Be me

>be me
>22 years old
>already feel more sluggish playing FPS games
>vision's starting to go to shit, have to wear glasses to even see anything
>wrinkly as shit all of a sudden
>noticing gray hairs on the side of my head

Has the time come?

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That's your shitty lifestyle catching up to you.

Do something user.

Oh Jesus, shut up. We get it, Sup Forums is filled with 20 year olds who wish they were 50.

Hm you're 3 years too early

The average age where people start dropping like you is 25

I can't wait 'til I'm 50. Then I'll finally fit in with all the other gross bastards.

Thanks I'll give it another 3 years then.

get exercise and eat better food you dipshit

It's weird though. You go from being this young fresh cute thing to old and busted.

You gotta wonder what the really old 80 years old feel like

I mean they could have been models but at 80 what are they really

People who are extroverts must be internally screaming since they can't do shit and are ignored

Well I have cancer so part of me is a bit okay with knowing I'll never reach that stage and be culled in my 20s

Are you trying to say you're Old Snake?

Wasn't he like 19 in MGS4?

>using "be me" as 22 years old
>wahhh I feel old

Fuck if I know. I haven't played a MGS game in forever.


>MGS set in 2005
>MGS4 set in 2014
>Snake is infiltrating heavily guarded secret bases and fighting mechs at 10 years old
He was 42 in MGS4

>be me
who the fuck else would you be? you fucking redditor.
go back to /r/Sup Forums

>be 25
>feel and act like an 80 year old

Stop trying so hard to fit in newfag.

Step it up dude. I'm 34 and still dominate in FPS plus I feel just as good as I did in my 20s. You must not be looking after yourself at all.

>be 34
>still living with parents
>never had sex
>hell, i've never even held a girl's hand
>been smoking since i was 13
>extremely underweight, a lot of days i skip eating entirely
>think i might of developed asthma, started wheezing and feeling out of breath all the time
>think my eyesight is going
>constant pain in my lower back
>started getting worse and worse at FPS and fighting games
I don't think I'm going to make it past 40.

>tfw no tactical shotacon action game


>>be me
This is where you fucked up.

£€ *->be me* XD

how to troll Sup Forums

>be over 30
>immune system wants to literally plug my lungs up with calcium blobs so I have to take special anti-immunity and anti-calcium meds all the time
>skinnyfat eating junk food all the time because vitamins and milk are poison lol
>perfect eyesight and hearing
>good enough skin and hair despite using some cheap soap
>never cared about twitchy fps or fightings so can't tell how much more sluggish I got but whenever I play those network lag is still a bigger issue than my reaction
>wondering what's the point of this thread