This is Junkrat. He's currently the most underpowered hero in the popular online shooter Overwatch. Say something to cheer him up! He needs it!
This is Junkrat. He's currently the most underpowered hero in the popular online shooter Overwatch...
he's one of the only likable characters
He's as good as any other hero if you can play him
>inb4 1500 rank scrub
No, i'm 2500
>most underpowered
>not Sombra, Mercy, Torb, etc.
But user, Overwatch is a MOBA.
>Saying I'm plat as if it means something
They are all much more viable than Junkrat.
>120 damage on direct hit
He needs an alt weapon that shoots a temporary debuff inflammable paste, when enemies are dealt explosive damage it does like 2 seconds of toxic damage or something.
He really needs a sidearm of some kind.
>He really needs a sidearm of some kind.
No he doesn't. All he needs is his balls to travel faster so they can't be dodged as easily
He's the only one I have fun playing
The only one where I can get in and be super aggressive.
Yeah kids think he's just spamrat but they've never fought everyone off a payload when your Mercy left you for dead
This is Ana. Even after 2 nerfs she is easily the best character in the game. Say something nice about her.
Wow, what a thick girl.
She has aged gracefully.
He's not under powered at all. Learn to get direct hits and use his trap effectively and he's a complete beast.
120 of unreleable damage. Yes, you can master the grenades, so what. His E is useless against non-retards, his mine is okay at killing enemies up close, but that's about it and he has THE MOST counterable ult in the game: every hero can counter it and some even have more than 1 way to do so.
You can master him, yes. The bigger question is why you should master him, instead of playing a much more useful hero. His damage is good, but so is pharah's and she has a much better ult and incredible mobility that can be only shut down by a couple of heroes (and even then that is not guaranteed, a good phara can bully average hitscans no problem). The purpose of Junk is spam and spam doesn't work that great on high tiers, where securing a kill is much more important than just damaging, because damage feeds ults of supports. It also feeds your ult, but you're fucking useless in 99% of the situations.
Oh, look! It's another Overwatch thr-*BBBRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPP*
>use his trap effectively
A junkrat trap at the right moment totally fucks over your enemies, especially ones that rely on mobility to survive.
Wow, I guess her bot's jets make a strange sound!
Why do I need to call them "heroes"?
Blizz chose the word to differentiate them from "classes" but it just feels dumb to say when I could just say "characters".
He's one of the only characters that doesn't take himself seriously, which makes it good
>unreliable damage
I'm a huge faggot who's been playing wc3 and Dota for about 10 years, so saying heroes is pretty natural for me.
I remember in my brief time with League of Legends, I called champions heroes and people got really triggered for some reason.
Again, why should I waste my time with his combos that might or might not work when I can play a hero with reliable damage, or an equally unreliable hero like Hanzo that just does more damage and is effective at longer ranges. I assume by trap you mean using your trap mid combat, because there's no fucking way people are caught in that shit above plat. I'm not telling you that you cannot kill people with it, nor that people are not getting caught with it, of course they do. What I'm missing from this equitation is the fact that you're trading the biggest pro of Junkrat, which is grenade spam as area denial, and use him as close quarter fighter among other close quarter fighters that just do a better job most of the time.
He's the most fun boy in the game. Also his character is a delight.
Could definitely use some buffs.
>muh metagaming
What a faggot.
I do not understand why Sup Forumsirgins are so scared of playing the game seriously. Not "tryharding", do not mistake it, just seriously. As if, having plenty of fun, by playing effectively instead of fooling around. I'm not for meta, I just recognize that Junk is shit. I like Junk, and I want to play him effectively too, I just find it too much work.
Junkrat is a criminal because he stole my heart
Tryhard in a game more worth your time, instead of a casual babby game like Overwatch.
>His primary weapon does damage
>his beartrap does damage
>his mine does damage
>his ult does massive damage
>killing him drops bombs that do damage
t.coal player
No sombra is legitimately worse.
The other two arent, but sombra is really fucking garbage.
>using tryhard as an actual insult
Tryhard is a word born out of endless salt from bad players.
buff him up to be demoman tier
150 dmg on direct hit
100 dmg mines, 75 dmg bear traps
get pills against my orders
It's a shame, he's my favorite character both to play and in personality.
>Character is not in the "pro" meta which mostly consist of cheating players.
>is bad.
Overwatch players are even more retarded and sheepish than LoL players, they blindly follow the meta not even knowing why.
You'll be my first golden weapon.
If roadhog isn't nerfed by then.
because metas ruin games
>Better Ult
It's literally press Q to kill yourself
At least he's not sombra
If the player is okay, he can be extremely dangerous to a Genji on 1v1
It would be nice if his ult had the same sort of range as like.. anything bigger than point-fucking-blank
how is a visible trap on the ground reliable damage? people will just shoot it if they see it.
also even if it was reliable, that's like saying hanzo is good because he gets a free kill ever 10 seconds with his scatter arrow. other DPS heroes can get consistent kills with their primary no problem.
This character is garbage, he cant win 1on1 against anyone, he can't even pursue supports. All he can do is spam and wish there was no Zarya.
>mercy and bastion get a buff on ptr
>junkrat got nothing
obviously he is fine
i main you
He's underpowered because you can't shoot Pharah's outta the sky I take it, OP. Much to learn.
Shit character, takes no skill
I'm happy he will never be in the meta.
what if all traps from junkrat were invisible?
You are fun character to play with, even if you are an Australian.