Why does OOE get the most hate out of the DSvanias?

Why does OOE get the most hate out of the DSvanias?

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But I love it.

Because it's a sidescroller and not a Metroidvania.

Metroid fans are increadibly autistic and think anything that isn't a shitty backtracking simulator is bad.

Sup Forums hate cute flat girls

It does? Where?

it was too hard after getting babied by the past games.

I liked it. Some of the bosses were tedious though.

I thought more people dislike PoR. Anyway they're all good and I love all of them.
Shanoa a cute

It did? I found it the most interesting since it was the most new. The combat system was interesting, and seemed to be the culmination of the soul system. Weapons are all souls now, and they're merged. MP becomes a stamina bar, and hearts become the actual MP.

Had really great art style and sprite work too. Nice music.

Stages were a bit linear. But keep in mind this game cost 500,000 and Konami kept cutting their budgets. It's amazing that the game ended up being as good as it was.

Konami should have kept making Metroidvanias with Iga on the 3DS.


It was considered the best and praised for ages so contrarians got asspained and started shitting on it

Because it's the best Castlevania, which makes it the target of contrarian retards and SotN fags.


It does?

I see more dislike for Portrait of Ruin.


It's actually my favorite DS castlevania. Albus mode was fun as fuck



Level 1 hard modes in OoE and PoR were so good, I prefer them by a lot just because of that. Wish all the other games had it.


that was long and boring, not challenging

Earning all the boss medals in OoE is fun as heck.

If she had a penis, her game would be loved

>tfw too dumb to use the elevator on my first try

it doesn't

Women protagonist

Further more if anyone actually likes the idea, you are a disgrace to not only all men, but to all gothic horror as well

Best Castlevania by far. Probably the hardest of the metroidvanias.

I just started replaying this a few days ago and was getting my ass kicked by the first few bosses.

Definitely one of the more challenging non-NES Castlevanias.

it's a great game but still worst of the ds castlevanias.

Because casuals couldn't handle the cuteness of the protagonist desu.

Women protags are terrible though.

Really? Sup Forums loved it when it released.

Not her though.

Fuck off waifufag, you are one of several things wrong with the industry

The ending of the crab boss was really fucking cool and totally caught me off guard. I wish more games would let you take out bosses in a similar fashion, without resorting to shifting to a cutscene to end them.

Are you lot fucking stupid? Shanoa is one of the scarce few female protagonists that don't try too hard to be muh stronk womyn or kawaii uguu to pander to some cocksucker or another. The game has flaws but having her as a protagonist is not one of them.

It does, that's either DoS for the touch screen stuff and animu or PoR for animu and no Belmonts or Draculas

OoE is fucking great

Why was the soundtrack so FUCKING GOOD lads?


Massive Metroid fan here, loved OoE.

Generalizations are a bitch.

It generally doesn't. Portrait of Ruin usually gets down played the most, even though it's great. Hell all of the DS games are great, and I love them all.

I can see however, how people like OoE less due to the linear stages. I wasn't that much of a fan either, as exploration was pretty limited in them, and they are not as well designed as the classicvanias. Basically the newer gameplay style, doesn't mesh with the old Castlevania level design too well.

>worst castlemania

But you didn't post DoS

Because it's a castlevania game. Here's one from the game I keep coming back to and never tire of.


Nah Shanoa's pretty great

>boring linear level design
>poor handled system
>dull characters
>beside the opening, dull OST compared to previous games
>more recycled tiles than previous games
>you can feel how cheap was the production
>the only good thing was the boss fights.
It could be worst, but DOS and POR are far better and more entretaining

>I-framing through everything with the flaming spin kick
>Teleporting fucking EVERYWHERE

Lvl 1 Albus mode was easily my favourite extra mode.

DoS isn't HoD


Y'all folks excoted for the cartoon now that it's confirmed actually happening?

Reminder that IGA made Warren Ellis rewrite the script at least eight times and Ellis got all buttmad about it

You two simps can stop being triggered now, you worthless numale.

>judgement shanoa

Can't you have your autistic /r9k/ tantrum somewhere else?

Can't you being a pathetic excuse of a man and a shame upon your family else where?

>hates girls
>calls others pathetic

Nope, here is fine.

Shoo now.

There is literally nothing wrong with hating women.

It prevents you from enjoying good games

ugh what I would do for a new AoS/DS-series style CV. it could even be as arcadey as that shitty multi-player one, I just wanna explore, find weapons/abilities and backtrack a whole lot


I never see this track get posted, even though it's one of my favourites. It is a bit on the short side which is a shame.

the one thing i dislike was the pointless mapping of right hand/left hand to 2 different buttons. pressing one attack button should just alternate between them automatically. having them be 2 different buttons just means the player has to mindlessly spam 2 alternate buttons back and forth. most of the time you're putting the same attack in both hands anyway. its not like if you only use one hand, it attacks faster or if you chain certain combos you get some synergy.

it almost ruined the game for me and killed my thumb.

also wished the 2 handed combo attacks had more variety if you combined 2 different moves. instead you just have both hands using the same move and get a super version of said move.

