Are you living the dream, Sup Forums?
Are you living the dream, Sup Forums?
What? Why do you need to buy houses to play WoW?
I really don't think you need multiple houses to play WoW, one will probably be enough.
So he can rent them out for a fee large enough that it covers the lease + his living expenses when you total them all.
Becoming a landlord is pretty much guaranteed longterm NEETdom as long as you only rent to respectable whites.
Do these poor anons not understand?
The real problem though is when his tenants call because shit's broken. Gonna have to rain check that raid, bud
>literally underaged
hello Sup Forums
Median house price is a million dollars in Auckland, unfortunately I'm not made of money
sure is poor in here
YouTube or repair guy not very hard
God, you cunts are retarded.
Nah you could take a loot at it sometime outside of raid and then call a contractor to fix it. If you're renting good and not spending all your money (which I can assume he isn't because he plays wow all day) you should be able to cover it without incurring any debt
>implying any landlord has to drop what they're doing and come over immediately unless the house is literally about to fall over
What, the waters off? Yeah sit tight i'll be there once the raid is done.
>get a bad tenant
>have to go through the system to get them evicted
>they trash the house before they leave
>thousands lost fixing it back up
Also, rentals bring down respectable neighborhoods. Fuck slum lords.
I hear property managers can take care of much of the hassle. Still a good investment when you consider that real estate is crazy leveraged compared to stocks.
>Median house price is a million dollars in Auckland
yea because the chinks are buying them all and ripping you noobs off
Being a landlord has been a pretty tight job. Get to sit on my ass all day, know competent people who can fix things for free/very little fee, rent out to family friends who are trustworthy. The worst part is dealing with taxes. Fucking property tax went up huge last year, thankfully no banks are involved so I don't have to them for renting out my own property.
Are you all fucking landlords or something? What the fuck? I just asked a question, didn't mean to offend you jews.
oh no, I had to call someone else and let them do it and just take it off the rent.
have you been outside?
If he's renting out 4 houses he can probably afford to pay a repair guy to hang around, or at the very least have one on call.
Why do property taxes get so much heat? Do the government hate people owning land?
do you still live with you parents and receive an allowance?
>misses the joke
>calls others retarded
what shithole country do you live in where these are things that happen
if the tenant is being bad enough you have grounds to evict them with (1? 2? I can't remember) weeks notice, or if they're making a drug lab or some shit you can just call the cops
if they trash shit you not only keep the bond (which is usually like 4 weeks rent so a good few grand depending on property value), but if the bond doesn't cover repairs you take them to small claims court until they're fucking sucked dry
alternatively, don't lease to people who look like they might be complete scumfucks and you'll be gold
It literally says he's a fucking landlord in the article, if you don't know what that means then you're either underage, or plain stupid.
Okay now you're just fucking trolling. Show me the deeds to your five houses user.
>Do the government hate people owning land?
they're the government, of course they do
Yeah if I was already rich enough to buy places to rent out I would sit around and play games too
If they were jokes, they are way too fucking white-collar dad jokes for this board.
>sit on your ass playing WoW
>people pay you every month to live on your properties
Yes. Groundlings must pay rent until they die.
People who own land have money, and it's easy to justify taxing those guys.
It's just such common sense that you'd have to be unbelievably stupid not to understand.
This is so rare it is practically an urban legend. Ever since that episode of Silicon Valley everyone thinks renting out a place is impossible
>Actually WANTS to play WoW
>the current year
>literally any other year
>pretending to be retarded
A landlord is such a badass title.
You don't need to own land to know what a landlord is you idiot.
>Do the government hate people owning land?
yes, because it means they can't tax you for property value
reminder that in most first world countries you're just borrowing the land from the government which is why you pay property tax. its very rare for any individual or group to actually have complete rights over their land
Too bad most landlords are cunts.
One sweet old lady had a guy on $60 an hour full time plus overtime just to do maintenance and odd jobs around her portfolio
But she was the wealthiest person I've ever met, not that you'd know it looking at her
>easy to justify
Kind of a gay reason to tax someone
>hurr, you have a lot of money, so I'm just going to take a lot of it while poorfags or people who barely do shit get paid 10K a year in returns
It happened to my best friend actually.
He deserved it tho because he rented to a black guy.
I never said it was okay, I just said it's easy for governments to justify taxing landowners. I think it's fucking retarded as well.
I know what a landlord is. I don't see how it relates to playing WoW all fucking day. How about being a productive member of society?
They're supercancer.
>tfw my uncle is a landlord of a few properties
>he never rents to certain minorities because hes not a fucking idiot (pretty much only to white people and most asians)
>has to be very fucking careful when he rejects applicants because he could trigger anti-discrimination laws
its honestly a pretty interesting sounding process
it's like what the Dragonslayer title in wow was: if you have this title you have the right to be a cunt
money can be used in exchange for goods and services
He rents out space as a landlord, and it means he doesn't have to do very much, so he gets to play WoW all day. How is that not easy to understand?
