Currently playing and loving Atelier Sophie on Steam, just learned that Firis is also being released on Steam

Currently playing and loving Atelier Sophie on Steam, just learned that Firis is also being released on Steam.

Are sonyggers on suicide watch?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why aren't you playing this at 4k?

Because my 2nd monitor is a tv and that tv is 720p

Play it at 4k anyways. It'll look prettier due to downsampling

For everyone having CPU issues for NoA or Sophie there's a community fix currently.
Download the one you need and put the one core DLL inside your game folder with the exe.
Fix came from here.
Tested on NoA and previous 70% CPU and 50 degrees core went to 25% CPU stable 40 degrees.

>mfw the sonyggers in every Sophie thread shitting on the game saying its shit now because we got it on PC

stay mad

This game is so good, I'm a neptunia person who never got to experience these games (because lel buying a ps4) but I'm loving it

How do I even make it 4k?

People were shitting on Sophie long before the PC version was announced.

By selecting it in the settings menu. I have a 1080p monitor and these are my settings

oh I see, yeah it doesn't allow me to go above 1920.

Btw here's my team 8 hours in r8me

Ive been playing one of the ps1 atelier games. dont remember the name but it was some blonde wizard and an angel lady. Wanna say his name is claude. Should I keep playing the old ones first or just skip ahead to a specific one?
considering a ps3 for this series as well

>I'm a neptunia person
>likely started playing on PC since he said he didn't own a PS4 or PS3 to play said games

Probably just jump forward like I did

>every Atelier thread is people shitting on the games after Ayesha
>lel you guys loved Sophie until it came to PC
Every thread.

>Are sonyggers on suicide watch?
Can you fuck off with your shitposting? Either have a proper disucssion about the game or don't.

Ye I started with rebirth 1, played all the nep games and bought them all

>I'm a neptunia person
I find it bizarre that they are people proud of their shit taste.

>Are sonyggers on suicide watch?

Considering we had the game for a whole year (two years for non-EOPs), will also be getting subsequent GUST games, and will be the only ones getting NiOh and Blue Reflection, I don't see why I should kill myself.

Its possible to discuss video games without shitposting

>I'm a neptunia person

that doesn't surprise me one bit

suicide watch? why would i want to keep great games away from a fellow weeb?

weebs stick together

>Sophie is one of the best Ateliers in recent memory
>sonyggers bombing the thread calling it shit because they lost it to the PC crowd

I like you

Enjoying NoA before playing Sophie.

Atelier fans have been hating on Sophie even before getting announced for pc.

Also PC were shitting on weeb games till those come to pc.

Sup Forums is one person

I remember Neptunia and Atelier threads being shitposted and saged to death 5 years ago

Why they be mad? It's still pretty much an exclusive since no one fucking bought it

>S-Sophie is good you're just mad because it came on PC
>implying Atelier fans werent shitting on it even when it was on PS4/V
I pity PCfags


Oh come on, you only say that to me but I saw lot of hate toward weeb games before their PC announcement, suddenly the worst Atelier is good and of course no one say nothing to this one

Arland Trilogy would be nice.

also: I bought Nights of Azure instead of Sophie. Not sure I made the right choice, but oh well, atleast I have lesbians and big tits.

I would say since Atelier Shallie also it seems that Atelier Firis is an Ubisoft game, full of bugs.

>Atelier Firis
Firis was a complete trainwreck not only it was full of bugs it also tried to appeal to both time-limit and nontime-limit fans but in the end caught the attention of neither

What makes you think it's going to be ubisoft?

The game is boring, empty and glitched.

GUST needs to come back to Mana Khemia and stop the pandering shit and trying to please a casual audience who don´t buy their games.

>Mysterious series


Doesn't look that hot. And why does it have shit graphics?

The first is your opinion, and are you basing glitchiness off of pre-patches for glitches or post patch?

Nah GUST is going to try to see if Blue Reflection or NoA becomes their next cashcow at least they had the decency of delaying them to improve quality although they did the same with Firis and turned out to be bad

Gust Sonyggers killed themselves after ther shitbox lost Gust. The rest are shitposting in these threads, saying stuff like "these games are shit!"

