What studios have legitimately never made a single decent game and should drop off the face of the earth already?

What studios have legitimately never made a single decent game and should drop off the face of the earth already?

You seem to be confusing Team ninja with Ninja Theory.

I know. Common mistake.

>Ninja Gaiden 2 is solid
>Nioh so far feels solid
>Ninja Gaiden Black is a fucking masterpiece and arguable for the best action game along side DMC3SE.

Kill yourself. Nioh is disappointing me in some ways but so far i like it alot and the bosses besides Umifuckingfaggot have been awesome.

I personally have enjoyed dead or alive 3, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Metroid other m so they're ok to me

>Ninja Gaiden
I just want crater face back

DoA is a shitty meme franchise

Its ninja theory who are the ones who need to be dumped in a volcano, not team ninja.
also throw ubisoft on the list, rayman is dumb and all their other shit is absolute trash.

>Look up ninja theory
>DMC, Disney infinity, and other shit you'd find in a bin at a supermarket
What the fuck is this shit


Nigga correct yourself.
It's DmC: Devil may Cry.

Also to add to the thread since OP is a faggot.

Slant Six.

that is actually played by people who like it, and still playing it today with decent prize bonuses and tournies all the time!

where dat meme at bro

ninja gaiden prouves you are wrong fag
but yeah, since hackyashi is in charge, they are mostly shit

Oatmeal-kun wishes he made DOA5. The guy was buttdevastated by the positive reception of the fans. He spent more time shitposting about DOA rather than promote Devil's Turd.

I play another 3D fighter and I do pretty well for myself, won money multiple times and shit

But DoA baffles the fuck out of me. I have respect for Competitive DoA players; the game doesn't really interest me but it seems like you have to have insane matchup knowledge just to play it at a basic level.

My hat's off to you because I cannot wrap my head around that shit.



Should I start the series with Ninja Gaiden, Black, or Sigma?

best not be tekken boy, because that game is all about knowing matchups and what you can actually punish


Without being well versed in either I still feel like matchup knowledge is bigger in DOA though. Every game has punishes and they're always important, but DOA has tons of shit to understand mid-string and what have you. The push-and-pull of the game feels really weird to me.



Why not Sigma?

It's not in those meme action game threads that have it shown with DMC3 and God Hand

>pic unrelated
>revived Ninja Gaiden
>made 2nd mainstream 3d fighter
>made decent musou and AoT games

in after shitters who don't know the difference between original Team Ninja and post-2008 Team Ninja.

Post-2008 Team Ninja is degenerate creatively-bankrupt garbage who have all but been delegated as as third-party discount licensing studio used by Nintendo and Square Enix and even KoieTecmo themselves to assist OmegaForce with equally subpar Musou games.

Not the same studio by spirit or even employees as the 16 year legacy Team Ninja that existed before, who'd been responsible for NG, NGB, NG2, and all the best DOA games before 5.

Sounds like a mad PC fag post

Nah DOA5 was pretty good before the DLC mess
Ni-Oh's great and HW was the best Warriors game in years.

wtf is this shit? does this nigga not even know what ninja gaiden black is?

Newfag to Ninja Gaiden here:

Square Enix

DOA5 sold so badly that their only mode of getting money out of it was the hundreds of dollars of erotic dlc clothing for the sluts and appealing to fetishist neets and weebs. DOA5 sold so badly they could barely fund a DOAX3 which was essentially just DOA5 without the fighting part that wasn't balanced anyway nor was the main draw for the cashcows who'd bought into DOA5 in the first place - relying on copying most animation assets and tech from DOAX2 and not even putting all the female characters into the game.

DOA5 isn't a good DOA game, man. More people shitposted complaints to Itagaki's facebook page about the sorry state of DOA than ever belonged to facebook groups dedicated to DOA5. It was sad in a multitude of ways, the least of which being any of these shitters expecting him to do something about it.

I don't know enough about the mechanics of DOA to say if 5 was good or not but

>Game didn't sell well so it's bad!

is a shit argument

You must be bored and lonely.

Ninja Gaiden 2 is the greatest rushed game in history and a solid game regardless.

Ninja Gaiden Black even if it was their only good game and they released a shit ton of trash which isn't the cast is still a master piece proving OP wrong.

Sup Forums in a nutshell.

its a great argument considering KT paid out to IGN to give a lot of early coverage of the game and push it as the next big tournament fighter during its development with a clearly-way-too-high incentivized review score to boot. For all the coverage the game got, force positive coverage at that with direct TeamNinja funded tournament payouts- the game crashed and burned into obscurity barely a year after release and never once was a stage event at EVO.

Mechanically it was a very unbalanced/poorly designed game for trying to mesh with Virtua Fighter and essentially changing the rules of the entire cast to accomodate the few VF characters, though I hear Sega had a stake in the game so they probably had a say in the mechanics that meant more than it should have.

I'm sorry you live in a world where you think something that is internationally marketed by a multi-million dollar company but sells poorly means that it isn't shit.

>Nah DOA5 was pretty good before the DLC mess

in what world.

>its a great argument considering KT paid out to IGN to give a lot of early coverage of the game and push it as the next big tournament fighter during its development with a clearly-way-too-high incentivized review score to boot. For all the coverage the game got, force positive coverage at that with direct TeamNinja funded tournament payouts- the game crashed and burned into obscurity barely a year after release and never once was a stage event at EVO.

