post vidya images you never get to post
Post vidya images you never get to post
what the fuck is this real?
are you faggots unironically play this?
Old animation glitch that let you put links model over another characters animations.
So the model and animations are real, but they're not supposed to be together.
oh thanks, at least.
>inb4 retards get triggered by the filename
The only good thing to come from GFWL were these threads.
oh god
Sometimes I wish someone would just make a joke script hack for Fates
it would be better than what we got.
RIP old doritos logo
Mainly out of fear of getting shit on for it.
I just never find/recognize the right time for it.
now imagine ganondorf doing the dance you're welcome
oh god I miss doodle or die
Gre was so based
I can't see how you can't post this gif twenty times a day given the BotW hype.
i'm more powerful than you can even imagine
Make the filename autism and you can post it all day long and actually have one of the classier insult images in this shithole.
I like this image.
ah fuck shit, hurts my hands
Have another, it's on the house.
Dog of Dracula 2
That site is so unbearable nowadays but I always wondered if there's someone still keeping the sharktits dream alive
why is it unbearable?
They shouldn't had made the kingdoms so black and white.
I wouldn't mind the slime monster thing if they had shown us what Garon was like before then and made Hoshido in general not as high and noble. The only one who comes close to being horrible is Yukimura, due to his backstory mentioning that he used to plan his battles out as thoroughly as Nigger and sent countless soldiers to pointless deaths. They could've had him plan a pincher attack during the Sakura chapter and want the Avatar and the Nohrian army to suffer, against the wishes of Sakura.
I never get to show off muh fashion souls
welcome to wild ride simulator
it's RARE.
>dingy robe
Fashionable and good resistances, also I lie how you used the leggings to mix the styles
you know this is low tier fashion souls and yet you give him compliments. you're BETTER than this.
Dare I say it...?
Who's that qt
Some fucking thing from a sprite thread i saved years ago
this is a good image
Steven is so fucking COOL
good fucking times were had with this one.