Turn this game from an 8.8 into a 10/10

Turn this game from an 8.8 into a 10/10

Hard mode: without removing the wolf

I turn it into BotW it wouldn't even remove the wolf

A better question would be how to fix WW.

Cut out anything that slows down or completely pauses gameplay when it's not needed. Have Link quickly go back and forth between wolf and human by pressing a button for example. Wolf Link is faster so dodging is easier when it would otherwise be almost unavoidable if a threat is faced as a human.

>side quest
>more point to fields than just a space between a-b
>items have more use outside dungeons
>rework twilight world "dungeon"

twilight dungeons instead of finding light orbs

Replace it with Okami.

Remove the enemy encounter music while Midna's lament is playing when you take her to the castle.

>Have Link quickly go back and forth between wolf and human by pressing a button for example
TPHD already did that.

Better dungeons, more customizable boat to deal with different threats in the ocean, make the ocean a threat in the game like having certain areas more dangerous or difficult to sail in. Make some islands bigger and have more shit in them like windfall, the forsaken fortress, and similar main islands. Cut off or improve others.

Introduce Fast Sailing earlier on for anyone who dislikes the sailing aspect.

Remove Triforce Fetchquest of End-Game. Add in two new dungeons.

WAY easier than fixing TP.

Getting a second hookshot blew my mind. I was disappointed at first but then swinging around like spiderman was awesome

Remove Wolf
I honestly can't think of anything else, the rest of the game is solid, the wolf parts are just jarring and belong in a different game, aka Okami
Same for Sanic Werehog

>Hard mode: without removing the wolf
Okay then

Wolf stays in but the tear collecting is gone


Not fast enough, and limit this ability somehow without making it tedious to have to activate it.

The only major flaws this game had were a slow start and the wolf.

just played this game on the cemu for the first time
seriously, that's what all the hype was about?
it's a game literally made for children, and if you enjoy it as an adult you're probably not very smart. It's simplistic to the core, and the only thing it does right is the feeling of progression, but in that short spam 10yo way.

literally a 7 out of 10 at fucking best

Have a cutscene skip button from the beginning. I think you can skip these after the first playthrough but it should be available.

The problem with outright removing the Wolf is that the game just basically becomes another OoT but grittier. And considering OoT is basically already a 3D remake of aLttP, removing the Wolf gameplay instead of improving it or fixing other areas of the shitfest just leads to the question of why the game exists at all.

Completely rework the game's pacing so that the first three dungeons don't take forever and force you to explore each new environment twice before getting to them and so that the rest of the game isn't the complete opposite with barely any content inbetween dungeons. I have issues with the dungeons themselves, but they're pretty minor compared to how fucked up the general pacing of the game is. Not an easy thing to rework, admittedly, the game doesn't feel cohesive at all.

Make the wolf faster and have a more dynamic attack scheme. Throw in some bosses that have to use both sword and wolf to take them down.


Add female Zelda wolf

With the wolf, yeah it's a lot easier to fix WW.

Nobody going to mention the shitty, bland, boring overworld? Add some fucking life to that shithole, or at least give us things to do or explore.

That should priority #1.

>don't take forever
I meant "don't take forever to reach".

Make wolf form something other than "link but you do less". Maybe something along the lines of Bayonetta transformations except they have more uses.

Oh, that's easy.

>more sidequests, a LOT of them
>more content out in the overworld
>rework the overworld map into something less constrictive and perhaps add new biomes
>completely revamp the entire tutorial segment
>change the story; either get rid of Ganondorf and keep Zant (but make Zant less of a joke) or get rid of Zant and keep Ganondorf
>give the improved combat more utility
>make sure the game ISN'T laughably easy
>make the dungeons less linear

Did I miss anything?

Actually, fuck it, just scrap the whole game and make it BotW instead. It even has the wolf already.