It's the best one, easily.

Too many bulletsponge enemies. It was terribly balanced. It was not fun to play. No sense of discovery thanks to linear levels.

It just wasn't good man.

how? unless you are doing the ridiculous LV1 hard mode run, I fail to see how it is hard, Shanoa is fucking overpowered.

It can't be that good if he has to reduce itself to using women as protags.

I played a lot with a weapon in one hand and magic in the other which would not work how you're describing

Other times I want to poke repeatedly wih a long range weapon and not use the short range attack in the other hand

>No Belmonts or Draculas
But it has RIchiter and Dracula. Even if you don't count them, it's still the only game with the VK, which was sorely missed from sorrow's pocketknife shit.

Never realized this because I played it with a keyboard. WAY easier to do that way; just tap two keys and save your thumbs.

Nah it's good

The game actually gives you a reason to use enemy weaknesses for once instead of approaching every encounter in a mindless way.

I'm not saying it's shit I'm saying other people call it shit

Every Metroidvania is good except HoD and almost every Classicvania is good

Enemies do a lot of damage, potions are shit-tier, bosses are just generally tougher and why would you exclude level 1 hard mode? PoR had one too but it was easier.

thats what the glyph sleeve is for. you can save 3 configurations and instantly switch between them so there's no reason to have 2 different attacks. you get the attack speed bonus only if you have the same one in both hands and alternate if I recall so using 2 different ones handicaps the damage by more than 50%

Nah, what if there are two types of enemies in a room and I want something in each hand ready to respond appropriately?

Your idea is bad

switching is instant though and you can kill one type faster so you don't have to deal with both at the same time?

Nah his idea is good, you're bad desu. That's exactly how you play level 1 hard mode, by constantly switching between glyph set ups according to enemy type. Playing it for a bit will force glyph sleeve switching to become second nature.

>Enemies do a lot of damage
Stuff like pneuma exist, enemies will be death before they can touch you.
>potions are shit-tier
You have a literal chef
>bosses are just generally tougher
they are fun, but all of them are also easily defeated if you have a solid tactic.
>why would you exclude level 1 hard mode?
because ruvas forest was fucking insane.

Shanoa feel like a soma on steroids, always active familiar and 2 infinite bullet type attack, but with a finisher.

Because waifufags think it's the best shit ever when it's just an average linear Metroidvania with bad platforming and small weapon variety. It's not a bad game, but it's not better than the rest

Linear shit.
Maps are simple and shit.

I'm speaking relatively, of course you can still break the game doesn't change that it's overall tougher than the others. Also don't talk shit about Ruvas Forest, that level's fun as hell. You basically just have to git gud at dodging, using special attacks and switching glyphs on the fly or you die. A shame the rest of the game doesn't quite live up.

HoD was good and had the swaggiest Belmont.

These two need to team-up and get close.

>Because it's a sidescroller and not a Metroidvania.
The metroidvania aspect is toned down a lot in OoE, and it brings back a lot more of the older 2D action platforming. I was happy with the game, then suddenly The Castle and I'm like, Woah!

I actually felt the game struck a great balance. And I loved the glyph system. Village was also done well for what it was.

Only real criticism I'd make is that the game doesn't deliver enough glyph types/strategies before it ramps up the difficulty curve.

The true problem with OoE is the lack of a whip glyph or unlockable Belmont character.

What game?

How could they ruin her so fucking much? OG Shanoa was a great design already

It went from this

>that filter

It didn't, it was my favourite DS Castlevania.

The anime artstyle wasn't a good choice for the series and OoE got it right. Map was simpler, but weapons and weaknesses were fun. Fusing weapons and shit was cool. Albus was the coolest guy.

Cutting Shanoa's should be considered a crime.



I just cannot get over how good OOE's art is, shit looks gothic as FUCK







>Dracula starts to walk

It's not a SotN clone.
Nevermind it has the best aesthetic in the entire series (granted, borrowing a shitload of assets like every CV game does).
Nevermind the amazing OST, on par with the best ones in the series.
Nevermind the action system that manages to be more varied than previous games while keeping a solid balance.

If you're not stuck in a castle for the entirity of the game with a very restrictive sequence of objectives just so you can use obscure techniques and glitches to break said sequence, the game is basicaly worthless in the eyes of the average metroidvaniafag.
It's exactly the same with Super Metroid in that series.

Because it is bad.

This could very well have made me throw the DS aganist a wall if I had not seen how to defeat it in a trailer before release.

Still a hard as fuck boss during the first playthrough.

>Dracula starting to realize he's losing to a woman