Why don't attractive women generally not approve of anime?

Why don't attractive women generally not approve of anime?

Anime as well as asian women are the instinctual sworn enemy of white females.

It detracts from attention they could be possibly getting and therefore they deem it a threat

Same with videogames

They know they're inferior.

They are used to attention.

They dont get it when your attention is on something else thats also attractive to you, and view it as a threat.

But they have an advantage. The girls on the screen are in a different dimensional plane than you are.

So they dislike and react in disgust to 2d so as to pull your attention away from it and back to them knowing they have more immediate influence over you because you can interact with them, and not with 2d.


Also anime girls have really large breasts, and boob envy is real.

>because you can interact with them, and not with 2d
>implying most of Sup Forums doesn't interact more with 2d girls than 3d girls

If man-hating games existed and women masturbated to them you'd be mad as fuck.

That's a double negative.

You're asking why attractive women generally approve of anime.

They don't.

Imagine being a girl and watching an anime where all the girls are clumsy as fuck, constantly showing their panties, on accident, slavering over some non-personality-insert for his cock, and generally cow-towing to the lowest common denominator, while somehow coming off as "desirable" to the audience.

It'd be like waking up in an alternate universe where everything on TV is ugly Betty, and she always gets the guy, and every guy is a Chippendales dancer in his off-hours that is studying for his medical doctorate and is half-black.

You'd watch one episode and say "What is this shit? Why the fuck does he half to be studying for his medical degree? Why the fuck would he be a Chippendales dancer and why the FUCK is he going for the ugly, fat chick?"

>man-hating games

What does this even mean?

What does that have to do with anything?

And they already perform cunnilingus on each other over hating men, how is that any different?

why would I care what people fap to?

Not all anime is like that, many anime characters are very capable women who happen to be sexy as fuck.

I hate anime and so does my girl we constantly clown on weekend feelsgoodman

>a dimension where real women never bother me
I'd buy a one-way ticket 2bh.

You sound like you're from tumblr who thinks both genders are completely equal in all ways.

So, they do approve it?

Did i walk into tumblr? no?

Fuck off with your hate.

Because being an attractive women generally means you end up being popular and being popular means you have to keep up appearances and not like things that aren't popular.

Shoujo/otome anime exists in incredible excess
But instead of Chippendales dancers they're abusive sociopaths with massive hands and instead of ugly Bettys they have plain girls with the personality of a wooden board

A woman's main purpose is to be attractive and get fucked and that's reflected in our media, especially in countries that haven't been catering to the cesspool of triggered feminists. That comparison doesn't work because the reversal wouldn't apply to males.

That is incorrect.

What did he mean by this?

Wait, how is Senran Kagura, or anime in general, woman-hating?

Anime finds perfection in one dimension less than the competition.
This isn't rocket science.

lol, you just fell for it hard. It's a crowd of women and because there's 1 that looks okay, you somehow think that the rest aren't fat and ugly.

Even the one that looks okay is fat

It's only blonde white girls.

Most other girls don't mind anime

Why do you gave wanna be liked by blondes and not superior brunettes and redheads

Because they think it's all the same shit like this dumb bitch

>wife plays video games and watches anime
>is short/petite
>doesn't have body envy but can relate to when flat chest are insulted

>If white people were enslaved and kept in poverty, they'd be just as violent as black people!

not how it works

Wew lad

Women hate other women including fictional women. Men evolved to be competitive but to work together. You had to work together to hunt. Women did not need to work together to survive. They evolved to be whiny cunts and watch a baby.


>le weeb girls are ugly meme

I dont know where you live, but here in tacoland the most attractive of them are the cringiest of all weebs

How are anime titty games woman-hating?

I know fujos masturbate to yaoi shit and Free, and I don't hate women for it.

Boy do I have some shit to tell you

I wish I could find a cringy weeb girl at my college, but I kind of also don't want to date any of the girls here because I live in California.

>release ninjas fighting each other with hot masculine male ninjas
no one gives a shit
>release ninjas fighting each other with hot feminine female ninjas

no, people would be happy if they just fapped and not opened their legs to everyone. if anything, what you said would be ideal -- minus the man-hate thing because there really aren't "woman-hating" games

This image terrifies me. I dont know what it is but theres some deep seeded fear that awakens in me when I look at this.

>buy PSVR
>come home one day
>in the spot where my PSVR was 400 dollars
My girl sold my PSVR for me when I was at work. It's whatever, I still get pussy.

