Video Games Set In Australia

Are there any video games (other than sports) that are set in Australia? If so are they any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

Mad Max?

team fortress 2 on Goldrush

Beneath a Steel Sky. Pretty good game

beneath a steel sky, from memory.

I like Beneath a Steel Sky

WA Noire


horizon 3

There was a level in the original Rainbow Six that was set in Australia, I recall.

Forza Horizon 2

Front Mission 3 had like 2-3 levels in the Australian desert.

Ty games


>Found guilty for treasonous crimes by a religious court
>exiled as a prisoner to a hostile and uninhabitable continent
>filled with animals and other monsters that are out to kill your ass dead
>everyone is white except for the natives who are burly, dark, and ugly

It's literally Australia.

The new Hitman game should have an Australian mission

A lot of Gundam games are set in Ausiland

have to kill a poli, just walk up shoot them in the face. get free drinks from everyone as you walk away through a cheering crowd

the latest forza
TY obviously
I can think of a few more like point and click games but not much else

escape from woomera

ur a cunt for even suggesting that a game set in 1947 Los Angeles is in Australia

Full of wildlife memes. You can push your target into crocodiles or lure them into the path of a shredded kangaroo.

>Los Angeles

nigga I said WA Noire

Imagine the banter, bump into an NPC 'what are you doing ya bald headed poof'

It would be perfect

But set where? I can't think of anything unique that would be accurate for Hitman.

>Objective: Destroy non-alcoholic beer
Name a game that has a level more Australian than this.

Anything from Melbourne MCG, a sporting match event, Sydney Harbor, outback desert with a research lab

Entirely set in Australia.

I think an outback map would be too bland honestly.

Imagine a sporting match mission that goes something like this. Although, for one like link related, it'd probably be better suited in some country like the video.

The Pub With No Beer starts playing

I think outback map would be cool. A bunch of tents set up for a research lab and then some swamp land type area with crocodiles and stuff

>Are there any video games (other than sports) that are set in Australia?

Mad Max.

>If so are they any good?


based on the old movies or new movie?

Did Rainbow 6 do the sydney olympics thing, or was that just in the book?

I guess that could work



>those accurate roadsigns

It's not based on any movie
I'm not well-versed enough in the movies to tell you which one it's most similar to though.

Syphon Filter 3 had a level that was pretty much a couple of tents in the desert.

you had to innoculate natives or something


>That fucking spin


Ty the Tasmanian Tiger you fucken bastards

Yeah that's what I thought as well, the bush makes for some interesting visuals that'd be cool to see in a game.

Holy fucking shit



Crash Bandicoot 1