1. remove all loading screens between areas on the world map, doorways in dungeons, and doorways into homes
this isn't 2005 anymore and there is no excuse for nintendo to not know how to procedurally load interconnecting areas

2. revamp wolf links combat prowess and add more challenging twili enemies for wolf link to engage.
possibly outsource this to platinum

3. add more enemies types earlier on, and add new, harder enemies towards the end of the game that require the use of advanced techniques or dungeon items
for example, a dark nut that link can only remove the armor from by spinning around it on the spinner

4. make all cutscenes pausabile and skipable
make the tutorial skippable as well by allowing link to leave town right away, with a three part prompt warning them they may be leaving unprepared

5. increase link, wolf link, and enemies running speed

6. allow link to hold midna down and rub his balls on her tummy while she cries and begs him to stop while zelda watches from her tower silently while nodding as if to say, yeah link, you finally became a man.

This. Okami's wolf was a lot more fluid with combat and running wasn't hampered like in TP.

Yeah as I was reading all I could think was that you were describing BotW haha

im pretty sure this game turned me into a furry

>No long ass intro.
>Combat actually gets harder as you progress, the sword skills you learn should be more useful.
>Bosses that aren't easy as hell.
>Either make Zant the actual villain or make him less of an annoyance and more of a threat.
>Dungeons are more free and less linear.
>More uses and abilities for the wolf, and let you change into it with the press of one button and no Midna dialogue.

Remove Midna, she is nothing but a forced tutorial that lasts all game long, fucking 100% pure casual shit.
Remove all the forced collecting quests, bug hunting is fine since it's optional.
Increase the difficulty of the bosses and enemies.
Shrink the barren overworld or add more secrets, either way it's fairly empty.
Reduce wolf mode down as much as possible to exploration, no combat, it's basically in auto.
There, now you have an enjoyable game that doesn't play itself or make you grind but that's never happening, Zelda is intentionally made so that the most casual of player can beat it and never get stuck.

It's not been hype since 2006 m8. MM is considered the last good Zelda by people who weren't kids when WW/TP came out and also was coincidentally the N64 was still a time when kids games were still challenging because all games were considered kid shit. Should have played TP on Hero(Hard) Mode if you were doing it on CEMU at least. Never play the Gamecube games as your intro to the series.

Take TPHD, make the standard damage output 4x a la Hero Mode/Ganondorf amiibo, and actually rebalance the AI to be more aggressive, defensive, and not so easily broken by hidden techniques. Optionally, trim down the bug hunts even more, though personally I find the hate for them to be hilariously overblown.

What you're asking is impossible. Between the awful lack of difficulty, the forced tutorials, the shitty brown overworld and the fucking stupid plot, there's no way you can ever make Twilight Princess a 10/10 game. You might as well just erase the whole concept.


>there is no excuse for nintendo to not know how to procedurally load interconnecting areas
But they do, check Breath of the Wild. Unless you're saying they should've done away with loading screens in TPHD.

>Remove Midna
remove yourself faggot
if anything, you should play as midna, swapping between amazonian big slut mode for fighting enemies and tiny imp in need a pimp whore mode for solving puzzles and getting fat dicks in every hole

there's no excuse for hyrule field to still be broken up into seven parts seperated by loading screens

Considering the dungeon design in WW is hot garbage, not to mention the spread of content makes the game feel padded as all fuck, it really isn't. To fix WW would entail rebuilding it into a good game.

>there's no excuse for hyrule field to still be broken up into seven parts seperated by loading screens
In which game, Twilight Princess? I know, if they remade it now they should totally make everything interconnected with no loading screens. I was just arguing that Nintendo has indeed learned how to do that since 2006.

The way it handled items was a bit refreshing. Could be on par with LTTP if enemies did as much damage as they did in LTTP. That you have to play it twice to unlock that feature as a hard mode is real lame. I don't know why Nintendo has to gate their hard modes. If toddlers pick it by accident they can always restart on Easy/Normal. Still the best handheld we've got in a while.

>Remove tear collecting, replace with smaller, wolf only dungeons
>improve Wolf mechanics, maybe make it so some items can be used by midna like the boomerang, bombs and clawshot
>enemies are harder, do more damage
>fast travel any time, no someone-can-see-you bullshit
>revamp graphics and maybe art style entirely so it doesnt look like shit 10 years in
>Improve soundtrack, an actual orchestra instead of MIDI
>give rupees an actual use, add shops you can donate to and improve their inventory or some shit

Overhaul the entirety of WW's overworld. WW would be universally despised if they pointed the ocean green and called it a field. It's not interesting or fun.