I didn´t know it was patched, though since Shallie Atelier seems uninspired. They should bring the original Atelier to Steam, Totori is very good.

They should just leave the pandering yuri shit to Blue Reflection and make more Mana Khemia.

This is my wife Corneria. She's a bit shy.

Say something nice about her

Playing this on Vita right now. Should I get Logy or Shallie next? I avoided Sophie because the reviews were bad since day one

Sophie has been critized since before coming to pc.

Oh come on

You have to set it up in the nvidia control panel I think its called DSR, no idea if AMD can do it.

I never played it I was asking you, if they never did patch the glitches that's obviously shitty, but if they patched it then how bad could the game be?

weeb games on PC:

>No Fate/Extella
>No Dragonquest 7 Remake
>No Xenoblade 2
>No Xenoblade Chronicles X
>No Trails Of Cold Steel
>No Monster Hunter
>No Star Ocean 5
>No Sword Art Online
>No Tales of Xilla
>No Tales Of Hearts R
>No Demon Souls
>No Dragonquest 11
>No Final Fantasy XV
>No Bravely Default
>No Catherine
>No Fire Emblem
>No Pokemon
>No King Of Fighters 14
>No Nioh
>No Etrian Odyssey
>No World Of Final Fantasy
>No Ace Attourney
>No Ni No Kuni
>No Dragonquest Builders
>No Persona 5
>No Persona 4 Golden
>No Persona 4 Dancing All Night
>No Root Letter
>No Dragon Quest 10
>No Danganronpa 3
>No Gran Turismo
>No Shin Megami Tensei 4
>No Shin Mgemai Tensei 5
>No Professor Layton
>No Yokai Watch
>No Fantasy Life
>No Ar Nourge
>No Valkyria Revolution
>No Gravity Rush Remastered
>No Gravity Rush 2
>No Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD
>No Kingdom Hearts 2.8
>No Kingdom Hearts 3
>No Gundam Versus
>No Gundam Breaker 3
>No Gundam VS Force
>No Gundam SD G Generation Genesis
>No Super Robot Taisan OG Moon
>No Digimon Cyber Slueth
>No Digimon Next Order
>Nier PC release date canceled
>No Dynasty Warriors Godseekers
>No Soul Sacrifice Delta
>No Dead Or Alive Extreme 3
>No DJ Max Technika Tune
>No Superbeat Xonic
>No Atelier Shallie
>No Atelier Eshca & Logy
>No Atelier Arland Triology
>No Dragons Crown
>No Muramasa Rebirth
>No Grand Kingdom
>No Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>No Caligula
>No 13 Sententials
>No Valkyria Revolution
>No Yakuza 0
>No Yakuza Kiwami
>No Yakuza 3,4,5
>No Yakuza 6
>No Freedom Wars
>No Soul Sacrifice Delta
>No Hatsune Miku Project Diva f
>No Hatsune Miku Project Diva X
>No Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone
>No The Last Guardian
>No Bloodborne
>No Hot Shots Golf
>No Knack 2

I literally compensate by shitting on Sony and think running Vita games at 4k makes the game better because I am desperate to justify my hardware and bought it at a time when I didn't understand the transition between last and current gen and now beg for games

Try Ayesha, then Escha and Logy. Shallie has to be the plus version because it close the Dusk Saga and also add extra story and Ayesha, Escha and Logy characters.

noted, thanks.

So give it to me straight, is Sophie worth it? Combat, characters, etc? Mind you I really don't need much to be entertained by a game

I meant Arland saga, though there were more ateliers before. They should port the Iris saga.

This shit right here. Suddenly it is on the PC and it is okay and shouldn't get shit posted to oblivion.

what a suprise, people actually play them now

You guys will get SaGa sometime.

More like a certain group of autists and their thread on /jp/ shitpost Sup Forums atelier threads to oblivion.


>not having a 3DS, Wii u and preordering Switch
Dumb frogposter. The rest will eventually come to PC since there is no such thing as playstation exclusives.

the gust general? Do they really shitpost atelier threads? I tought they only targetted nep threads, and even then, rarely

No Hot Shots Golf
>>No Knack 2
>>No Persona 4 Dancing All Night

Wait, can I play this using m+kb?

