Have you played Rabi-Ribi? Why or why not?
Have you played Rabi-Ribi? Why or why not?
came for the cute girls
stayed for the great gameplay and music
No loli
what subreddit
The original poster showed up in one of these threads and mentioned the title of the thread in response to the picture. Can't remember what it was.
This is your one and only chance OP. Sell me on it.
>cute girls
I could go anywhere for that.
That place is so huge those comments most likely got downboated instantly. Also in general nobody takes /r/gaming seriously
t. someone who used Leddit for 2 months earlier last year
I haven't but seeing your pic OP I'm inclined to try it out.
Based reddit taking out the weeb trash
>You will NEVER clear True Boss Rush on BEX
yea goty 2016
Never head of it. Is it good? Judging by the fact that you need to bait out a thread with reddit screencaps my first guess is 'no', but I'm willing to hear you out.
It's pretty fun.
I heard it was pretty good. Been meaning to play it.
Will it appeal to my inner yurifag?
stupid ass controls
why the fuck do nips not know how to use keyboards
i mean yeah, I can change them, but it's ridiculous
>Based reddit
nu-Sup Forums, everyone
A lot.
Bought it about a week ago. Having a lot of fun. I think I screwed up my game though. I got side missions involving characters I haven't met yet. I think that's because I figured out how to do the wall jump tech and it got me into places where I shouldn't be yet.
Rabi-Ribi was fucking great.
The developers are awesome, they supported the game post-release with tons of extras and even a free halloween DLC with a nice chunk of tough platforming and some boss fights.
It's a superb little hidden gem.
It's good, but its biggest turnoff as the screencap shows is the anime artstyle
Jesus what is that charged shot combo that he does at the beginning of every fight? Is that a badge?
I haven't gotten too far, I still haven't gotten past the endgame with all the illusions.
I've only played it up until the first boss. Gameplay seemed ok and i've heard it gets pretty good later on but the thing that really struck me was the level of moe it had. Just the limited interactions Erina has had so far were too much for my heart. Contrary to what those reddit posts say everything so far was pure and heartwarming so i can't really imagine anyone playing it with their dick in mind. Though they did a pretty good job making the characters look as fappable as possible.
Welp, I know what I'm playing this weekend, then.
Thanks lads.
> i can't really imagine anyone playing it with their dick in mind
Later they even make fun of gross otaku so I don't get the hate
I cant beat the 3 boss phase bunny girl on hard, ive lost hope
It looks like a generic trash game, but it's legit one of the best games of 2016
When you beat the game you get a badge that lets you hold down Erina's spinning hammer attack and another one that lets you constantly shoot charged projectiles. Second one can give you a ton of damage.
No. I wanna tho.
Still waiting for Vita version.
They're STILL making content for this game.
Just started yesterday
Pretty good for now.
no because the main character is a shameless reisen ripoff
>i can't really imagine anyone playing it with their dick in mind
It's not like it's an H-game.
>based reddit
Im stuck on the loli in the labcoat. Shes kicked my shit in so bad guys.
If Cicini is giving you a hard time you're in for a world of hurt.
She's pretty easy. What pattern are you having issues with?
By that i meant playing it because you find the characters hot or something. The way the main characters skin is shaded gives them a certain hotness that could make you think that the game has that kind of tone when it doesn't
Played it because it's everything I love. Metroidvania, cute girls, "triggers" failed sub-humans.
She kicked my ass the first 7 times as well.
post more ribbi
I did, I came for the bunnysuits, but I stuck around for the gameplay. The plot and characters can be lame, but it delivered on the most important part. If all it had going for was the bunnygirls then I would dropped it once the bunnygirl appeal wore off.
I do have to say that I enjoyed Momodora more, but it's still a close second.
Finally beating [spoilers]Irisu[/spoiler] after being stuck on her for 2 days was so goddamn satisfying.
I also really loved the keke bunny fight, ashuri and pandora. For a developer who doesn't have any bullet hell games to their credit, the patterns are diverse, have all sorts of interesting ideas and end up being pretty damn fun to learn and dodge.
>Girl on screen has less than a triple G cup and doesn't look like a potato mated with a tractor
>"This game is so creepy, ugh. It was obviously made for pedos"
Yeah r/gaming is normie tier. r/games is damage control mostly, but some of them has good taste
t.Lurk reddit for some of my fav series's sub
I love it. But I won't support it until Sekai Project is no longer the publisher.
Hopefully that would be soon though. Developers are jumping ship away from Sekai Project again. And rightly so.
I'll buy the game the moment it leaves Sekai Project.
I bought it last weekend, I was planning on sinking my teeth into it friday. I had no idea it was so triggering to normies, that makes me want to play it 10 times more
fuck off you faggots
>Based reddit
here's your (You), faggot
>just got to Irisu fight
>she leaps
>900 something damage
What the fuck is that?
What is this meme
i dont know
I don't like platformers.
