack
What would you want from the next Animal Crossing?
Name one video game sword fighter who could beat Samurai Jack
It's best chef's birthday
How does Sup Forums justify piracy?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 11
Turn this game from an 8.8 into a 10/10
I just found Kojima's true vision for MGS5
Hi there! Would you like to sign my petition?
Enemies can asspussy
What's wrong with owning both a PS4 and a Switch?
Who /RidesInTheMiddleLane/ here?
2b's butthole was a ruse
Ex-Ubisoft code monkey here
ITT: The last game you played is now the subject of a Family Guy cutaway gag
Splatoon 2 is a bit hit-and-miss. On one hand we're getting new maps, new weapon types, some new maneuvers...
Hello there, user! Before you take another step, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gaenor, and I'm... well...
Horizon map is bigger than Skyrim and Zelda: Breath of the Wild
New Persona 5 localized footage final build
Princess Maker
Congratulations blizzard he's OP as fuck now
Currently playing and loving Atelier Sophie on Steam, just learned that Firis is also being released on Steam
Post deepest lore. I crave it
Steam Avatar Rate Thread
What are some games?
Did Nomura plan for these two to be important beyond their Organization roles?
Press F to throw gook out of chopper
Castlevania TV show coming to Netflix
Most imbalanced game since Marvel vs Capcom 2
Where is it, Ben?
Why don't attractive women generally not approve of anime?
Question to those that don't have a ps4:
Tfw there are no heroes left in man
ITT: /ourguys/ only
HOW THE FUCK did Chris went from normal to ROIDS BRAH in 1 year?
So what went wrong?
Just a heads up that this is the last day to preload the For Honor beta before it goes live at 2pm GMT tomorrow...
Post webms. FUCK
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
Why does this character attract the absolute worst people?
Mobile gaming
I'm excited, bros
ITT: Villains who were in the right
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Why didn't I hear about this already?
Game Dev Thread
Open your eyes
Install game
Space: the final frontier
What are some spiritual successors of Golden Sun for PC? It's 2017, for god's sake, there must be a game like this
Why does nobody play this?
Post your pre orders Sup Forums, also what other consoles have you picked up day one?
Are consoles dying?
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
Why is he so cool?
What's wrong with open world games?
Link has been giving Zelda the dick, right?
When is Nintendo going to make a good game where the ladies shine?
Why is sexuality/nudity still such a controversial topic in video games, Sup Forums?
A Crack in an Antarctic Ice Shelf
Enemies scale with your level
Anybody know where you can get a ps vita fixed?
Best girls of their respective series
Okay. I'm gonna say a few words, and I want you to tell me the first word that comes to mind
Fifa 18 was confirmed for Switch
PS4 is starting to brick and I have to send it to Sony since it's still covered by warranty
Yet another Batman game will be announced in March and released in October
Xenoblade 2
Total War: DLChammer
Resident Evil 4
How do you feel knowing some guy can completely change how some games are percieved just by making one video?
Fire emblem Heroes
Why was this console generation so bad?
Asgore in the Genocide route should have been able to absorb one or two human souls and become a scary furious freak a...
People honestly thought PS4 Boost Mode would make games 60FPS
Ceo of unity technologies comes out against trump
Post your favorite Nintendo video game
This is Junkrat. He's currently the most underpowered hero in the popular online shooter Overwatch...
Fuck you I liked it
How badly did PC and XBONE get btfo? Seriously...
Find a flaw
Remembering the time I blared the DMC soundtrack in the school library
Is there are more overrated genre?
Denuvo has completely revamped its anti-tamper tech
Gravity rush 2 thread
51 Q&A Breath of the Wild
Witcher is shit
Games that genuinly impressed you
Literally did nothing wrong
Why is this considered a masterpiece?
Are you really going to play the Nintendo Switch outside of your own home ?
Fire Emblem Heroes
Now the dust has settled, what did we think?
Are you buying the $300 Zelda machine?
Why are you still here, Sup Forums?
I love Tharja!
Daily Risk of Rain thread
How accurate is this list?
Best Roblox game currently?
What's the pinnacle of roguelite games in the spirit of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, and Enter the Gungeon?
Enemies are reasonable
Meanwhile at Future Sup Forums
Based Netflix does it AGAIN
He's a 1080p loser
Just bought pic related. I just took a bite out of the crust and it tastes like nothing. Should I keep eating...
Did anyone else play this? I thought it was fun
Ds3? what's that
Why are most women so bad at videogames?
Do you like silent protagonists?
What is his name?
Many games have you murdering people by the thousands, some even glorifying it, T or M rating
Is it good?
Well Sup Forums?
Post you're mains
Why is this game so boring
You must save her
Well Sup Forums?
Switch has paid online
ITT: Games that were instantly forgotten upon release
Why do you hate the Wii, /v?
Didn't get into the beta, how was it?
Hey Sup Forums have you put down your video game, and read a book! the good thing about it...
This is it
Thoughts on Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night?
Sup Forums drawthread
How come PC doesn't have premium avatars?
What went wrong?
What's better RE6? or RE7?
I just got the worst ending. I just wanted to be a good father
This proves that a sandbox exploration, Mario 64 style Sonic could work
After all these years, what really was his endgame?
Favorite race tracks
Soul Calibur thread
Remember if you limit yourself only on one gaming platform you are the vegan of gameing
I've come to the conclusion that this game is the worst in the Souls series
Shitty Sequels
ITT games you will never be able to play again
Question about videogames
Video game related art
Demons Souls
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...