Also, if he can afford 5 houses, chances are he's already contributed far more to society than your sorry ass ever has.
i'd say providing housing to five families/friend groups is sufficiently productive
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand?
>Rent a lot of houses
>Make enough money to not need to get a job
>Have all day to play video games
Lol this. He's a landlord not a fucking concierge.
Good luck getting a landlord to be proactive in sorting ANY of your shit as soon as you sign the lease.
>tfw it's legal to advertise property for "blacks only"
>but not "whites only"
feels bad man. The best answer is to find a white-only area with cheap property. At least then if they shit up the place you've got a good chance of being able to seize the meth lab they set up.
>I know what a landlord is.
>he fell for the contribute to society meme
Money can also be squandered by playing trash all day long. This guy probably isn't going to be a very good landlord if he's playing WoW all day.
The worst landlord is the one who pretends to not be a cunt and wants to be-friend you over the other tenants until they release their true cunt power level and significantly raise the rent.
I went through like 3 of these.
Every land owner already pays taxes for owning land. Not sure about Kiwi land but I pay $4000+ in taxes for a ~980 sq ft. property.
what does society contribute to you though?
wow, what's it like being cucked by your government that hard?
How can they raise the rent if you signed an agreement?
You sound a little angry user. Did I trigger you?
They hate people owning anything. At least the land isn't on property where the city/state wants to expand, I've met a couple who've done the landlord/home selling business a lot and tell me how lucky I am to never have to deal with those people.
He's an Auckland chink.
He got some student visa then his dad ships him endless money from his shady as fuck shipping company to buy houses.
Then his parents come over and get visas because their son gets residence and John Key acts like we've got an awesome economy.
These fucking chinks contribute nothing to NZ.
Do you even know what a landlord does? Hell, do you even know what a landlord is?
being a landlord isn't a very demanding job as long as your tenants aren't retards and the properties are in good condition
What a landlord does, or what a landlord is supposed to do?
>Gets BTFO
>y-you sound a-angry!
wew lad
>was a neet for a while
>some of the worst times of my life
>felt like a worthless piece of shit not working
Sleeping all day and doing nothing but playing games sounds good when you're 8, but unless you're a cat its fucking awful
>This guy probably isn't going to be a very good landlord if he's playing WoW all day.
What exactly do you think the day to day duties of a landlord are if nothings going wrong? I'll tell you, its basically nothing. You sit on your arse and collect rent.
It's alright as long as you can pass the buck on to tenants
This. Chinks are buying property up like no other
>New Zealand house owner
>it's a chink
like pottery
>wew lad
Go back to 9gag friendo
>More Chinese buying Australian/New Zealand property
Why am I not surprised.
>gets BTFO again
>g-go back to 9-9gag!
wew lad
Is this a sort of purposeful stupid to troll anons?
>unironically trying damage control this hard on an anonymous image board
wow boy!
Do these chinks not think to hide their faces? Or is the western world so cucked that they can get away with this sort of thing and be lauded for it?
>Aus is sucking China's dick so hard after Trump bailed out of the TPP
>Trump hangs up on Aus
>Trump saying Aus may have not been our allies in modern times at all
When the war comes, will we remove Australian shitposters as mootykins wanted?
WW3 can't come soon enough.
Burst when? I want a house but fuck spending the rest of my life paying off some retarded debt.
What fucking third world shithole do you live in that a wealthy person showing their face is considered a dangerous act?
>wew lad is 9gag lingo
you havin a tough first week son?
Cant win small claim court user, if defendant is judgement proof and has no equity in anything. You have to garnish their wages and they still could push the claim to big court then youll have to get a lawyer. Which might be a good thing if you know they had money.
I'm thinking about posterity, my Asiatic friend. Things aren't always going to be so friendly if this keeps going on.
Maybe when we stem the tide of Chinese buying everything in sight.
We're never going to get anything back until we stop letting every chink enter on a student visa and then let their entire extended family get residency because of it.
Even if the property market bottoms out tomorrow, chinks will just buy 4x as much.
You've been cursed by the idea that you need to work to be useful, I'm sorry for your loss.
again, if you're living in a place where you think its a good idea to hide your face because you're a property investor, you live in a third world shit hole. project on to me all you want.
WHAT. its actually legal to do that? can say blacks only, but not whites only? fucking seriously?
How about you stop being such a retard?
Your completely missing the point
>judgement proof
what exactly do you mean by that
>has no equity in anything
probably a bad idea to lease things out to tennants who are only surviving financially each week by the skin of their teeth to begin with
the landlords will be the first to go in the purges
You can't discriminate against any race by law, but society has reversed it's racism and now it's okay to discriminate against whites. Life is cyclic like that.
You're not making a point in the original post that I responded to, though, beyond "why don't these people hide their faces".
I'm saying that you live in a lawless shithole if you think thats something people need to do, theres not going to be any big "reee kill the bourgeoisie seize the means of production" revolution EVER in the 21 century my red friend