Redesign every single dungeon in the game except for Tower of the Gods, WW has the worst dungeon design of any Zelda game, 2D and 3D.

The dungeon design in TP is hot garbage too, don't even pretend otherwise.

People were just more forgiving of TP's dungeons because A. there were more of them, and B. they were thematically nicer. A perfumed turd is still a turd though.


>>Remove tear collecting, replace with smaller, wolf only dungeons

what about turning the towns into twisted twili realm versions of themselves as mini dungeons in the style of silent hill?

The game is boring as fuck. Bland empty environments.

Be more specific. How would you overhaul WW's overworld?

>More canoeing
>Bigger town with more shit in them
>Ability to play as zelda
>Difficulty setting on new game
>More sword enemies like the mini boss of the sand temple
>Snow mountains greately expanded maybe a town or two in the mountains there
>Expanded fishing area with more fish
>More NPCs the world is a little bleak
>No loading between hyrule field

Remove midna

Remove artists and hire new artists that can follow concept artists instead of every 3d model looking like genetic accidents

Make wolf look like an actual wolf instead of some hybrid disney dog with an octopus for a head.

Compose real music for it instead of midis

make the story about link.

Really it was less work to make this game good than the actual effort they added onto it to do the wolf and write the entire story around midna.

I love how you can't even just talk about Twilight Princess on Sup Forums without somebody instantly popping up and going "B-BUT WIND WAKER!"

Even Tower of the Gods has a fucked first half with the fixed interval water level shifting slowing everything the fuck down.

Is there a way to play Twilight Princess without buying an overpriced paper weight?

More like how do you turn the entire zelda series from a 5/10 to a 10/10

Remove Midna

Remove sailing

give it a WW paint job and it would instantly go up to 9/10 easily.

>Remove tears
>Make items useful after the dungeons you get them in
>shrink or cut hyrule field(don't need shit empty space)
>better music

Don't know if that would be 10/10, but it's a start

Gamecube or Wii. Dolphin emulator being the last resort.

All of that except the poopoo brown is tweakable while still being more or less the same game. Difficulty is probably the easiest. Remove flinching and add Hero Mode damage by default. And tweak specific attacks to do a lot more damage. People wouldn't bitch about Morpheel in quite the same way if the swallow was instant death. Some tutorials need to be optional and/or information given is conveyed real time without pausing gameplay (this has been needed since OOT).

Tower of the Gods wasn't that bad. At least it was more thematically interesting than most dungeons in the game.

Well, fuck.

Wrong series, wrong thread.

Incorrect. They're all babygames for children that never evolve meaningfully.

No. When I said "shitty brown overworld", I wasn't just talking about the fact that it's ugly and brown but also the fact that the overworld in general blows so much ass it might as well be completely changed.

People love to shit on WW's overworld and I'm not saying they're wrong, but TP's really isn't much better.

About Zant. Turn him into his Hyrule Warriors counterpart. Give him more scenes, make it clear from the start that he's batshit, don't kill him off before meeting Ganondorf at the end, but show Ganondorf in the flesh slightly earlier and make Zant kiss his ass hardcore.

Then again, I feel like I'm cheating because every Zelda character would be improved in their original games by being turned into their HW selves.

Easy enough.

Insert some actual sequences of fighting alongside the freedom fighters from Telma's bar, instead of just leading the player on and disappointing them time and time again.

1. Make the game harder later on, as the sword moves you gain make later battles far too easy.

2. Give wolf link a wider moveset so he is actually useful and fun to play.

3. Make the spinner actually useful outside of the dungeon you get it in, there is a lot of wasted potential there, the same goes for some other items too.

4. make the tear collection bits shorter or just less repetitive.

Overall though I really liked TP, I probably enjoyed it more than OOT even.

While we're on that note, I don't think we've had a single Zelda overworld that I'd call genuinely good since MM. And I'm not even one of those "muh density" faggots, I just think Termina had more content and shit to do.

>Without removing the wolf

The wolf sections are literally one of the major issues with the game though. Midna humpers need to look past their dog riding furry fantasies and see the hindered gameplay.