How come this game runs like ass? Uses all of my 8 cores at 100%

You could be playing DQB,WOFF,KH2.8,GR2,YAKUZA0,BB,NIOH right now! But you choose to play ports of games I could already play!


Also yes that is right but I have other things to play in the mean time before saga comes.

I do though

But is true, in fact the Atelier saga has been critized since Shallie.

>I'm a neptunia person
hand in hand

Keyboard, yes

mouse, no

what do you mean?

Back then you just could not talk about them.
The threads were basically
>Fuck to /jp/
>Fucking weeaboo
>Fuck off

gustposters were shat on so much they had to take refuge in /jp/

No such thing happened.

Nep is another game that used to be a PS exclusive but then got ported to PC causing Sonyponies untold amounts of asshurt.

TFW I get to play the best versions of
>Nier Automata
>Tales of Berseria
>Atelier Sophie
>Atelier Firis
>Ni No Kuni II
>Ace Combat 7
>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
>Monster Monpiece
>Tokyo Xanadu Ex+
>Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo
>Disgaea 2
>Ultra Despair Girls
>Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
>Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
>999 HD
>Virtue's Last Reward HD

I like Tales, will I like this game?

Yeah, same with the holocaust.

>people actually saying Sophie is good

Sophie is one of the worst Atelier games.
I know pcboys are deluded since they never got to play the others but cmon.

>tfw get to play the best versions of pic related


>LOOK AT DIS NEP threads
>Uni is my Universe!!!!

>PC gets it

>lol nep is a shitty kusoge anyway

So you've never been in an Atelier thread since Dusk, alright.

>not having a 3DS, Wii u and preordering Switch
>since there is no such thing as playstation exclusives
Neither Nintendo exclusives since two of the systems you mentioned are close to be fully emulatable on PC oh wait you're a shill nvm

For some reason I tought you were reffering to "war" between the series, don't ask me how I got that, it's fucking late
I really don't get why some atelierfags or nepfags try to shittalk the other though, both series are pretty similiar and fun

Hey I can run Sophie at 4k so the game is better. Suck it! PC Master Race

Nep has always been a kusoge.

Go away falseflagger-kun

Ye, the combat system reminds me a lot of Lost Odyssey though

Like clockwork.

>Responding to obvious bait
Why bother

so this how plebians argue, tfw sitting comfy with my SE ateliers with my consoles and pc

>I'm a neptunia person
that explains why people are so impressed by sophie

you casuals better not ruin this series for us.

I forgot we aren't supposed to like video games :(

>pot calling the kettle black

When will you admit Nintendo and Sony consoles have superior Japanese gaming support than PC. Hell even the consoles you do get ports from like PS3,Vita have better libaries too and running PS2 games at higher resolutions doesn't substitute a better library of Japanese video games.

Hell you used to love games like Kingdom Hearts and Nier yet now you're desperate to justify PC hardware that you settle for games like Sophie and Azure and think running ports at higher resolution makes games better or justifies the lack of proper Japanese support

Nintendo + Sony consoles take a dump on PC.

Re-used assets for the majority of the games, including animations, dungeons, backgrounds, and voice clips.
The games were made on a budget and are kusoge. That doesn't mean they aren't sometimes fun but the game quality is poor.

The only one I wouldn't call a kusoge is VII, but even that re-used a few dungeons.

the girl on the right is a qt

how much screen time does she get? I might buy her game


You can keep your shitty Atelier.
And keep your hands off Arland at Dusk.

Not really much, but she's in your party from the start.

When will Battlechili realize he fell for the master race meme at the worst time when most people were growing out of it. When will Battlechili start enjoying the games on his own platform a.k.a PC games instead of begging to play console ports on PC hardware?

PC Masta race was legit years ago when it has a thriving library. Relying on consoles for ports was the antithesis of the masta race.

When will Battlechili finally grow up and out of the masta race and buy platforms that have all the games he likes?

>Re-used assets for the majority of the games, including animations, dungeons, backgrounds, and voice clips.
Huh, I had no idea the SRW franchise was considered kusoge
Let's end this here, last thing I want is argue with people over spelling of potato