None of this has to do with the quality of the game.

No, sales mean fuck all about quality.

Can you name an example where exquisite quality was paired with poor sales?

your favorite studio.


Vanquish, Shadows of the Damned

Vanquish failed for lack of marketing.

W101 and like a hundred billion other things

I'm not even claiming "exquisite" anyways, I'm arguing your statement that poor sales makes a game bad.

Cool beans, you didn't mention marketing in your question

My original statement included marketing.


doa4 was garbage though

this is what happens when you listen to tourneyfags - the precursor to sfv

>shit taste
Not surprising
You have no excuse

poor sales don't make a game bad
a bad game make poor sales

and thats only after factoring in the marketing lean. if X sells 20 copies worldwide cause it was only ever advertised on a single obscure Tumblr site, it's understandable that perhaps X could be good but still have shit sales. If Y sells 1 million copies worldwide despite paying for positive reviews and incentivized coverage from multiple gaming outlets, marketed internationally - then there is no longer the excuse that it simply didn't reach enough people - and that it's more likely bad news traveled via word-of-mouth or potential consumers saw it somewhere and were turned off, hence a bad game.

If you rerelease the game, but this time remove any unnecessary things that may have held it back originally, or market it better, and it still performs similarly poorly, it's probably even more evidence that it's not exceptional. This happened with Majora's Mask.

relating back to Team Ninja, DOA5 had multiple release versions across multiple platforms, paid reviews, and tons-o-titties, but failed as a competitive fighting game which is really all it should have ever aimed to be. You have some evidence it is bad when DOA5, Plus, Arcade, Ultimate, and Last Round altogether across PS3, Xbox360, PS4, XboxOne, Vita and PC only got like 4 million unique players according to last year's KT shareholder briefing, which included the hundreds of thousands if not millions of free downloads once the game adopted a try-for-free pay-to-upgrade/unlock format with Ultimate. the niggers actually included free downloads of their game as a positive towards shareholders explicitly interested in monetary gains.

>a bad game make poor sales

Not always, but that's closer to the truth than the opposite.

any, if Nioh is actually 9.6 Good that could mean two things: that the post-2008 Team Ninja is finally getting their act together and maybe future games from them can be great again like a Ninja Gaiden 4 or DOA6 - or that they could still possibly be a little shit since Nioh was an idea almost 10 years in the making before nu-teamninja.

I think in the case of the latter, if TeamNinja were still pretty shit then nioh wouldn't actually be great - so either way it would seem they're at least better than they'd been with OtherM, DOA5, NG3, and Yaiba.

MM is good though, that's a direct cuonter to your argument.

To be fair to TN nearly everything shit about Other M can be traced directly back to Sakamoto

No it's not. Drop your nostalgia goggles. It's easily the worst 3D Zelda.

its depressing and mildly irritating with the time management stuff, actually.

If there was some other way they could have justified having a 3 day system without a falling moon that half the characters are visibly distraught over rationalizing their impending doom over, especially one where your social progress is not completely reset every 3 days - it would have been a considerably less depressing and irritating game.

Disagree. MM's fantastic.

Also disagree, don't really see the problem with the impending doom and I liked how you couldn't do everything in the same cycle and all.

>don't really see the problem with the impending doom

You're going to have to elaborate on what's so bad about that m8


Thanks for making me sad, user.

>made 2nd mainstream 3d fighter

More like mainstream dress up game for simpletons thats don't know there are superior alternatives with actual nudity and curvier women.

Compile Heart

What are you, ten?

Gearbox Software.

If sex appeal is an actual selling point for video game to you, there's no way your old enough to browse this site.

Sigma made a lot of fucking retarded changes to fix the framerate (removing number of enemies and making enemies into sponges instead, which makes game easier but tedious), and the Rachel levels are abysmal. It also made the AI worse when they marketed as better, the AI got simplified for the framerate purpose as well.

Ninja Gaiden Black is superior in every way to Sigma aside from the extra content that isn't the above and the slightly improved graphics, Sigma is the definition of a re-remaster made to cash in double on the original.

user, he said exquisite quality. Not another Demon Souls clone.


Probably more I can't think of

>implying Demon's Souls wasn't of exquisite quality

How was DOA1 a Dressup game?

How much do you have to hate fun to think Platinum's never made a good game?

Is it a contrarian thing?


>Is it a contrarian thing?

God Hand, Third Strike, Dustforce

Now Team NINJA is Nioh company


Bungle used to make good games


Ninja theory isn't mainstream.

Guerilla Games

but bethesda made Rage :^))))))))))))))))))))))))


>DOA5 sold so badly

It outsold TTT2 you dumb capcuck now try again.

>KT paid out to IGN

source: your ass


I like Wonderful 101 and I hear bayos really good but I wouldn't miss em. Don't think they should be removed, still a budding company.
Nah they've got the open world explore-kill-loot formula down pat and are great games to turn your head off with. Sucks they keep shirking on the RPG side though lately. No good reason for them to vanish.
>New fucking vegas
Neck yourself, great up and coming company.
Deserve to rot for selling their soul after creating a genre-defining series and throwing it away to a shitshow fan-project-turned-dev-studio to appeal to the career-streamer "Gaming pro" normies and removing anyone involved in their company that ever had a real passion for good sci-fi.
>inb4 times change oldfag they need to make as much money as possible

Fuck bungie.

You're thinking of Ninja Theory, user.