The Wii U is the only Nintendo Console to NOT get a Zelda Exclusive

Fak u nintendo.

I bought this thing, solely on faith alone. I knew people didn't like it, I knew it wasn't going to sell well, and I knew you would show your handheld games more love and attention. But you know what? I've been a diehard fan since the NES. I bought every console you put out, even the Gamecube. Yes it was a great system (like the Wii U) but it didn't sell well and people overlooked it. You still managed to reward me and put out great classic titles on the system though.

And how do you reward me? With shite. Absolutely shite. Hell, the 3ds got a 1st party Zelda exclusive, which is almost UNHEARD OF. What did the Wii U get? NOTHING.



I'm done nintendo. I plan on getting BotW for the Wii U (might pirate) and unless you make Literal Jesus: The game, I will never buy another Nintendo product again.

Byte me Miyamoto.

Hyrule Warriors.

Superior 3DS port.

Its a shitty musou not a real Zelda game, and its not exclusive either

who cares?

It has the super awesome TWILIGHT PRINCESS HD, now with forced amiibo! You kids LOVE AMIIBO!

And what about the Nintendo Land segment?

>I bought this thing, solely on faith alone.

Then you got precisely what you deserved.

While I think you're a trolling cunt, you're probably right.

The Gamecube was probably a fluke; you can see back then that nintendo was being ran by idiots.

Dude exclusives are totally anti-cons- oh wait

Say it with me

What is Windwaker and Twilight Princess HD?

Literally who

>I didn't read the title and I'm a faggot: The post

>solely on faith alone

Now what did we learn?

How do I play WWHD and TPHD on my Gamecube?

It's alright when it's first party developed or wouldn't have been made without a first party's support(Bayonetta 2 and Demon's Souls.) It's only bullshit when companies buy exclusives that could have been multiplat (Bloodborne and SFV)

>Counting remasters as exclusives
Are nintendofags really this retarded?

>Not first party developed

>replying to obvious bait

Are you? :^)

That game could have easily happened without Japan Studio.

>it's alright when Nintendo does it

There, I shortened your post for you

It's also alright when Sony and Microsoft do it for franchises they made or supported the growth of.

So could all of Nintendos shitty games, they probably would have turned out better



Coulda, woulda, shoulda. Your point?

Why does it need to be exclusive. It has 3 Zeldas on it.

Stop being a faggot.

>Your point?

the 3DS port is a disaster in every way imaginable. the 3DS also has shit for zelda games, with one of it's original zelda games being a needless botched remake of ALttP and the other being probably the single worst designed multiplayer game in the history of videogames.

that fuckin 3DS version of hyrule warriors is below garbage and is wholly unplayable with 12fps slowmo, missing frames of animation, with truly shit tier graphics. I cannot begin to understand how poorly that game performs without assuming it's built in Unity with a plethora of java applications constantly launching, closing and relaunching in the background.

Nintendo dropped the ball on Zelda games over all the time that BotW had been in development. Gonna be a double-whammy if that game turns out to be no deeper than any trailer or demo ever let on.

at least twilight princess HD wasn't deliberately ruined and doesn't run WORSE than the original on gamecube.

the characters look like fucking amiibos now.

Meh. Like 80% of Japan Studio's output is collaborative. It's just what they do.

Runs fine on n3ds. It was shitty of Nintendo not make the game n3ds exclusive.

I always wonder of LBW started as a LttP remake before they realized the OoT 3D and I think MM3D already on it or on the way another Zelda remake would be bad so they turned it into an original adventure

>not even exclusive

Ya the Wii U is the last Nintendo console I think I'll be buying. Probably last console too.

>handheld having an exclusive Zelda title
Yeah let's just ignore Links Awakening and the WW spinoffs ever happened

I think LBW would have been better as just ALttP3D or whatever - just a true 1:1 remake, if not with a few of the benefits of LBW like the second active-item slot.

Turning the zelda formula on its head and removing half of whatever was a draw for Zelda games being a reason to dungeon crawl for items and upgrades with progressively more difficult areas is just such a half-baked concept its hard to think it came from the same company that gave us ALttP to begin with.

And hell, speaking of OoT3D it seems kind of retarded they went through the trouble of remaking and porting the game and it's engine for the 3DS only to not produce a new 3D zelda game with it. We could have had a second sister game to the OoT engine on 3DS as MM had once been for the N64.

I actually liked the item system, different strokes for different folks.

Not quite.

the way the item system works insures item upgrades are totally unecessary, and the resulting methodology towards allowing dungeon completion in any order insures equipment upgrades are unecessary too, since no one non-final dungeon could be designed to be harder than another. As far as i can remember, the only threatening enemies in the game were Hinox and Lynel.

taking out the pleasure of risking pain to achieve the items normally just devalues the zelda experience as a whole and particularly for LBW it lead to a relatively short easy game that can be 100% beaten in an 8 hour blind-playthrough going at a tard's pace. The unlockable hero mode is more difficult than it needs to be, but still only worth it if you desire to play the game a second time which I have never felt a reason to do. It's the only zelda game I have only beaten once, aside from Triforce Heroes which i will never beat at all because of how hard it is to find decent human players who even one multiplayer match will spoil you from doing it singleplayer and needing to control all 3 links by yourself individually, effectively tripling (in the very least) the completion time of any one level compared to play with others.

if you stroke to like albw's layout then i don't know how to relate with you and have a compelling constructive conversation.

The Wii doesn't have a exclusive Zelda either.

Skyward Sword.

Wow Sony marketing has really upped the budget for the Switch release. They must be shitting bricks, the PS4pro has failed, they can't find a buyer for their headquarters, and the Switch is about to become the only console that still provides value alongside a PC.


but actually yes, you doublenigger.

>Wii U