Because they're entry-level so-le-nerdy bazinga types or are they more fedorian?

You do understand that anime is a mdeium for telling stories. Instead of getting angry at what guys watch for escapism, just go look for something that interests you.

I don't bitch about women watching soap operas.

She was eliminating the threat

reminder that fujoshit is fucking huge and ever-growing in nipland

as someone who is 8 years together with a Japanese women , you are retarded.

Attractive men generally don't approve of it either.

I'm so sorry.

is this you?

She knows her days are numbered

women are more apposed to video games than gookshit. not vidya

It's whatever, I'm finishing my Associates this semester.

Halfway there.

>It's whatever, I still get pussy.
Hers or someone else's? This is important.

But user, they don't exist. Hence, your logic doesn't matter.

Because most animes are cringey as fuck. I would never admit to watch them in front of my normie friends

It's seen as something that exists to pander to unnatractive lonely men, and as such, women look down on it so they can feel justified over hating/mocking/rejecting those men without feeling shallow or bad about themselves.

Because it's stupid ass garbage and for dumb obese white nerds and there's no other way to explain it. It just truly sucks ass. All of it.

>women bitching about things like Senran Kagura, Bayonetta, etc. Japan being a problem.
>bring up fujo and otome as genres that are just as big in Japan

That statement is wrong and depends solely on if you find 14 year olds attractive.


Hers, kinda obvious.

Prove it

No you're not. You don't even know what part of California and it's the biggest state behind Texas and Alaska.

Here comes the part where you pretend to intimately know every one of its major cities.

Honestly, because things like fan service and tentacle hentai are well known eniugh to cause all the wrong kinds of rumors.

IE: they all think anime is all like that.

jezus christ Sup Forums

>Not having weeb and Japanese friends

Your life must suck.

Sell something she enjoys while she is away. Something that might take her attention off of you.

What's so woman-hating about a wish-fulfillment fantasy about having a cute robot girl falling in love with an avarage and or unnatractive man?

I just wanted to make sure I wasn't mistaken about what a spineless faggot you are. Holy shit. She sells something you own on a whim and you actually let her get away with it?

theres more to women than what they like user, if she isnt disgusted by your deviant vietnamese porn shes on the right track


Correct, they hate competition.

It's quite gay. This board is about videogames.


>being absolute retards with each other talking about kill la kill over lunch
weeb friends are the best

the Sup Forums stands for
Sup Forumsery cute gays

>theres more to women than what they like user
It's less about what people like than it is about how they act.

Anime games typically only show women as retarded and incompetent and tell the consumer it's "perfection".

Now imagine if it was done to men and that shit was produced on so large scale it'd be called a "culture". You'd be mad.

Best part is one of my friends is half black half jap, so I get the best of all worlds.

Underrated desu

>reminder that women will always hate things more beautiful than themselves.

What are you talking about? What does that have to do with anything he said.

this desu... i hacked my 3ds and downloaded the senran kagura games. they're fun but i would honestly just jump off the nearest cliff if ANYONE found out

2D is perfection, they are afraid.

No they don't.

Then why do a lot of women tend to gravitate towards the tenchi muyo series?

>You'd be mad.
you'd be wrong
i'd be laughing

>implying Jojos isnt the shit

gb2tumblr you fucking abomination

>all aging white roasties

>This much generalization

Provide some specific examples we can actually discuss or fuck off.

I'm all for shitting on envious women, but she doesn't even look as good as a girls generation girl. She just has a cute face and the criticism is spot on.

>Anime games typically only show women as retarded and incompetent and tell the consumer it's "perfection".

Not even fan-service shit does that nowadays.

Yes and that girl looks better than all of them but what's your point?

back to le tumblr

same reason you don't approve of shit like Twilight

>Now imagine if it was done to men and that shit was produced on so large scale it'd be called a "culture".
They do, it's called "harem."

Romance novels/movies with Chad love interests (see: 50 shades of gray) are the female equivalent of fanservice video games.
And yes, women masturbate to them.

t. mad roastie

I agree that she's not the definition of what the norm 'beautiful' usually coincides with, but she is cute, attractive, and way better looking than any of those giving criticism.

i was about to post this because i was disappointed in the fact that no one did. you can't help but feel bad for her when other volleyball players complained that she was "too pretty" -- and it even extended to teams giving her a contract. kek women are literally the worst. a lot of them seem take the prettiest and purest one and shame them