Nioh is getting BTFO in reviews

>nioh is getting BTFO in reviews
>a day after release nobody is talking about it anymore
>can't even get in the top 5 streamed games on twitch even though the biggest streamers stream it

Thank god I didn't fall for the PS4 meme. 4 years after release and still just one game.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cheat Code Central
>Complaining about playing a game fairly
No, but seriously though, it is a Souls clone instead of a Bloodbourne clone.

Isn't it basically just Ninja Gaiden with Samurais though? And I don't mean that in a bad way.

>PCfat this mad he can't play Nioh

>game's strength are in its gameplay rather than ambience
>this is a bad thing


>not enjoying PS2 era souls gaiden reborn

>trusting the Washington Post-op about LITERALLY anything

>top 5 streamed games on twitch
To be fair those faggots have even worse taste than Sup Forums

>Washington Post
>Cheat Code Central complaining a game is too hard

It has many systems lifted straight from souls.
>extreme emphesis of stamina conservation
>Die and you lose your leveling currency, and if you get back to it without dying you get it back
>using the leveling station heals you but respawns all enemies

gonna post mechs

Its top 4 right now on twitch.

I'm more amused that Overwatch is number 3 because people here have such a massive hate boner for it and it didn't fail.

> didn't like it


Still assmad that they gave Uncharted 4 a bad score?

>Literal who
>Fake news site
>Literal who
Wow great sources for reviews!

>I like dying over and over in Dark Souls, that just shows how challenging it is!
>man, this Nioh game is frustrating! I hate dying over and over!
Really gets the brain functioning

Stamina conservation isn't as important as proper use of ki pulsing means there's no need to conserve. The grave/stain and shrine/bonfire things hold up, but they're superficial when compared to the huge differences in combat, aesthetic, level design, enemies, story, and basically the entire design philosophies of both games.

>trusting gayming journalists ever

For real Nioh is just a bad game though.

I still think it's far closer to Souls than Ninja Gaiden though.

T. Poorfag

>but they're superficial

Sorry user, but changing the look and feel of the environment and combat a little doesn't make the core game superficial.

thanks, i just ordered a copy, whenever a game gets shitposted like this it means it's good

Faggot shills were comparing it to Soulsborne.


I don't need a fake method for getting Mew in Pokemon Yellow thanks.

This is a good point

I know OP is just messing around but I'm surprised nobody has even bothered to mention how wrong he is.

Sadly your right.

WTF? They hated the game but still gave it a 60?

Sure, but it's also far closer to Onimusha or Genji than either of them

>Whereas the “Souls” games emphasized ambience and mystery and combat, Nioh’s strength rests solely on its fighting system.

Having gameplay is now a bad thing LOL

Have you ever explained something to a retard and expect it to understand?

I should move over to /vr/ already this board is cancer.

The fuck are you talking about? Are you saying death mechanics and checkpoints are more 'core game' than the combat system, in an action game based around combat?


>Post the only 3 mixed reviews for a highly rated game to 4chin
>Sonyggers get triggered instead of pointing out the game's 55 positive reviews

OH nooooo not the Washington post, where I go for all my video game news!

>Are you saying death mechanics and checkpoints
>the only similarity is death mechanics and checkpoints

How about the leveling system, the loot system, the level design, enemy placement and the way they stand around or pace around doing nothing and the way you even draw aggro. You are so confused by the fucking setting that you don't even understand that it plays very differently to Ninja Gaiden.

Thanks OP there's nobody I trust more than Cheat Code Central, a site I'm honestly surprised has lasted past 2005

>Dark Souls
Any game that grants multiple skillsets to suit different playstyles allows scrubs to grind and get better stats/items to carry them through tougher sections- all with unlimited time- isn't hard, just time consuming. Skill doesn't matter.

A game that forces you to adopt a specific skillset and keeps your power/abilities at a SET level compared to your enemies, THAT'S difficulty. THAT'S something that takes actual skill. And if a time limit's involved, all the better.

It's sad that game developers can't make games like this anymore because stupid casual fucking fags who can't complete it in any way will just return it in droves.

>“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -Rene Descartes

>implying we aren't laughing at those reviews
reviewers could've given it a 1/10 for all I care kek.

>THAT'S difficulty. THAT'S something that takes actual skill

Pressing buttons and twiddling your thumbs isn't difficult or skillful user. Try actually playing a sport or climbing a mountain.

>A game that forces you to adopt a specific skillset and keeps your power/abilities at a SET level compared to your enemies, THAT'S difficulty. THAT'S something that takes actual skill. And if a time limit's involved, all the better.
But that's no fun. Fun gameplay > difficulty.

The only games that are actually difficult are puzzle games.

I can put up with a lot if a game has a good story behind it, but this Nioh doesn't sound very rich.

And I'll tell you what, I wish games would have fewer power chain/combo move things. I love tactical games, but I want tactics that challenge my mind, not my manual dexterity. I just don't have the patience to memorize intricate and complicated control maps and time my button mashing just so, and I don't have the interest necessary to time my abilities to execute chain moves. Having to keep so much brain power tied up in which buttons to push at which precise moment breaks the immersion.

IOW, this does sound laborious to me. I think I'll take a pass.

Let's translate those reviews:
>Too gameplay-ey watch LOU again.