You didn't actually pay for the game did you user?

You didn't actually pay for the game did you user?

ITT: buyfag getting btfo


* Payment required
** For a limited time only

Fuck ashley

Looks kinda fake.

My friend bought it and I watched while drinking.

I really enjoyed it, was a nice horror movie.

Wait, what? Is this happening now?

Fucking idiots you pay to play multiplayer the games are just a thank you for your support christ go suck a ladder you fucking dumb faggots.


>paying for multiplayer

How cucked can you be

Only "free" because they're raping your wallet with monthly/anual payments.

I bet you think buying a four pack of socks with a "bonus fifth pair!" isn't just paying for a five pack.

man ps+ games are so bad now

Only in Asia Store. They got the GoW 3: HD too in January.

I don't understand why Sony is doing this, giving different selection of games to different region.

PS+ games are permanent as long as you add them to library



No they're not.
You lose them if you stop subbing to their shitty online, which is 100% peer2peer

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne around the time Until Dawn was released, and was really disappointed in Bloodborne so I went out and got Until Dawn to make my buyers remorse not feel so bad and I actually liked it a lot.

Wait, can I make an Asian PSN account and use the free trial they give you (do they give you one on the Asian store?) to download this?

>played onlines games on the ps3 all my life, thousand of invasions on faggot souls, all for free
>must suck sony cock and swallow that white milk if I want to play any multiplayer game on the ps4

No fuck off.

Nintendo takes the free games away even if you keep their online so calling PS+ game limited time is incredibly disingenuous

>all my life