Is it ironic weebs cry about people not wanting to play a game based on aesthetics, but then do the same thing with western games?
are you dumb?
The game was a mix of Bullet Hell, Metroidvania and Platforming, it was like god read my innermost desires, and then added bunnies and anime to make them even better.
Kind of kills the fun of the first phase, but you can use the amulet to dodge the weird light circle that applies the instant death status at the start of the fight, spent like 5 hours fighting her before finding out you could do that, still beat her without doing it since it was more fun.
Nope, because weebs don't. Weebs get upset because western aesthetics are ugly as fuck and don't produce good waifus to fap over, but they still play the games.
Only westacucks are so helplessly autistic that they can't play a game with anime style, or are desperately afraid of what others will say if they knew.
The best thing about those comments is that they're all guys who aren't actually bothered by it themselves, but assume girls wouldn't like it and therefore they shouldn't like it.
Clearly they've never heard of how popular games like Neptunia are with girls.
This honestly. It's actually a really good game with some pretty good art direction if you happen to jerk it to cartoons. Also it has yuri.. Game is pretty challenging though.
>But then I saw the story bits more and more, and realized it wasn't stopping with the sexualization of young girls.
At no point does the game dare to go beyond super light yuri, and even that moment was just a dumb joke.
The game only uses the eyecandy to make silly jokes, it never focuses on sexuality for the sake of sexuality or fan service, you'd have to be a fucking nun to be offended by this game.
ChristCenteredGaming review when?
played and beat it
its a pretty great metroidvania with rad music, but holy shit the weeaboo bullshit was painful to deal with.
Im happy i pushed through it, but god damn i cringed so much it hurt
delet this
So redditors are even more prudish than christians?
Post the comics.
Is she /ourgirl/?
Yeah. That website even gave SMT apocalypse a good score although it was ranked very low on the morality side. Despite what you'd think that website can be very unbiased. Their reviews are much better than any well known game website and that's pretty damn sad.
ccg is a /v approved reviewer
>Weak Points: Some of the Steam achievements are crazy hard to earn
>Violence - 8/10
GOTY 2016 redditors expose themselves as shit eaters yet again
>morality score
>bullet heck
>is actually a fair review
I love this review, are most reviews on that site similar to this one?
>bullet heck
Yeah check their smt reviews
I remember seeing it on steam and shruging it off as another game jumping on the "anime steam games" bandwagon,then i saw it posted on Sup Forums and it intrigued me,i may play it one day.
Yep its one of the less biased sites out there
They give fair reviews to eroge for fucks sake
I'd give this game a 7/10. It would be a 9/10 if not for one thing.
Can we talk about how FUCKING BAD THE FINAL BOSS IS OH MY FUCK. It was insane how they managed to make every single aspect of that fight just about the worst designed thing imaginable.
Half the attacks were designed in such a way that they will kill you 100% of the time if you are playing the fight blind, but are trivial to dodge if you have seen them before. The rest of the attacks are boring and uninspired. Keep in mind that they gave her 8 trillion health, so a full run of this boss can takes around 15 minutes. That means every time they decide to kill you with a new bullshit attack you waste a huge amount of time and have to grind though the same boring fixed attack pattern once more.
The most baffling thing about this is that the fight before the final boss is one of the best bosses I have played in recent years, and is hands down the highlight of the entire game. It blows my mind that those two encounters were designed by the same person.
I have, it was surprisingly decent overall. I managed to break the game on my own, feel kinda glad about that. Guess my Metroid experience came into play a bit.
Is this game better to be played on a controller or keyboard?
Isn't the fight before her vs. Rumi? She seemed like a bit of a letdown compared to what you had to face before. Just a very long fight, easier than some of the story bosses.
>it is a very compelling story that really makes you think
truly our guy
I mean, it's inspired by Bullet Hell games, that's kind of how it goes with final bosses in that genre, you either memorize and make a plan to deal with each attack, or you just die, the fight taking 16 minutes can be painful, but I didn't really mind it with how much I loved the transition from the slow final boss theme to the normal theme and how it felt like I was progressing with each death, but that's just my opinion, I can see how others can find it boring or painful to fight.
Rumi's fight is pretty fucking dope tho, loved that and the sort of boss rush you do before it, reminded me of megaman games.
>Even reddit hates degenerate weebs
>Reddit is more Sup Forums than Sup Forums
You can't make this shit up
>Sekai Project
Not even once.
If you have a gamepad with a responsive d-pad, it's better to use that. There's like 6 buttons you need to use in addition to directional keys, so it would be like playing Megaman X on a keyboard.
Yes, and it was my second GotY of 2016 (tied with Odin Sphere remake).
If she's the same one who once visited Sup Forums and said she was familiar with this place, yeah, she's literally our girl.
Played the whole thing with keyboard, never had a single issue.
This review is making me want to play the game, they are doing a great job if the rest of the reviews are like these.
wats dis
What does it mean?
>based reddit
i know this is probably bait, but all is lost