>Angry Alonzo gets a gf but you can't
Angry Alonzo gets a gf but you can't
he has status
and if thats the hottest chick all that effort can land me then im glad ive never tried too hard
most people go through multiple girlfriends in a lifetime, just so you guys know.
>Irate Joseph can afford a Real Doll but you can't
He could genuinely do better with all the Jewtube money he has.
>Disgruntled Giuseppi can photoshop himself on a model's photo but you can't
Upset Umberto's girlfriend looks like my manager at the Sears I used to work at
two of my married friends just had casual relationships and they married their first steady girlfriends.
>tfw im a fat ugly socially awkward chink that will never get blonde pussy
should i an hero
There are plenty of asian women out there dude.
No user, you have so much to live for :^)
why do you care about other people having girlfriends? you sound like some kind of information harvesting lunatic.
Just go for a plain Asian with low self-esteem and bully her into dying her hair for you.
wait i thought he had a different girlfriend?
you know the one with the ugly face but the enormous tits
An asian friend of mine got with a qt blonde girl, he even has a cute sidechick. He's not a fatass though.
You mean Angry Pedro?
Wait... what was his name again?
I'm actually decently attractive and I'm not even sure relationships are worth it. You guys shouldn't bother
Amanda was a qt too bad she dumped pablo and his fanbase went rapid
lets see how long she would hang around with all that money and he went back to working 9-5, $9 an hour.
>Joyless josé praises japanese acting but you can't
He looks a lot like me. I look more like a cross between him and Bruce Lee tho.