TP's design is about as linear but the setpiece elements were FAR better designed. The room by room gameplay was more inspired and the things you did, such as walking up walls via magnetism, making monkey bridges, making soup for a sick yeti, riding along rails on a skateboard-gear thing, or being goddamn Spiderman in the clouds, were just far cooler than anything in WW save maybe the Deku Leaf. Even in its best moments WW's dungeons felt as bland and inoffensive as humanly possible, not a damn thing about them that's memorable. TP actually has some fun with its level concepts.

Make BotW

That's also incorrect. It's never had a Sonic 06 title and at worst has been mediocre at times. All the traditional 2D titles and pre-Gamecube era titles were on par with or were much harder than games marketed towards adults these days (most games of that era were).

WW and TP were better than Termina

Get a Wii U and hack it. Besides the few Wii U games that are worth it, it plays literally every Nintendo game yet up to the Wii. That includes handhelds (not 3DS obviously).

Other than that, dolphin.

That's due to the way the game was structured. They made each corner of the world it's own mini-dungeon and sidequest to make up for only having 4 dungeons in the game.

It was such an integral part of TP, however, that to remove it is to kind of just come out with a completely different game. Another way to interpret this condition is to make it 10/10 while still being recognizably TP.

Midna rides you even when you aren't in wolf form.

Spend more time with Twili Midna.

Spend more time with imp Midna.


change wolf to cat

I don't feel Zelda has got significantly easier over the years, it's always been pretty easy since A Link to the Past. Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are easier because enemies deal zero damage, I guess.


The magnetism shit was boring, but I suppose I can admit that TP's dungeons had cooler concepts in general. I guess that puts them pretty comfortably above WW's.

They still could have done something about the actual layout, though. A lot of them just had me feeling like I was moving from point A to point B and the puzzles honestly weren't all that interesting.

>more sidequests
>have more interaction within hyrule
>make wolfmode a little bit cooler
>stop changing the fucking music during midnas latement!

Midana Midna Midna.


>stop changing the fucking music during midnas latement!

MatthewMatosis pls go

Most games were harder back in the day because they punished mistakes more severely. Sure you can say if enemies did less damage that the game would be easy but that's also like saying classic Castlevania would be easy if there were no knockback (it would, you'll die from being hit into a bottomless pit more than being whittled down by enemies). It is what it is. You'll at least die in LTTP and the gameboy games. It also didn't suffocate the player with tutorials or linearity.

>Add sprint button from Skyward Sword
>Wolf form should be able to maul enemies whilst they're on the floor
>Triple the amount of hearts all enemies do damage to (If this is too hard after testing double it)
>No heart drops
>Skyward sword quick weapon switching and inventory
>Shorten the entire beginning segment in the village
>Voice acting
>Make that one segment where you have to fish for the smelling red fish more easy to find/figure out because I had to use a walkthrough
>Have NPCs like telma not become irrelevent half way through

Magnetism was better when you could glitch the iron boots off in the original versions. I don't think you can in the HD version, though.

This, Twilight Princes but all the wolf sections replace with Okami would have been a 10/10 game.

Make hidden skills worth finding
Arbiter Grounds preceded by Gerudo town
Kakariko renewal side-quest
Infinite spinner skate-boarding
no light-orbs, gaining access to dungeons is more about NPCs letting you in, like OoT
More Twilight Realm exploration/development. Make it an alternate world like aLttP's darkworld
No horse-fight vs Ganon

Remove Midna and put a worthwhile character in.

Be honest, how disappointed were you when it turned out Ganon was the main villain again?

>add procedural generated content
>add crafting
>add survival
>make it an early access
>make it for pc

10/10 on steam

Shorten the tutorial/pre-wolf from 3 hours to 1 hour.


Put dungeons in it, I'm sure it should work.

Being able to use a sword as wolf link. Just have Midna materialize it in his mouth or something, pull a Sif.

fuck you

He's heavily foreshadowed so not in the slightest. I know TP doesn't have the most compelling story but seriously, this is the dumbest criticism of it out there.

what's with the garbage opinions here

All it really needs is waifus. Let Link choose a girl to marry, then they can become a wolf too and have cubs with different colors and powers depending on who you chose.

Midna and Zant are the only decently fleshed out characters in TP, and even then Zant barely makes the cut.

I thought you were saying take the OOT route then I realized you were taking the Fire Emblem route.