Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?

Besides The Witcher series and Geralt, what are some other games where I can play a Mary Sue?

god of war

Most WRPGs, a good half of JRPGs

Kratos is not a Mary Sue

You cannot be a mary sue if you're a guy, reddit, men are meant to be heroes.

>men are meant to be heroes.
Then why are you a loser who hasn't done a heroic adventure?

My time has not come yet, but bringing reddit to his senses is already an heroic task.

>My time has not come yet
Ah yes, famous last words.

Stop making this thread every fucking day.

>dude Geralt is a Mary Sue according to my incorrect assumption of what a Mary Sue is lmao

Pic related.

Uncharted series

What are the questions?

Why do you wanna shitpost, user? Why can't we have a nice thread?

Except every time you want to do something else, your PC just nods like a fucking idiot at another npc, and stands still while bad guys summon things you could easily prevent if you were just more violent. That, and angrily stepping towards them once to indicate you can fuck them, but for some reason you never do.[/spoiler.]

Any Metroid game

>Just nods
By the way, in the cutscenes in heavensward the PC probably nods more than 100 times. I stopped counting at 50 but it didn't stop happening.

I reported this thread two hours ago, why hasn't it been removed yet?

Are you an idiot? Damn near every game in existence.

>wear full face helmet.
>camera pans to PC's head
>lingers for a moment
>NPC's look relieved after having looked at your helmet.
F U C K.

*Draws weapon out at you angrily*

Most JRPGS are Mary Sues